
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:40:36  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • 夏目迷心
  • Xia mu fan heart
  • 梦遇旧她
  • In her old dream
  • 患者多心
  • Patients with multiple
  • 复而得失
  • After the gain and loss
  • 旧人九事
  • The old nine things
  • 一梦七年
  • In a finished
  • 跌倒了
  • [ tumble ]
  • 爬起来
  • [ Climb up ]
  • 因为没人再扶你了
  • Because no one to help
  • Forever这是些 亲人
  • Forever这是些 闺蜜
  • Forever这是些 爱人
  • Forever这是些 童鞋
  • Forever这是些 蓝颜
  • Forever这是些 挚铁
  • Forever这是些 歪友
  • Forever这是些 路过
  • ╱╲
  • 。 ◇ ╲╱
  • 不是你善良
  • You are not your kind
  • 而是我不太坦荡
  • But I'm not too magnanimous
  • Dont' treat others 
  • the way 
  • 【已所不欲】
  • you don't want 
  • to be treated. 
  • 【勿施于人】
  • l have you
  • ω 我有你
  • That is all I need
  • ω 就够了
  • [L]
  •  会一直喜欢你
  • [Will always love you]
  •  直到
  • [Until]
  •  被你伤得没了
  • [You did not hurt to be]
  •  力气
  • [Strength]
  •        ?
  •  ╭⌒ゝ
  •  ╰゛Sibyl
  • ?、
  •    Forget ゝ
  •    ════
  • ?、
  •     Forever 
  •    ════
  •     Strange ゝ
  •    ════
  •  ?、
  •   Rememberゝ
  •    ════
  • □□□□□
  • 我应该更美丽
  • I should be more beautiful
  • 我应该更甜蜜
  • I should be more sweet
  • 花原本的气息
  • The original flavor of flowers
  • 鸟飞翔的意义
  • The significance of birds flying
  • 或许还爱着你
  • Maybe still in love with you.
  • 或许还伤得起
  • May also hurt
  • ■■■■■
  • —■□
  • ㄗs: ■『you』…
  • ° Cnst - 羁绊
  • ㄗs: ■『are』…
  • ° Cnst - 嫣然
  • ㄗs: ■『my』…
  • ° Cnst - 梦寐
  • ㄗs: ■『best』…
  • ° Cnst - 从容
  • ㄗs: ■『love』…
  • ° Cnst - 淡然
  • ■□—
  • [世界太闹]
  • The worlr is too vast
  • [你的苦笑]
  • you laughing and crying
  • [不只为我]
  • is not for me
  • [Smile]
  •  笑一笑
  • [Let everyone know]
  •  让每个人都知道
  • [Today you]
  • 今天的你
  • [Stronger than yesterday
  • 比昨天坚强

qq分组爱情英文大全 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • You and the last time
  • 你与时光共存亡
  • You were comparable
  •  with time
  • 你与时光共媲美
  • - 你哭了吗
  • Do you cry -
  • - 你痛了吗
  • Do you hurt -
  • - 你累了吗
  • Do you tired-
  • - 你厌了吗
  • Do you hate -
  • - 是时候该放手了
  • ╲ ★、
  •  ★、
  •  丶 Stramonium
  •  丶 Blue demon′s 
  •  丶 Manjusaka
  •  丶 Lavender ╮
  • 〖相识〗
  • Get to know each other
  • 〖相爱〗
  • Fall in love
  • 〖深拥〗
  • Deep hug
  • 〖久伴〗
  • For a long time with
  • 〖敷衍〗
  • elaborate
  • 〖厌旧〗
  • Anaerobic old
  • 〖凉心〗
  • Cold heart
  • Me a good actor
  • 我演的很棒
  • No one can see me cry
  • 没人看见我哭
  • No one saw me sad
  • 没人看见我难过
  • Nobody saw me hurt
  • 也没人看见我受伤
  • as long as you need me
  • 只要你需要我
  • I will still stay.
  • 我会一直在
  • ﹣谎言[ lie ]
  • ﹣欺骗 [deceive]
  • ﹣虚伪 [false]
  • ﹣借口 [excuse]
  • ﹣背叛 [betrayal]
  • ﹣离开[leave]
  • ﹣敷衍 [Perfunctory]
  • ﹣迷失 [lost]
  • ﹣揭穿 [expose]
  •  便无限深情
  •  exo
  • 不忘初心
  •  se hun
  • Just gonna stand there.
  • [你就冷眼旁观]
  • Watch me burn.
  • [看着我五内如焚]
  • But that’s alright.
  • [不过没关系]
  • I like the way it hurts.
  • [我喜欢心痛]
  • 如果有一天
  • If one day
  • 你后悔放弃我了
  • You regret to give up me
  • 请记住
  • Please remember that.
  • 我曾经像乞丐一样
  • I was once like a beggar
  • 留过你
  • Ever leave you
  • A perso
  • [一个人]
  • A dream
  • [一场梦]
  • An empty city
  • [一座空城]
  • Life of pai
  • [一生心痛]
  •  If one day
  •  I become defiant
  •  Please remember that
  •  Ever also no one
  • Put me in the heart

qq分组爱情英文大全 QQ英文分组 第2张


  •  ∩_∩
  • (⊙﹏⊙)
  • Do not forget
  • the old man
  • 一种温存,
  • 勿忘旧人.
  • ?/*
  • `Sun.
  • [只是好友]
  • `Moon.
  • [只是家人]
  • `earth.
  • [只是朋友]
  • `Sunshine
  • [只是死党]
  • `Sunshine.
  • [他会致命]
  • This is the end.
  • - 结局就这样
  • How can I.
  • - 我还能怎样
  • Are you still dream
  • 你还梦不梦
  • Are youstill huet
  • 你还痛不痛
  • Memories so heavy
  • 回忆那么重
  • Hoe do you move back
  • 你怎么背得动
  • 患难见真情
  • Friend in need
  • a friend indeed
  • 日久见人心
  • Time reveals a
  • man's heart
  • -Never forget
  • -
  • -
  • - 随遇而安゜
  • [北岛失晴]
  • Kitajima lost
  • [南海无阴]
  • The South China Sea with
  • [风筝有风]
  • Kite has the wind
  • [海豚有海]
  • The dolphins have the 
  • Heartless
  • 没心没肺
  • Alive not tired
  • 活着不累
  • Online ignore me
  • 〖在线不理我〗
  • Never mind I could
  • 〖没关系 我忍〗
  • Send you do not return
  • 〖发给你不回〗
  • Never mind I roll
  • 〖没关系 我滚〗
  • [时光虽美]
  • Although days beauty
  • [却是恶人]
  • But the wicked
  • [他将你我]
  • He will be you and me
  • [无情拆散]
  • Heartless raider
  • You are the world's mos
  • -Clever fool

qq分组爱情英文大全 QQ英文分组 第3张


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