
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:08:58  阅读 5 次 评论 0 条



  •  ∩∩
  •  (﹁﹁).
  •  我的世界 ●
  •  不需要太多人懂 ●
  •  Only You ●
  • 你当我是浮夸吧°
  • Eason:
  • 一丝不挂°
  • Eason:
  • 富士山下°
  • Eason:
  • 群下之臣°
  • Eason:
  • 于心有愧°
  • 夸张只因我很怕°
  • Loving a person
  • [深爱一个人]
  • And there is your future
  • [和再也没有你的未来]
  • Just after crying.
  • [只是哭过之后]
  • you think Huaiyua
  • 蓦然间眸首
  • Suddenly the Mou first
  • 曾经熟悉的身影
  • Once familiar figure
  • 如今已成为背影¢
  • Now it has become a figu
  • 来自星星的你
  • from the start
  • 来自太阳的你
  • from the sun
  • 来自月亮的你
  • from the moon
  • ? ? ?
  • Still in love with him
  •  [ 还爱着他 ]
  •   Forever ゝ
  •  [ 永远 ]
  • I'll be miss you
  • I fall in love with you
  • 泪还温热
  • 天使没降落
  • 在空中盘旋着
  • I'll be miss you
  • I fall in love with you
  • 还怕什么
  • 都答应你了
  • 放心我会好好的
  • Never thought
  • 从来没想过
  • You are my taboo
  • 你是我禁忌的例外
  • ┃?You will understa
  • ▓小情绪゜ ╰'
  • If you love
  • 如果爱
  • Please deep love
  • 请深爱
  • Do not love
  • 不爱
  • Please leave
  • 请离开
  • №、念
  • №、恋
  • №、羡
  • №、欠
  • Love 
  • ——爱情
  • makes man grow up 
  • 要么让人成熟
  • or sink down.
  • 要么让人堕落

qq分组英文大全2014最新版 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • [I am a human]
  •  我是人`
  • [I am not God]
  •  我不是神`
  • [I also have a mood]
  •  我也有情绪·
  • [I am not that great]
  •  我没那么伟大`
  • 谁愿与我为友
  • who is willing to work
  • with my friend
  • 哪怕我不善言辞
  • Even if I am tongue-tied
  • 不苟言笑无利可图
  • Unsmiling unprofitable
  • [曾经我叫]
  • [once I called]
  •  [纯洁]
  •  [pure]
  •  [现在我叫]
  •  [I am now]
  •  [不要纯洁]
  •  [do not pure]
  • Be willing
  • 愿意
  • With a black pencil
  • 用一只黑色的铅笔
  • Draw a silent stage
  • 画一出沉默舞台剧
  • Bright lights can
  •  hold you again
  • 灯光再亮也抱住你
  • 我的终端
  • I\\'ll give you all love
  • Don\\'t want to let go
  • ______________?
  • Give me the last time
  •  能给我最后一次
  •  拥抱吗?
  •  Embrace it?
  •  ︻︻
  •  ◣◢
  • \丨/
  • - ¤ -
  • /丨\
  • Soldier 1 6
  • 兵长一米六
  • Alan little angel
  • 艾伦小天使
  • To advance the giant
  • 进击的巨人
  •  -
  •  I have many dream
  •  [我有很多梦想]
  •  - one of them is
  •  about you
  • [有一个是
  •  关于你的]
  • 总有一天
  • One day
  • 我也会变老
  • I will grow old
  • 时间掩盖了
  • Mask the time
  • 我的热情
  • My passion
  • - 你是梦
  • You are the dream
  • - 你是星星
  • You are the star
  • - 你是太阳
  • You are the su
  • - 你那么遥不可及
  • you are so far away
  • Too many helple
  • [太多无奈]
  • Don\\'t want to say
  • [不想说出口]
  • Afraid of her sad
  • [怕她难过]
  • ????????????
  •  暖暖冬日灼人眼
  •  瑟瑟凉意寒人心
  • ????????????

qq分组英文大全2014最新版 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • I always miss you
  • [我总是逃避你]
  • So i Miss you
  • [因此错过了你]
  • So i Miss you
  • [最后失去了你]
  • so i miss you so much
  • [现在我很想你]
  •  ∩ ∩
  • (。。)
  •  〇〇
  •  他是我爱人
  •  He is my lover
  •  抢我男人者
  •  I robbed a ma
  •  地狱见。
  • I will see you in hell.
  •  ◆。
  •  【 l love you 】
  •  【 you love me 】
  •   for life ~
  • [The heart is like a
  •  .
  • desert island I die ]
  • 心如荒岛囚我终老
  • ————————
  •  【 ×× I wait u
  •  I want u
  •  I need u
  •  I like u
  •  I love u
  • 你可知道 ××
  • ————————
  • 我猜不出
  • I can not gue
  • 在你心里
  • In your heart
  • 我是什么位置
  • Where am I
  • three years of pain
  • 三年之痛
  • Love you not say
  • 说不爱你
    the seven-year itch
  • 七年之痒
  • I still love you
  • 我依然爱你
  • This is myself
  • Afraid of people sto
  • I love my relatives
  • Understand my buddy
  • Warm heart ladybro
  • Continue to like you
  • Vows of eternal love
  • [ 海枯石烂 ]
  • Also can separate
  • [ 亦会分开 ]
  • Each time you love,
  • love as deeply as 
  • if it were forever. 
  • ━━━━━━━┿
  • 如相爱,请深爱,
  • 就像能到地老天荒
  • Deep slee.
  • [深海未眠]
  • Civet cats fall.
  • [狸猫深巷]
  • Banned in his heart.
  • [禁他于心]
    The stars in the sky.
  • [漫天繁星]
  • Dead fish in shallow wat
  • [亡鱼浅海]
  • At her in the city.
  • [囚她于城]
  • If you cry sad
  • 你若哭的凄凉
  • I laugh rampant!
  • 我定笑的猖狂!

qq分组英文大全2014最新版 QQ英文分组 第3张


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