
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:58:33  阅读 8 次 评论 0 条



  • sky star than you
  • 漫天星不及你一人
  • grey-haired only for you
  • 白发苍苍只为等你
  • banquet 100 table you
  • have to marry her
  • 宴席百桌你已娶她
  • but for a white silk
  • 却换来一条白绫绸
  • mutual love°(相爱
  • deep love°(深爱
  • long love°(久爱
  • only love°(唯爱
  • ture love°(纯爱
  •  .*★*.
  • .*★ *.*    ★
  • ★      *
  • ★ .’
  • ‘*.    .
  •  ` . .
  • In the world
  • 世界在改变
  • we have to change
  • 我们也为其改变
  • 、闓詩 ★ ┛
  •  Happinessミ
  • ─━◇灬`示言ゞ
  •  Heartthrobミ
  • ─━◇灬`誓言ゞ
  •  Despairミ
  • ─━◇灬`逝言ゞ
  •  ◆ 纯属失言。
  • Tell yourself
  • [告诉自己]
  • You good
  • [其实你很乖]
  • How impudent
  • [懂得放肆之后]
  • after not overdo sth
  • [适可而止]
  • As humble as duckweed
  • 生如浮萍般卑微
  • Love is like the sky her
  • 爱却如苍穹般壮烈
  • 戴着皇冠 i
  • Wearing the crow
  • 拿着权杖 i
  • Scepter
  • 搂着爱妃 i
  • Hug love Prince
  • 掌着天下 i
  • Holding the world
  • 我便是王 i
  • I am the king 
  • 是我自己遮住了光
  • Is my own hide the light
  • 所有黑暗我一人扛
  • I a person carrie
  •  all the darkne
  • A tiny seeds in the hand,
  • - 一颗小小的种子
  • but in his heart he has
  • - 握在手心里
  • a warm feeling.
  • - 却有温暖的感觉
  • Moon、凄凉丶
  • Moon、凄苦丶
  • Moon、凄惨丶
  • Moon、凄痛丶
  • Moon、凄薄丶
  • Moon、凄淡丶
  • Moon、凄单丶
  • Moon、凄悲丶
  • Moon、凄楚丶
  • Moon、凄哀丶
  • ╪━━━━═══
  • can be controlled
  • my heart would ache
  • lf the situatio
  • -情若能自控
  • -我怎会心痛
  • You my╄→
  • He said she was beautifu
  • ═════━━━
  • 我可以没有男友
  • I do not want a boyfriend
  • 但我必须要有闺蜜
  • But I have to have a 
  • close friend

qq分组命名英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • To love oneself is 
  • the beginning of 
  • a lifelong romance
  •  ?╲\\╰★╯/╱?
  •    爱自己
  • 是终身浪漫的开始
  • you say you love me
  • but
  • i do not
  • love you anymore
  • 你说你爱我
  • 但是
  • 我早已不爱你了
  • ? You say let go
  •  ?你说放手
  • ? How can let go
  •  ?我怎么肯
  • ? Say a tomorrow
  •  ?说好明天
  • ? You take me aly
  •  ?你带我走
  • ?
  • 闺蜜手拉手?
  • Best friend hand in hand
  • 一生一起走?
  • A lifetime together
  • ?? ?
  •  ,‐ 、,ˊˋ、
  •  `.     ,′
  •  ˋ . ˊ
  • 我不会安慰ゃ
  • 不会挽留ゃ
  • ╭⌒ゝ
  • 所以千万别难过
  • ╰゛千万别离开
  • 一座城
  • A city
  • 一个人
  • A person
  • 一个梦
  • A dream
  • You give me any good
  • 你给我的半点好
  • I want to show off
  • 我都想炫耀
  • My heart is like the sea
  • 我心似海
  • Are you in the sea
  • 海中有你
  • While I was still
  • [ 趁我还在 ] 
  • While I still love
  • [ 趁我还爱 ] 
  • You can not spell now
  • [你现在不拼]
  • What can bet on the future
  • [拿什么赌将来]
  • Can't wait until it is dark
  • - 等不到天黑
  • Fireworks are not perfect
  • - 烟火不会太完美
  • Memories will burn into ash
  • - 回忆烧成灰
  • And I still can't wait the end
  • - 还是等不到结尾
  • 纵我不往
  • Although I do not go to
  • 子宁不来
  • Why do you not come to

qq分组命名英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • 一眼之念 
  • [A thought] 
  • 一念执着 
  • [A liersistent] 
  • 最好不见 
  • [Best not to see] 
  • 我多想念 
  • [I miss] 
  • 你多遥远 
  • [You more distant] 
  • 我不坚强。
  • -I am not strong
  • 没人会替我坚强。
  • -No one will be
  •  strong for me
  • Thank you for ever
  • 谢谢你曾经来过
  • Too sad you or leave
  • 很遗憾你还是离开
  • ╰'Just stranger
  • ╰'Someone I can talk
  • ╰'Complain to him
  • ╰'I care for them
  • ╰'I love him so
  • ╰'You are my world
  • ╰'Just friend
  • ╰'Close friend
  • 是你不懂我
  • Is that you don\\'t und
  • 是你不在乎我
  • You do not care me
  • 是你爱她
  • You love her
  • 是我们不会在一起
  • Are we not together
  • Believe
  • - 信任 
  • is one kind of love. 
  • - 也是一种爱
  • For loving you,
  • - 爱你
  • so I believe you.
  • - 所以相信
  • Friends
  • Eternal love
  • school student
  • Important
  • remember this once
  • All time love
  • Are women
  • Are man
  • ◆◇
  • drug
  • We are too young
  • 我们太年轻
  • to talk about forever
  • 谈不起永远
  •  ?This road is so dark
  •  这条路这么黑
  • ?Girls do not decaden
  •  菇凉别轻易颓废
  • ︶ε╰
  • 1s my 1ove丶
  • Forever 1ove丶
  •  ̄︶ ̄︸ ̄︸︸╯
  • 黑纸白字。
  • 写着那些熟悉。
  • 我们会一直走到老
  • I'm awake
  • 我很清醒
  • Sober look at
  • 清醒的看着
  • Their destructio
  • 自己沉沦
  • I would cry- 
  • [我会哭] 
  • But I will not lose 
  • [但我不会输] 

qq分组命名英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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