
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-03 23:59:32  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • 我只会跟
  • I will only tell
  • 我走的近的人说话
  • People close to me
  • 骂骂咧咧
  • swearing
  • 如果我的话不小心
  • If my words are not careful
  • 伤到了你
  • Hurt you
  • 对不起
  • sorry
  • 我真以为我们很熟
  • I really think we are
  •  very well
  • “你喜欢谁?”
  • "Who do you like?"
  • “反正不是你。”
  • "Not you anyway."
  • “你骗我下会死啊
  • "You cheat I will die
  • “骗了啊,没死。
  • "Cheated, not dead.
  • The drunk was blowing
  • - 喝醉了就吹风
  • Hungry is lying
  • - 饿了就躺着
  • Sleepy just close your eyes
  • - 困了就闭眼
  • Lonely to sleep
  • - 孤独了就入眠
  • You only one person anyway
  • - 反正你是一个人
  • Online ignore me
  • 〖在线不理我〗
  • Never mind I could
  • 〖没关系 我忍〗
  • Send you do not return
  • 〖发给你不回〗
  • Never mind I roll
  • 〖没关系 我滚〗
  • In the dream
  • We are together
  • Laundry cooking
  • At the window in the su
  • Days comfortable
  • Won't do dream
  • [剧终]
  • When I am silent 
  • 当我沉默时
  • to say all in the eyes 
  • 想说的话全在眼里
  •  、  、
  • - ○ -
  • ╭⌒⌒╮
  •  ︶ ︶ 
  • 踮起脚尖,
  • 就能更靠近阳光_
  •  /)/) °
  •  (-.-)
  •  /▓\\\\  
  •   ∏ ◣
  • I know no end
  • 我知道没有结局
  • But I still want to keep
  • 但我还是要坚持
  • Dream three years
  • - = 三年梦 = -
  • three years of pain
  • - = 三年痛 = -
  • Just gonna stand there.
  • [你就冷眼旁观]
  • Watch me burn.
  • [看着我五内如焚]
  • But that’s alright.
  • [不过没关系]
  • I like the way it hurts.
  • [我喜欢心痛]
  • 我不要短暂的温存
  • 只要你一世的陪伴
  • l perfer having your
  • accompanying for
  • life_long to the
  • short_time tenderne
  • I love you already tired.
  • - 爱的太累
  • I decided ?
  • - 我决定
  • that I did not love you.
  • - 不爱你了。

qq分组女生唯美可爱英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • [Love never dies]
  • 【爱情℡】永不死
  • I heard
  • 听说ヽ
  • Each one will be lonely
  • 每颗星都会寂寞
  • I heard
  • 听说ヽ
  • Every tear is the diamo
  • 每滴泪都是钻石
  • 〉〉不要睡得太晚
  • Don 't sleep to late
  • 〉〉不要爱得太满
  • Don 't love to full
  • While there is life
  • 【一息若存】
  • There is hope.
  • 【希望不灭】
  •  -----------
  • 【 I love you 】
  • 【 I like you 】
  • 【 I miss you 】
  • 【 I nead you 】
  • I love you
  • 我爱你
  • But you have not
  • 可是你未曾
  • Give me the opportunity
  • 给过我机会
  • Like the city
  • [好像这个城市]
  • Always there is a lot of
  • [总是风很大]
  • The lonely person is alw
  • [孤独?人总是晚归]
  • Time repeatedly asked me
  • 时间反复逼问我
  • You Is it right?
  • 你是不是我该爱的
  • I love the people
  • Nevermind,
  • 没关系
  • I will find 
  • 我会找到
  • someone like you.
  • 某个像你的他
  • 我一直以为最糟糕
  • 的情况是你离开我
  • I always thought the wor
  • Are you leave me
  • 其实最令我难过的
  • In fact, the most made
  • me sad
  • 是你不快乐
  • Are you not haliliy
  • Not for other
  • 不为别人
  • Only for their ow
  • 只为自己
  • Good effort once
  • 好好地努力一次
  • Stranded in love
  • - 为情所困 -
  • Be hurt by love
  • - 为情所伤 -
  • For love crazy
  • - 为爱成痴 -

qq分组女生唯美可爱英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  •  当初
  • Initially
  • 年少的我们
  • We are young
  • 纯情、懵懂
  • Pure love silly
  • 现在
  •  in the
  • 骚乱、混杂
  • Riots hybrid
  •  颓废
  •  decadence
  • “在最深的夜
  • In the deepest night
  • “一个人独处
  • To be alone
  • “我竟然会爱上
  • I was falling in love wi
  • “那种感觉
  • That kind of feeling
  • Brief is life
  • 生命虽短
  • but love is long.
  • 但爱绵长
  • ?
  • [Will you love me]
  •  请你爱我
  •  [Are you a life]
  •  你是命
  •  [Is not a dream]
  •  不是梦
  •  [Do not bother me]
  •  不要烦我厌我
  • [I will let you move]
  •  我会让你心动
  •  [ 把心打开 ]
  • Open the heart
  •  [ 我要进来 ]
  • I want to come in
  • 我不知道
  • I don 't know
  • 妳已經有了她的好
  • You already have her goo
  • 她已經有了妳依靠
  • She already had you rely
  • 妳們的白頭偕老
  • You grow old together
  • 已為我傷
  • For I hurt
  • ?﹏我的爱情
  • ?﹏只给你一人
  • ───────╪
  • Smile、 依赖
  • Smile、 信赖
  • Smile、 幸福
  • Smile、 宝贝
  • Smile、 爱伱
  • ───────╪
  • 秒回不是碰巧而是
  • Seconds instead of
  • happened to back
  • 一直在等待
  • Have been waiting for
  • To make 
  • each day count.
  •  の ) -
  •  ︶ 、
  • 要让每一天
  • 都有所值。
  •  (つ-------------
  • Not very special。
  • It is the only。
  •  ╭⌒⌒のˊ
  •  ( . .)ˋ
  •  〇 〇
  • 不是很特别的。
  • 却是唯一的。
  •  I love you so much,
  •  我那么爱你,
  •  but are you as a game
  •  却被你视为游戏
  • 视而不见
  • To pay no heed
  • 偏偏遇见
  • must meet
  • 假装不见
  • pretending not to see
  • 再也不见
  • do not see again
  • You are the
  • only exception
  • 你是唯一的例外。

qq分组女生唯美可爱英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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