
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:56:49  阅读 8 次 评论 0 条



  • [走了就是走了]
  • Go is gone
  • [何必苦苦留恋]
  • Why is it hard to mi
  • I would rather
  • [我情愿]
  • be single
  • [孤身一人]
  • than choose
  • [也不愿]
  • a wrong person.
  • [错爱今生]
  • -A story, some people
  • - *
  • In the days of rain
  •   天在下雨
  • Hard rain and tear
  •   分不清雨和泪
  • He is in my heart
  •   他在我心里
  • Miss too much pain
  •   思念太多会痛
  • Whether you did not see
  • - 不论你是否看到
  • I miss you,
  • - 我很想你,
  • love you too.
  • - 也很爱你。
  • [ 时光太瘦 ]
  • Time is too thin.
  • [ 指缝太宽 ]
  • Fingers too wide.
  • Dream three years
  • - = 三年梦 = -
  • three years of pain
  • - = 三年痛 = -
  • Triste 。滥人情
  • Triste 。乱人心
  • Triste 。惹人爱
  • Triste 。让人恨
  • Triste 。人生路
  • Triste 。奈何桥
  • Triste 。彼岸花
  • Triste 。娇人笑
  • Triste 。惹人醉
  • Triste 。芳口扉
  • ∩_∞ 
  • (●.●)
  •   ′0n!y_独、爱
  •   ′0n!y_关、爱
  •   ′0n!y_疼、爱
  •   ′0n!y_失、爱
  •   ′0n!y_逝、爱
  •   ′0n!y_痛、爱
  • I want to strong
  • [我朩想哭泣]
  • I think optimistic
  • [我朩想孤髑]
  • I want to warm
  • [我朩想寂寞]
  • I want to live
  • [僦筭朩久]
  • It is also very good
  • [彵狠亓杺].oО
  •     ╭━━╮
  •    ┃_﹂﹄_┃
  •    ╰┳^┳╯
  • No matter』
  • how much I am bad.
  •        ?
  • In this world﹏、
  •    only one me.
  •  Voices in the night
  •   It's raining丶
  •  I thought you丶
  • Love you forever丶

qq分组名称英文同学 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • [You is an island ]
  •  ╰╮你是孤岛╭╯
  • [ I am the tide ]
  •  ╰╮我是海潮╭╯
  • 朋友不甘
  • 恋人不敢
  • 有关于你
  • 绝口不提
  • I LOVE 
  • ╪───────
  •  ︶ ̄
  •  ら゛ 致青春ミ
  •  ら゛ 后青春ミ
  • 可有可无的角色、
  •  loving you
  •  is it so lonely
  • i will be hate you
  • 【i hope one day】
  • 希望有一天
  • 【i love you】
  • 我爱你
  • 【become you love me】
  • 变成你爱我
  •  ???
  •  100%
  •  50%
  •  0%
  •  ミ?ミ stranger
  •  ミ?ミ friend
  •  ミ?ミ lover
  •  ミ?ミ friend
  •  ミ?ミ stranger
  •  幸福断開連接
  • People are not happy,
  • 人之所以不幸福?
  • also may be yourself up.
  • 也许是自己耽误的
  • He is a dream
  • [他是梦]
  • Is not life
  • [不是命]
  • Forgive other
  • [原谅别人]
  • At the same time
  • [同时]
  • also let yourself
  • [也放过自己]
  • [I am a human]
  • L. .︵o○
  • 这个冬天
  • This winter
  • 最难过的
  • The most sad
  • 不是身冷
  • Not cold
  • 而是心冷
  • But the heart cold
  •  Sometimes,
  • I want to
  •  disappear once
  • and then see
  •  if anyone was miss me
  •  Miss you
  • But I don't love you.
  • Our love is not
  • 我们的爱已不再
  • no need in the future
  • 不需要未来
  • I have a new look
  • 我会有新的期待
  • Do not need your love
  • 不需要你的爱
  • -Agirl
  • -每个女孩
  • -shouldbetwothings:
  • -都该做到两点
  • -classy
  • -有品位
  • -andfabulous
  • -并光芒四射
  • qs1丶
  •      lose you
  • my world is dark
  •       ﹊﹊
  • I don\\'t want to
  •  continue like t
  • my world is dark

qq分组名称英文同学 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • 不需要的时候
  • Whenyoudonotneed
  • 你是什么态度
  • Whatisyourattitude
  • -
  • 我不爱了好吗
  •  I do not love it
  • 你可以滚了好吗
  •  you can roll it
  • ◣◤
  • ◢◥
  • ▁I like your gentlene
  • ▁像 夏 日 般 热
  • ▁I like your enthusi
  • ▁像 阳 光 般 明
  • I like the boy
  • 我喜欢的少年
  • I in your eyes
  • 我在你眼里
  • Just a joke
  • 只是个笑话吗
  • [Love never dies]
  • 【爱情℡】永不死
  • “你喜欢谁?”
  • "Who do you like?"
  • “反正不是你。”
  • "Not you anyway."
  • “你骗我下会死啊
  • "You cheat I will die
  • “骗了啊,没死。
  • "Cheated, not dead.
  • you can cry
  • -你可以哭
  • but you can not lost
  • -但不能输
  • deep in your heart.
  • S мíξé、迴钇
  • ___________唯美
  • S мíξé、涬鍢
  • ___________依顂
  • S мíξé、垨護
  • I Wé Αгé Oǹé
  • ===========╰☆╮
  •  ""OH MY GOd""
  •  You Better Day Day U
  •  You Better Do not Sto
  •  You Better Moving Now
  •  You Better Check It Out
  •  I Love you ...
  •  WoW WoW
  •  WoW
  •  Yeah~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~
  • ミ?ミ Stranger
  • ミ?ミ Friend
  • ミ?ミ Lover
  • ミ?ミ Friend
  • ミ?ミ Stranger
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮
  •     ╱/╰┛
  • `I just want to be
  • `free in my world
  • ▼▼▼。
  • 我只想在我世界里
  •   自由自在
  • Once upon a time
  • there was a bed ,
  •  从前有张床
  • Lazy a lot of
  • people were killed.
  •  懒死了很多人

qq分组名称英文同学 QQ英文分组 第3张


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