
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:55:49  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • [陪伴太短]
  • [Company is too short]
  • [温暖太深]
  • [Warm too deep]
  • [你是深海]
  • [You are the sea]
  • [我愿溺亡]
  • [I would drown]
  • [你是蓝天]
  • [You are the blue sky]
  • [我愿翱翔]
  • [I wish to fly]
  • ……?☆ Α︰MeToo
  • ┅…☆ Β︰Α
  • …?☆ С︰В
  • ‥☆ D︰АandВandC
  • ▁▁???▁▁
  • Always remember
  • at that time
  • Your embrace
  • 我永远会记得
  • 你在那时的
  • 拥抱
  • Deep sea is not blue
  • 【海深不蓝.】
  • Admittedly deserved
  • 【诚然无愧.】
  • Dense forest is not gree
  • 【森浓不绿.】
  • Island is not sunny
  • 【心岛未晴.】
  • Looking back lightly
  • 【淡然回眸.】
  • "早就应该  
  •  "没心没肺
  • "不用现在
  •  "撕心裂肺
  • "弄到今天
  •  "无言以对
  • "如果可以
  •  "今生无悔
  • "那又何必
  •  "执着面对
  • "从今往后
  •  "各自安好
  • "怕人寻问
  •  "咽泪装戏
  • Just remember 。
  • Waste material
  • [ 是废物 ]
  • We must learn to
  •  push away
  • [就应该用力扔掉]
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮
  •     ╱/╰┛
  •    ? spring.
  •    ? summer.
  •    ? autumn.
  •    ? winter.
  • ︶︸﹊︸ ̄︶︸ ̄
  • ? You say let go
  • ?你说放手
  • ? How can let
  • ?我怎么肯
  • ? Say a tomorrow
  • ?说好明天
  • ? You take me aly
  • ?你带我走
  • Go back in time
  • -回到以前-
  • The sky is still blue
  • -天空还是蓝的-
  • The stars still liight
  • -星星还是亮的-
  • Are you still mine
  • -你还是我的-
  • 有些人
  • Some people
  • 说不出哪里好
  • Can't tell where good
  • 可就是
  • But there is a
  • 谁都代替不了
  • Anyone can't replace
  • ?Yes
  • you are my
  • baby
  • baby
  • baby
  • baby?
  • ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█
  • ◤那一点 只一点◥
  •  我灵魂的焦点
  •  在耳边我耳边
  • ◣只留你的视线◢
  • ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█

qq分组名称英文简短 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • *──────
  •  ╭ ╭⌒╮
  •  ╰~╭⌒╮⌒
  •  ︶︶︶︶
  • Repeat heart in hand
  •  write down you
  •  *────── 
  •  -You're the one
  •  that I want .
  • *──────
  • [只要你在]
  • As long as you are
  • [什么都好]
  • What all good
  • [花开很好]
  • Flowers is very good
  • [风吹很好]
  • The wind is very good
  • -Sooner of later
  • 不久之后.
  • -I\\'ll let you know
  • 我要让你知道.
  • - you are noth1ng
  • 你什么都不是.
  • I still remember
  • 【记得我还在】
  • I remember love
  • 【记得我还爱】
  • Do you still love me?
  • {你还爱我吗?}
  • If do not love me
  • {如果不爱我}
  • Would you please roll
  • {那么就请你滚}
  • Because
  • {因为}
  • You don\\'t deserve
  • {你不配}
  • My love
  • {我的爱}!!
  • suit yourself!!!
  •  随你的便
  •  GO out!!!
  • Just gonna stand there.
  • [你就冷眼旁观]
  • Watch me burn.
  • [看着我五内如焚]
  • But that’s alright.
  • [不过没关系]
  • I like the way it hurts.
  • [我喜欢心痛]
  • To strive
  • - 去奋斗
  • to seek
  • - 去追求
  • to find
  • - 去发现
  • and not to yield. 
  • - 但不要放弃
  • Happiness is you,
  • [幸福是你,]
  • One hundred dream,
  • [一百个梦,]
  • Ninety-nine you.
  • [九十九个你.]
  •  somebody,
  • don't say。
  •  _____Family~
  •  "疯疯癫癫
  • 一辈子。
  •  one? 、
  • Be yourself
  • _做你自己
  • That\\'s whe
  • -那才是你"
  • ち [爱情]
  • │ 終
  • │ 究
  • │ 昰
  • │ 戲。
  •    ╭love╮"
  •    ╲╳╱ ﹌
  •     〆 Tenderness,
  • - But I'll disguise.
  •  〔Glory〕,
  •  ゛ 逢场作戏
  •  ____。The End

qq分组名称英文简短 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • 三年
  • -Three years
  • 说长不长
  • -Said long is not long
  • 说短不短
  • -Said short is not short
  • ╭⌒╭⌒╮ 
  • I L☆ve 
  • ~you~!! 
  • ︶︶︶︶ 
  • ╱ ╱╱ ╱╱ 
  • ☆╱ ☆╱ ╱ 
  • 他的爱如海洋般
  • His love is like the ocean
  • 深邃
  • Dee
  • 他的心如天空般
  • His heart is like the sky
  • 寂寥
  • Lonely
  • Dear
  • 亲爱的
  • that is not love
  • 那不是爱情
  • that is on a whim
  • 那是一时兴起
  • 好朋友不分男女
  • [Good friends both
  • male and female]
  • 好关系不算时间
  • [Good relationshi
  • doesn't count time]
  • I hear of you like her
  • 听说你喜欢她了
  • i hope you happy
  • 我希望你幸福
  • 话不投机
  • Mistime one\\'s remarks
  • 聊尼吗比
  • F2ck of yo
  • 爱的天平
  • Love the balance
  • 失去了平衡
  • Lost his balance
  • 斜了多少度
  • Ramp up the number of
  • degree
  • 你对我的爱
  • Your love for me
  • 就少了几分
  • Somewhat le
  •  ∩_∩
  • (⊙﹏⊙)
  • 酒喝了半杯
  • 还是没有醉
  • 我要等的人
  • 也迟迟未归
  • I Need You
  • 你说过的承诺
  • You said commitment
  • 我只能一笑而过
  • I can oniy smile
  • 你给过的曾经
  • Once you give
  • 我只能当一场
  • I can oniy as a
  • 舍不得的梦
  • You just say you love me
  • 你刚刚说爱我
  • Forget after the turn.
  • 在转身后就忘了
  • His mouth whisper
  • 嘴里呢喃着
  • Hello baby naive
  • 宝贝你好天真
  • ╪──────
  • ? You say let go
  • ?你说放手
  • ? How can let
  • ?我怎么肯
  • ? Say a tomorrow
  • ?说好明天
  • ? You take me aly
  • ?你带我走

qq分组名称英文简短 QQ英文分组 第3张


版权声明:本文来源于网络,如有侵权请E-mail联系 QQ分组 站长 ufidawhy@vip.qq.com!

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