
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:50:18  阅读 5 次 评论 0 条



  • Your dream is not dream
  • - 妳還夢不夢
  • Are you still hurt.
  • - 妳還痛不痛
  • Memories so heavy.
  • - 迴憶那麽重
  • How do you move back.
  • - 妳怎麽背的動
  • ?School time:
  • 小学时光记忆
  • Primaryschooltimememory
  • 初中时光记忆
  • middleschooltimememory
  • 高中时光记忆
  • Highschooltimememor
  •  —我的童年时光
  • -最怕习惯成依赖
  • The most afraid of into
  • -舍不得
  • Reluctant
  • -离不开
  • Cannot do without
  • ╪──────
  • ?happiness.
  • ▁▁▁小幸福°
  • ?Simple.
  • ▁▁▁小单纯°
  • ?Affectation.
  • ▁▁▁小做作°
  • ?emotion.
  • ▁▁▁小情绪°
  • ╪──────
  • [姐妹一声大过天
  •  Sister a
  •  big pass.
  • [一起疯、一起闹]
  • Together together
  • [北鼻、
  •  我要让你做
  • 我下辈子的情人]
  • 让yes代替
  • 所有no
  • 让勇敢代
  • 替所有酒
  • 刚下眉头
  • 却上心头
  • I want u nothing else
  • 我对什么都无所谓
  • just u.
  • 除了你
  • ...━…
  • ...........━…
  • ◆◇ /  L o v e
  • .
  • w0 丶 你
  • w0 丶 只
  • w0 丶 配
  • w0 丶 做
  • w0 丶 我
  • w0 丶 の
  • w0 丶  TA
  • * 轰 轰 烈 烈
  • The bubble in the rai
  • - 在雨下的泡沫
  • A touch is broke
  • - 一触就破
  • When the blazing heart
  • - 当初炽热的心
  • Already sinking
  • - 早已沉没
  • ﹣谎言[ lie ]
  • ﹣迷失 [lost]
  • ﹣借口 [excuse]
  • ﹣欺骗 [deceive]
  • ﹣背叛 [betrayal]
  • ﹣揭穿 [expose]
  • ﹣敷衍 [Perfunctory]
  • I did so much
  • 我做了那么多
  • Does not want to say
  • 无非就是想说
  • The big ye like you
  • 本大爷喜欢你
  • [别闹了]
  • Stop it
  • [回来好么]
  • Back right
  • [闹够了没]
  • Trouble enough yet
  • [闹够了]
  • Trouble enough
  • [就回来]
  • On the back

qq分组简约有意思英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  •  The brother
  •  make
  •  兄弟用心交
  •  filial piety
  •  parent
  •  take life
  •  父母拿命孝
  • 〣.*Ι càň'τ 
  • sàγ γoù 
  • sんàмёιёss, 
  • Ι мёàň 
  • sんàмёιёss
  • àгё ιīκё γoù.﹖
  •   ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮
  •     ╱/╰┛
  • Sometimes,
  •      ﹏﹏。
  • I just needこ
  • -
  • [Want to be with you]
  • 多想和你
  • [Walking side by side]
  • 并肩散步
  •  *
  •  Becauseっ
  •  *
  •  ofっ
  •  *
  •  youっ
  • - End 。
  • [我愿用整个生命,]
  • I can to spend my life
  • [替你找到幸福,]
  • find happiness to you。
  • [十年盛夏,]
  • Ten years summer.
  • [换我守你无忧,]
  • I keep you worry-free
  • The wind of me not to go
  • [我揽不住要走的]
  • Embrace the whole sky
  • [抱不住整片天空]
  • ╭⌒⌒╮╮
  • ╰﹀﹀╭⌒╮╮
  •   ╰﹀﹀╯
  • ╭Forever 低调
  • ╭Forever 牵挂
  • ╭Forever 沉沦
  • ╭Forever 寂寞
  • ╭Forever 颓废
  • You don't think too much
  • - 你别想太多
  • I just accompany you
  • - 我只是陪你走过
  • Just as a pure friend
  • - 就当做是纯友情
  • No any price
  • - 没任何代
  •  ┈┈┈┈┈∞
  • ‘How many love
  • ‘要多少的爱
  • ‘To go to the future
  • ‘才能走到未来
  • ‘To be more brave
  • ‘要多勇敢
  • Dare to think constantly
  •    ‘of
  • ‘才敢念念不忘
  •   ∞┈┈┈┈┈
  • 你会明白
  • You will understand
  • 人心所谓
  • People called
  • 何必当真
  • Why take it seriously
  • ╭-━━╮
  • ┃_o o_┃
  • ╰┳^┳╯     
  • 『爱了。』
  • 『恨了。』
  • 『哭了。』
  • 『累了。』
  • ◣◤ ◣◤
  • ◢◥ ◢◥   
  • 青春结束了 .

qq分组简约有意思英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • 原来正品的东西
  • The original authentic
  • 但往往买盗版的多
  • But often buy pirated multi
  • 小三也比正版的多
  • Mistress than genuine multi
  • 12 Moths in a year
  • [一年有12个月]
  • 4 weeks in a month
  • [一个月有4星期]
  • 7 days in a week
  • [一个星期有7天]
  • 24 hrs in a day
  • [一天中有24个小时]
  • But there's only one 
  • you in a life time
  • [但是我一生中当中
  • ——只有一个你]
  •  ╭╮╮
  • 〔╰?╮〕
  •  ╰╰╯
  • No one even lives
  • Lost nor will i lose
  • 会不会有人ミ
  • 就算把命丢掉ミ
  • 也不会把我丢掉ミ
  • -there years summer.
  • -I keep you worry.
  • -free.
  • -Such as a substitute.
  • -Keep my smile for you.
  • [ 你毁我清白 。]
  • You destroyed my innoce
  • [ 却不能给我未来]
  • But can\\'t give me
  • [ 我爱你如命。]
  • I love you like life
  • [ 你似当我有病。]
  • Do you like when I am si
  • Like the sun shining
  • 像太阳那样耀眼!
  • Like the star
  • 像星星那样繁多!
  • Dream three years
  • - = 三年梦 = -
  • three years of pain
  • - = 三年痛 = -
  • A For Angle
  • B For Boy
  • C For Classmate
  • D For Dear
  • E For Especially
  • F For Family
  • Love U For Ever
  • What is perce
  • 什么是心安
  • You are the answer
  • 你就是答案
  • 我演的很棒
  • Me a good actor
  • 没人看见我哭
  • No one can see me cry
  • 没人看见我难过
  • No one saw me sad
  • 也没人看见我受伤
  • Nobody saw me hurt
  • My heart is like the sea
  • 我心似海
  • Are you in the sea
  • 海中有你
  • One hundred dream.
  • 一百个梦里
  • Ninety-nine you.
  • 九十九个你

qq分组简约有意思英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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