
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:39:42  阅读 5 次 评论 0 条



  • 谢谢你
  • Thank you for your
  • 骗我的时候用心了
  • Lie to me attentively
  • 谢谢你
  • Thank you for your
  • 骗我的时候费心了
  • Cheat me bother
  • [ Gay friend ]
  • @基友i
  • [ Old friends ]
  • @老友i
  • [ Brother ]
  • @死友i
  • [ Friendship ]
  • @友尽i 
  • Since know
  • -既然心知肚明
  • why so sensational.
  • -何必句句煽情
  • Some people.
  • [ 有些人 ]
  • Leave and leave.
  • [留与不留]
  • Will leave.
  • [都会离开]
  • 我要如何爱
  • how do i love
  • 你才能
  • will you be able to
  • 穿越浮华
  • through the vanity
  • 穿越时光
  • time travel
  • 不虚妄
  • not false
  • 不癫狂
  • don’t madne
  • Sometimes
  • 有时候
  • I wish I could 
  • 我多想
  • go back in time and 
  • 回到过去
  • meet myself as a kid.
  • 去遇见儿时の自己
  • 总有一天你会变强
  • Someday you
  • will be stronger
  • 强到让现在嘲笑你
  • 的人害怕
  • To laugh at your
  •  fear now
  • 若爱请深爱
  • If love please deep love
  • 可我不在你的
  • But I am not in your
  • 未来 
  • futur
  • [ 你毁我清白 。]
  •  You destroyed my innoce
  • [ 却不能给我未来]
  • But can\\\\\\'t give me the
  • [ 我爱你如命。]
  • I love you like life
  • [ 你似当我有病。]
  • Do you like when I am si
  •   ,‐ 、,ˊˋ、
  •   `. Lies ,′
  •    ˋ .ˊ
  •      ┎┑
  •      ╲◤
  • your╰'
  •   unique talent。
  • ˙?...?˙`˙?
  • [美好的曾经] 
  • {Good once} 
  • [心痛的回忆] 
  • {heartache memories} 
  • [浮夸的誓言] 
  • {grandiose oath} 
  • [难忘的少年] 
  • {young to remember}
  • 待我长发及腰时
  •  你为我穿嫁衣
  • 待我满头白发时
  •  你为我穿丧服
  • Lifetime
  •  A world
  •  We are together

qq分组2017女生英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • 我还在路上
  • I was still on the road
  • 追赶你的脚步
  • Chase your footsteps
  • 如果累了
  • If you are tired
  • 记得回头
  • Remember back
  • 我一直在
  • I have been in
  •  =、我只想陪你
  •  、i Miss you
  •  、i Need you
  •  、i Want you
  •  、i Wait you
  •  、i Know you
  •  、i Keep you
  •  &am
  • Do not forget
  • the old man
  • 一种温存,
  • 勿忘旧人.
  • ?/*
  • Don't ask the wind rain
  • -清风不问烟雨
  • drunk only when love
  • -醉酒只候情深
  • We were just kids
  • —━╋う in love. 
  • 我们曾经只是
  • ════
  •  ゆゆゆ”
  • 陷入爱的孩子
  • -
  • -Break our happine
  • 翻译:破碎了我们
  • 想起众人最初模样
  • I think of you first
  • 那些斑驳美好时光
  • The mottled good time
  • 或许以后再无交集
  • Maybe later no intersect
  • 但记忆永不会变迁
  • But not the memory
  • [时光虽美]
  • Although days beauty
  • [却是恶人]
  • But the wicked
  • [他将你我]
  • He will be you and me
  • [无情拆散]
  • Heartless raider
  • - 曾经
  • Once
  •  时间证明
  •  Time proved
  • 我们在一起是对的
  • Together we are right
  •  Into the heart.
  • [ 入了心 ] 
  •  Move feeling.
  • [ 动了情 ]
  • The fucking mofo,
  • I want to kill you!
  • Cocksucker!
  • 你妈的,
  • 我要杀了你!
  • 贱人!
  • ●-------●
  • Through my beautiful laundrette
  • [ 熬过年少轻狂 ]
  • will you marry me
  • [ 我们结婚好吗 ]

qq分组2017女生英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • ?
  • Plaid shirt young
  •  [格子衫少年]
  • Mini skirt girl
  •  [迷你裙姑娘]
  • ▁I like your gentlene
  • ▁像 夏 日 般 热
  • ▁I like your enthusi
  • ▁像 阳 光 般 明
  • i am only a girl
  •  我只是女孩
  •  i also need protect
  •  我也需要保护
  •  i want a shoulder
  •  我想要个肩膀
  •  Ok?
  •  好吗?
  • Buried city
  • [埋下一座城]
  • to shut all lights
  • [关了所有灯]
  • I am waiting for a hug
  • - 我在等一个拥抱
  • hug all my uneasine
  • - 拥抱我所有不安
  • -He gave me,
  • [他给予给我的,]
  • -always just a shadow,
  • [永远只是背影,]
  • -and a vague outline.
  • [和模糊的轮廓。]
  • -But I want to be,
  • [但是我想成为,]
  • -his favorite meet
  • [他动心的相遇。]
  • ════════
  • Dear°
  • You are my love ゛
  • 心动只要一瞬间
  • 心碎也只一眨眼
  • Forever love ゛
  • 希腊之都°Provence
  • 巴黎左岸°Provence
  • 东京蓝调°Provence
  • 林肯中心°Provence
  • 普罗旺斯°Provence
  • 罗马半夏°Provence
  • 米兰小街°Provence
  • 伦敦之恋°Provence
  • ————————
  • - I love you ma
  • - How willing you
  • - I am sad
  • - I need the most
  • - When you
  • - Did not say a word
  • - Left.
  • 被爱多难得
  • Loved more rare
  • 不喜欢就算了
  • Do not like even if the
  • Just gonna stand there.
  • [你就冷眼旁观]
  • Watch me burn.
  • [看着我五内如焚]
  • But that’s alright.
  • [不过没关系]
  • I like the way it hurts.
  • [我喜欢心痛]
  • Time it stole everything
  • 时间它偷走了一切
  • And I become so poor
  • 而我变得如此可怜

qq分组2017女生英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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