
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:43:38  阅读 2 次 评论 0 条



  •  在路上
  • On the way
  •  我孑然一身
  • I be on one's own
  •  毫无挂念
  • Without miss
  • Yesterday is history
  • 昨天已是历史
  • Tomorrow is a mystery
  • 明天还是一个谜
  • And today is a gift
  • 而今天是一份礼物
  •  目前状态:
  •  我在浪费时间
  •  A waste of time
  •  我在挥霍时光
  •  Spending time
  •  我在模糊现在
  •  Fuzzy now
  •  我在恐惧未来
  •  Fear of the future
  • 在人群中拼命寻找
  • desperately look for
  • 我低下头默默行走
  • silently walk
  • 你望眼欲穿看到我
  • expect to see someone
  • 我加快脚步行走
  • speed up the pace
  • 你走过来拉着我
  • pulled me
  • 边笑边流泪的说
  • get hold of you
  •  致↓
  • Induced my lover
  • 热闹是他们的
  • Lively is their
  • 我什么也没有
  • I what also have no
  •  ?????
  •  He is the one
  •  I love
  •  I love you
  •  我爱你
  •  I miss you
  •  我想你
  •  I need you
  • You\\'re gone
  •  你走了
  • My world did not
  •  我的世界没了
  • You are my only
  •  你是我的唯一
  • Are you still dream
  • 你还梦不梦
  • Are you still hurt
  • 你还痛不痛
  • Memories so heavy
  • 回忆那么重
  • How do you move back
  • 你怎么背得动
  • -
  • The world to pain kiss me
  • But to me with songs;
  • -
  • 世界以痛吻我
  • 却要我报之以歌;
  • Love ME.
  • Feed ME.
  • And never Leave ME.
  • ミ? lf love.
  • please deep love.
  •    Foreverヾ
  • Rememberゝ

qq分组大全英文励志 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • need juet word ,
  •  word has word.
  • Only_________。
  • @本宫不退位,
  • 尔等都是妃.@
  •  _________。
  • 路途遥远就放弃吗
  • 布满荆棘就后退吗
  • 布满荆棘就后退吗
  • Believe
  • - 信任 
  • is one kind of love. 
  • - 也是一种爱
  • For loving you,
  • - 爱你
  • so I believe you.
  • - 所以相信
  • ╰︶︸ ̄︸ ̄︶
  • hey,boy
  • 我没她好
  • 你不想要
  • say goodbye
  • ????????
  • Go back in time
  • 回到以前
  • The sky is still blue
  • 天空还是蓝的
  • The stars still bright
  • 星星还是亮的
  • Are you still mine
  • 你还是我的
  • じò ぴé ┈┾===
  • じò ぴé 你说等我
  • じò ぴé I love y
  • じò ぴé 长发及腰
  • じò ぴé I love you
  • じò ぴé 你会娶我
  • じò ぴé I love you
  • じò ぴé 等我长发
  • じò ぴé I love you
  • じò ぴé 及腰
  • じò ぴé I love you
  • じò ぴé 我们还
  • じò ぴé I love you
  • じò ぴé 认识么?
  • I was in your sight
  • 我就在你眼前
  • When I fell hard
  • 当我深陷爱河
  • You took a steli back
  • 而你离我而去 
  •  走吧,
  • let\\'s go,
  •  在你迈的
  • In your ste
  •  第一步,
  • first step,
  •  我会紧紧
  • I will hold
  •  的抱住你。
  • The hold you.
  • You'llalwaysbewithme
  • 你永远与我同在
  • andyou'llalwaysbemybrother.
  • 也永远是我的兄弟
  • 第几座灯让你心动
  • Do you like her
  • 关上了门
  • I don't love you anymor
  • 打开了心痛
  • I want you and
  • Too many helple
  • [太多无奈]
  • Don\\'t want to say
  • [不想说出口]
  • Afraid of her sad
  • [怕她难过]
  • I Like You
  • But Just Like You
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮
  •     ╱/╰┛
  • `I just want to be
  • `free in my world
  • ▼▼▼。
  • 我只想在我的世界里
  •  自由自在

qq分组大全英文励志 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • Stop trying to 
  • find a rewind.
  • [别妄想着倒带]
  • It is life.
  • [这是生活]
  • not a movie.
  • [不是电影]
  •  ∩_∩
  • (⊙﹏⊙)
  • 总怪QQ太安静
  • Always blames his QQ i
  • 可你曾记得
  • Can you remember
  • 曾为了一个人
  • To a perso
  • 淡了所有人
  • Light to all people
  • You are not alone
  • You are my life
  • I have long hair and you
  • In the days of rain
  •   天在下雨
  • Hard rain and tear
  •   分不清雨和泪
  • He is in my heart
  •   他在我心里
  • Miss too much pain
  •   思念太多会痛
  • 多年以后
  • Many years later
  • 我变软弱
  • I become weak
  • 你变强大
  • You become strong
  • 这辈子 丢了命
  • In this life lost his li
  • 也不能丢下的四个
  • Also cannot leave the fo
  • 父亲
  • father
  •  母亲
  •  mother
  •  爱人
  •  lover
  •  兄弟
  •  brother
  • One day,
  • You came to my own world,
  • you smiled,
  • so nice.
  • But I afraid,
  • you\\'ll go away,
  • you\\'ll hurt me.
  • But so what?
  • If you can accompany me
  • [如果你能陪伴我]
  • If you can understand me
  • [如果你能看懂我]
  • If you love me
  • [如果你能深爱我]
  • If you can not escape
  • [如果你能不逃脱]
  • Autism 
  •   孤獨癥
  •  Insomnia 
  •   失瞑癥
  •  Depression 
  •   憂郁癥
  • [你说过爱我]
  • You said you love me
  • [是狗对我说吗?]
  • Is the dog to say to me
  • [对于你这个汪星人]
  • For your dog
  • [我彻底无语了]
  • I\\\\\\'m speechless.
  • Life
  • 『生活』
  • half is memory
  • - 一半是回忆
  • half is to continue.
  • = 一半是继续

qq分组大全英文励志 QQ英文分组 第3张


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