
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:49:45  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • Let the time 
  • - 任由时间
  • tell the truth.
  • - 说真话
  • To wear the crow
  • [欲戴皇冠]
  • Will bear the weight
  • [必承其重]
  • 人潮拥挤我好多余
  • I have some extra
  • 没有关系我抱紧你
  • I will hold you
  • What are you
  •  弄⺌o啥咧 ㄣ
  •  We℅ a:re 
  •  ○伐木累づ
  • [ 现世安稳 ]
  • [Secular stability]
  • [ 岁月静好
  • [ Years of quiet ]
  • 再没一个人,
  • No one, like you can
  • 能像你走进我的心
  • walk into my heart.
  • You left the
  • 你离开了
  • My heart ache
  • 我心痛了
  • I shed tears
  • 我流泪了
  • The heart also died
  • 心也死了
  • The heart is mine.
  • 心虽是我的.
  • But it is full of you.
  • 可里面装的全是你.
  • 再黑的路。
  • Then the black road
  • 也要自己一人走。
  • To own a person walking
  •  H`alo
  •  “ Monster。
  •  ? ヾ Eason_
  •  ら  Remember°
  • い In September
  • “你喜欢谁?”
  • "Who do you like?"
  • “反正不是你。”
  • "Not you anyway."
  • “你骗我下会死啊
  • "You cheat I will die
  • “骗了啊,没死。
  • "Cheated, not dead.
  • I smile,  
  •      ﹏﹏。
  • but it doesn’tこ
  •      meanっ
  • everything╮   
  •   ゜is OK.
  •  □■□■□
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~∝。

qq分组简约英文带中文纯洁 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • ﹣谎言[ lie ]
  • ﹣欺骗 [deceive]
  • ﹣虚伪 [false]
  • ﹣借口 [excuse]
  • ﹣对不起[ LoveYou]
    ﹣背叛 [betrayal]
  • ﹣离开[leave]
  • ﹣敷衍 [Perfunctory]
  • ﹣迷失 [lost]
  • ﹣揭穿 [expose]
  • While there is life
  • 【一息若存】
  • There is hope.
  • 【希望不灭】
  • I only care about you
  •  {我只在乎你}
  • never give up
  •  {永不放弃}
  •  ╰つ
  •  ∩∩
  •  〔﹁﹁〕
  •  ぃべ < heavy >
  • < Best loss friend >
  • < Can not give up >
  •   < Not so simple >
  • < Like two personal >
  • < Previously, later >
  • - ︶▔﹋︶
  • [I′m Patient  ] 
  • (我痛苦) 
  • [I′m Enjoy   ] 
  • ( 我享受) 
  • [I′m Abjection ] 
  • (我落魄) 
  • [I′m Sink into ] 
  • (我沉沦) 
  • [I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m tired ] 
  • (我累了) 
  • ╭LOVE╮°
  • 償若妳真愛她
  • 就請懂得擔當
  • 償若她已有伴
  • 請將情意深藏
  •  Love
  •  i
  •  Have
  •  a
  •  little
  • sweet。
  • ?
  • 谢谢你曾经来过
  • [Thank you for ever]
  • 很遗憾你还是离开
  • [Too sad you or leave]
  • ﹫﹫﹫
  • Don't try so hard, 
  • 不要着急
  • the best things come 
  • 最好的总会在
  • when you least expect them to.
  • 不经意时出现
  • Many years later.
  • 许多年以后.
  • You and I walking stick.
  • 你我手扶拐杖.
  • Laugh at each other.
  • 相互嘲笑对方.
  • Long deciduous tooth.
  • 早已脱落的牙齿.
  • = ? 不痛不痒
  • - ? 不离不弃
  • = ? 不伦不类
  • ————————
  • ?丶Only
  • ?丶Never sad
  • ?丶Many
  • ?丶Never cry
  • ?丶Permanent love
  • ?丶Never lonely
  • ?丶Always remember
  • ?丶﹏﹏XXX。
  • ?丶﹏﹏XXX。
  •  Yesterday is history,
  •  tomorrow is a mystery,
  •  but today is a gift.
  •  昨天已经过去,
  •  明天还没到来。
  •  只有今天是
  •  一份礼物。

qq分组简约英文带中文纯洁 QQ英文分组 第2张


  •  ╰ゝ ?
  • [One day I will die,゛
  •  有一天我会死],
  •  ╰ゝ ?
  • [but what is that。゛
  •  但那又怎样]。
  •  ╰ゝ ?
  • [τhé éńd
  •  剧终]。
  • 我选择等待 
  • I choose to wait 
  • 却再也等不来 
  • But never wait not to 
  • 你的爱 
  • Your love 
  • In my heart
  • live with my lover
  • EXO
  •  Miracles in December
  •  -。
  •  初雪
  • 圣诞节 Christmas Day
  •  We Are One!
  • Not Necessary
  •  [何必
  • Obsessivene
  •  [执念
  • In The Final Analysi
  •  [毕竟
  • Deep Love
  •  [深爱
  •      、
  •     、_/ 
  • ︶  微笑.
  • Ith1NkWe end3d′
  • -寒冷的冬季。
  • -有你在我身边。
  • 阳光明媚旳午后⌒
  • y1个人走.
  • □■□■□
  • □■□■□
  •  Previous ↘
  •  |▍I have°
  •  No words don't say ╮
  •  Now the ↘
  •  Have nothing to say ╮
  • 你毁我
  •  You ruin me
  •  爱他
  •  Love him
  •  值吗
  •  Values you
  • share style
  • share the music
  • share the dream
  • share the good time
  • share the one day
  • share the world
  • One hundred dream.
  • 一百个梦里
  • Ninety-nine you.
  • 九十九个你
  • 我们最坏的习惯
  • Our worst habit
  • 是偷乐与当下生
  • In the present life
  • Strangers.
  • Very dumb.
  • Really care.
  • Very stupid.
  • Very happy.
  • Is very important.
  • Unfinished.
  • The very friends.
  • Them.
  • ───────┼
  • To be continued.
  • You, my future.
  •  ( ⒉o12)
  • Take a life to love you.
  • ---------------------

qq分组简约英文带中文纯洁 QQ英文分组 第3张


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