
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:47:15  阅读 2 次 评论 0 条



  • [时光虽美]
  • Although days beauty
  • [却是恶人]
  • But the wicked
  • [他将你我]
  • He will be you and me
  • [无情拆散]
  • Heartless raider
  • Onec you've
  • ruled out the
  • impossible
  • whatever remains
  • however improbable
  • must be true. 
  • 排除了一切的不可能
  • 剩下的不管多么
  • 难以置信
  • 一定就是真相。
  • ?
  • Finally meet you
  • 终遇你
  • The clock in your
  • 终于你
  • Mr许。
  • 我的最佳损友
  •  In the best of time
  •  To do what you want to
  •  To see see.
  •  Youth without regret
  •  青春不留遗憾
  • miss 
  • that has you 
  • to accompany 
  • [空城旧人]
  • The old empty city
  • [旧街古巷]
  • Old streetold lane
  • [一个人空守一座]
  • One empty keep a city
  • [为的只是等他]
  • Just waiting for him
  •      ミ?ミ
  • You are
  •    in my life
  • 从爱你的刹那
  • ╪───────
  • 就知道你会变心
  • the most warm℡
  •      ゛moved
  • ───────╪
  • -=Some·伤害
  • 永远无法原谅
  • -=Some·伤痛
  • 永远无法平抚
  • -=Some·伤口
  • 永远无法愈合
  • -=Some·伤疤
  • 永远无法褪去
  • -=Some·亏欠
  • 永远无法弥补
  • -=Some·痛楚
  •  [带上老友]
  • With old friends.
  •  [说着故事]
  • Tell story.
  •  [吹吹冷风]
  • The cold wind blow.
  •  [喝杯烈酒]
  • Drink a cup of wine.
  • ╭ ───── ╮
  • │懂得那份感觉│
  • ╰ ───── ╯
  • Know that feeling
  • ONLY
  • 一半浮生
  • 二两清酒
  • 三生有幸
  • 四季与你
  • [ Gay friend ]
  • @基友i
  • [ Old friends ]
  • @老友i
  • [ Brother ]
  • @死友i
  • [ Friendship ]
  • @友尽i 

qq分组简单的3个组英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • Waiting for your concer
  • 等待伱的关心
  • Wait until I closed the
  • heart
  • 等到俄关上了心
  • Kiss goodbye baby
  •  From are input
  •  {正在输入}
  • Stealth offline
  •  {隐身离线}
  • Unable to reply
  •  {无法回复}
  • 聪明的人
  • [Smarty Pants]
  • 喜欢猜心
  • [Love heart]
  • 也许猜对了别人
  • [Maybe right others]
  • 却失去了自己
  • [They lose their]
  •  傻子@
  • You do not have
  • ╰-much good-╯
  •  你不用多好
  •  I like it
  •  我喜欢就好
  • 借着下雨]
  • -Through the rain,
  • [我在雨中]
  • -I'm in the rain,
  • [为他哭泣]
  • - I weeli for him,
  • [眼泪狂飙]
  • -Tears surge。
  • I know no end
  • 我知道没有结局
  • But I still want to keep
  • 但我还是要坚持
  • ﹣谎言[ lie ]
  • ﹣迷失 [lost]
  • ﹣借口 [excuse]
  • ﹣欺骗 [deceive]
  • ﹣背叛 [betrayal]
  • ﹣揭穿 [expose]
  • ﹣敷衍 [Perfunctory]
  • I charge you,
  • 我管着你 
  • you spoil me, 
  • 你惯着我
  • this is the life I want.
  • 这就是我要的生活
  • 你是信仰i
  • [ You are faith ]
  • 你是命运i
  • [ You are destiny ]
  • 你是勇气i
  • [ You are courage ]
  • 你是方向i
  • [ You are direction ]
  • -
  • They are my life°
  • is useless to say °
  • Most clear voice °
  • To prove I love you °
  • I have more important °
  • I didn't cry °
  • Just in tears °
  • _____ゝLove..
  • Just one last dance
  • ··最后一曲··
  • Before we say goodbey
  • ··再说再见··
  •  [多年后]
  •  after long year
  •  [如果再看你一眼]
  •  If you see you agai
  •  [是否还会有感觉]
  •  If there will be a

qq分组简单的3个组英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  •       ◥◢
  •       ◤◣
  • 就是喜欢你一人。
  • ﹏﹏。
  • 心永远不变一人。
  •     someoneっ
  • who can╮
  •  ゜chat with me
  • 不需要的时候
  • Whenyoudonotneed
  • 你是什么态度
  • Whatisyourattitude
  • listen to my heart..
  • 有你陪我不会累
  • my love baby
  • 还有梦一起去追
  • tfboy
  •  ╱ ╲ /土
  •  ㄥ、 〇:
  • The Start。___
  •  Say、I loveヽ
  •  Say、 Fristヽ
  •  Say、 Home ヽ
  •  Say、Schoolヽ
  •  Say、Happy ヽ
  • ____。The End
  •  ̄Loving
  • - 我三分钟热度
  • I heat for three minute
  • - 却爱你好久
  • They love you long time
  • Don\\'t say I changed.
  •  [别说我变了]
  • Just say you disgusted.
  •  [直说你厌了]
  • 自拍了1000遍
  • Self timer 1000 times
  • 却没一张像我
  • But no one like me
  • 但一有张丑照
  • But there's an ugly one
  • 我就立即删掉
  • I'll delete it right away
  • Love you 
  • - 爱你
  • more than myself
  • - 胜过爱自己
  • [乱情 /9 Demon。]
  • [乱世 /9 Demon。]
  • [纷乱 /9 Demon。]
  • [乱心 /9 Demon。]
  • [繁乱 /9 Demon。]
  • [情迷 /9 Demon。]
  • [沉醉 /9 Demon。]
  • [红颜 /9 Demon。]
  • [染尘 /9 Demon。]
  • B52° Cnst - 羁绊
  • B52° Cnst - 梦寐
  • B52° Cnst - 淡然
  • B52° Cnst - 从容
  • B52° Cnst - 嫣然
  • B52° Cnst - 纯洁
  • B52° Cnst - 柔美
  • B52° Cnst - 星空
  • Loveall.
  • -爱所有人
  • trustafew.
  • -信任少数人
  • dowrongtonone.
  • -不辜负任何人
  • ?﹏  Buried city,
  • 埋葬整座城市,
  • ?﹏  to shut all l
  • 熄灭所有的灯。

qq分组简单的3个组英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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