
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:03:39  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • ---------
  • 我要
  • [I want to]
  • 选择性失忆
  • [Selective amnesia]
  • 把你忘得很干净
  • [Left you very clean]
  • 你の眼睛
  • Your eyes like the ocean
  • 是我不曾遇见の海
  • I've never see.
  • You left me,
  • 你留给我的.
  • alone and memories,
  • 除了孤单与回忆.
  • what the hell is left.
  • 到底还剩下什么.
  •    [Shadow lover]
  • [原谅我无人敢拥]
  • Forgive me
  • nobody dares to hold
  • [毕竟我满身是刺]
  • After all
  • I was covered with thorns
  • -
  • 三杯两盏
  • 烈酒清茶
  • 两人一马
  • 天地为家
  •  我们的爱
  •  命中注定
  • "Our love is decreed by
  •  Fate"
  •  开始很美°
  • ┈━═☆
  • Start beautiful
  •  过程很累°
  • ┈━═☆
  • The process is very tire
  •  结局很悲°
  • ┈━═☆
  • The end is very sad
  •  清醒很难°
  • ┈━═☆
  • Awake is difficult to
  • 戴着皇冠 i
  • Wearing the crow
  • 拿着权杖 i
  • Scepter
  • 搂着爱妃 i
  • Hug love Prince
  • 掌着天下 i
  • Holding the world
  • 我便是王 i
  • I am the king 
  • You are the
  • only
  • exception.
  • 你是唯一的
  • 例外。
  • - I want to know
  • - What is the sound 
  •  remind of me
  • -
  • -Sound that is something
  • - I want to go
  • - I got to ru
  • -Run to the moment that
  •  sets me free
  • -
  • Heart here
  • [心在这里]
  • Advance and retreat from
  • [进退由你]
  • Women don\\\\\\'t poiso
  • [女人不毒]
  • Why is based
  • [何以立足]
  • 择爱一人
  • Choose to love a person
  • 陪伴一生
  • Accompany the life\

qq分组四个英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • Give Me Some Sunshine
  • 给我一些阳光?
  • My Love-暖 心 ? 
  • -我就想。
  • [ I just want to. ]
  • -能这么。
  • [ so. ]
  • -一无反顾的。
  • [ With you. ]
  • I was in your sight
  • 我就在你眼前
  • When I fell hard
  • 当我深陷爱河
  • You took a steli back
  • 而你离我而去 
  • The future of you
  • 未来的你
  • Will thank now
  • 会感谢现在
  • hard to yourself
  • 努力的自己
  • Not trapped in the love
  • ——?不困于情
  • Do not mess in the heart
  • ——?不乱于心
  • Not fear in the future
  • ——?不畏将来
  • Do not read in the past
  • ——?不念过往
  • Forget the seven second
  • [鱼忘七秒]
  • People forget the seve
  • [人忘七年]
  • you are my lover
  • [你是我爱人]
  • I am a man you ok
  • [我是你碍人]
  • Just there
  • [只是一字之差]
  • [ Can you for me ]
  •  可不可以为了我
  • [ A drop of tears ]
  •  流一滴眼泪
  • [ Drink a drunk ]
  •  喝一次醉酒 
  • [ Kiss a face ]
  •  亲一次脸庞
  • [ If you can do it ]
  •  如果你能那样
  • [ Even let me die ]
  •  哪怕让我死
  • [I would also like to ]
  •  我也会愿意
  • - Your name.
  • - 你の名字.
  • - My heart.
  • - 我の心事.
  • B52° Cnst - 羁绊
  • B52° Cnst - 梦寐
  • B52° Cnst - 淡然
  • B52° Cnst - 从容
  • B52° Cnst - 嫣然
  • B52° Cnst - 纯洁
  • B52° Cnst - 柔美
  • B52° Cnst - 星空
  •     ∩_∩
  •    (⊙﹏⊙)
  • 最喜欢你不知所措
  • 拿我没办法的样子
  •     ゜ゆゆゆ
  • □■っkinsfolk
  • □■っclose friend
  • ◆◇━━━━
  • -Agirl
  • -每个女孩
  • -shouldbetwothings:
  • -都该做到两点
  • -classy
  • -有品位
  • -andfabulous
  • -并光芒四射
  •     ??
  •     ??
  • Sometime
  •     ╊╊。
  • I just need
  •     someone
  • who ca
  • ┾chat with me

qq分组四个英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • ╱╱─────╖
  • i love you.ゝ牌友
  • ╲╲─────╜
  • i love you. ゝ女士
  • i love you. ゝ先生
  • i love you. ゝ舞女
  • i love you. ゝ乱友
  • One day someone is
  • going to hug you so
  • tight that all of
  • your broken pieces
  • will stick back
  • together. 
  • 有一天
  • 会有一个人来紧紧地
  • 抱住你
  • 修补好破碎的你。
  • He is a dream
  • [他是梦]
  • Is not life
  • [不是命]
  • Forgive other
  • [原谅别人]
  • At the same time
  • [同时]
  • also let yourself
  • [也放过自己]
  • 巴黎东京在下雨
  • Paris Tokyo rai
  • 秋天的夜在凋零
  • The autumn night.
  • 我的心为何在破碎
  • Why does my heart broke
  • 我不是笑话
  • I am not a joke
  • 我是废话
  • I was cra
  • 请少说废话
  • Please talk nonsense
  • I would rather
  • [我情愿]
  • be single
  • [孤身一人]
  • than choose
  • [也不愿]
  • a wrong person.
  • [错爱今生]
  •  ╱╲ ゛
  •  ╲╱ ◆
  • Only_________
  •  〃Angel Do not Cry、≈
  •  Exclusive taste
  •  〃You let me know、≈
  • Tenderness memory
  •  〃Take you back、≈
  • Goodbye
  •  〃I once said、≈
  • say you love me、★
  •  〃Today I say、≈
  •  belong with you、★
  • ╭love╮ " ╭︽╮
  • │miss│ " ┊俄┊
  • │love│ " ┊知┊
  • │miss│ " ┊道┊
  • │love│ " ┊俄┊
  • │miss│ " ┊不┊
  • │love│ " ┊懂┊
  • │miss│ " ┊爱┊
  • │love│ " ┊╰┊
  • │miss│ " ┊对┊
  • │love│ " ┊不┊
  • │miss│ " ┊起┊
  • ╰love╯ " ╰︾╯
  • -I wish I can
  • - accompany you to wander,
  • - I hope we can 
  • -enduring as the universe
  • Good life
  •  [说好的一辈子]
  • You have to leave
  •  [你却离开了]
  • I love you!
  • [我爱你!]
  • the ends of the earth
  • [天涯海角]
  • to does not abandon!
  • [不离不弃!]
  • 猜不透
  • Could not guess
  • 忘不掉
  • Cannot forget
  • 记不起
  • Can’t remember
  • 放不下
  • Can’t let go

qq分组四个英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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