
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:09:00  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • = 相信我 =
  • Believe me
  • = 靠近我 =
  • Close to me
  • = 放心吧 =
  • Rest assured
  • = 足夠暖 =
  • Warm enough
  • We are too young
  • 我们太年轻
  • to talk about forever
  • 谈不起永远
  • 「Who unjust to you 」
  • 有谁对你不义
  • 「I will not allow 」
  • 我一定不允许
  • 〖相识〗
  • Get to know each other
  • 〖相爱〗
  • Fall in love
  • 〖深拥〗
  • Deep hug
  • 〖久伴〗
  • For a long time with
  • 〖敷衍〗
  • elaborate
  • 〖厌旧〗
  • Anaerobic old
  • 〖凉心〗
  • Cold heart
  • Beautiful flower
  • [再美的花朵 ]
  • Bloom had litter
  • [盛开过就凋落]
  • Then brightest star
  • [再亮眼的星]
  • Flash will fall
  • [一闪过就坠落]
  • ■□
  • Even a good night,
  • 连你的一句晚安,
  • I can not have.
  • 我都无法拥有。≈
  • [独占你]
  • [Exclusive you]
  • [以为]
  • [Think]
  • [你不会走]
  • [You will not go]
  • [但是]
  • [But]
  • [我错了]
  • [I was wrong]
  • An unexpected result
  • 意料的结果?
  • Not say too much
  • 没有说太多?
  •  Into the heart.
  • [ 入了心 ] 
  •  Move feeling.
  • [ 动了情 ]
  • just one last dance
  • ··最后一曲··
  • before we say goodbey
  • ··再说再见··
  • Then try
  • [再逞强]
  • Another crazy
  • [再疯狂]
  • Also because of a heart
  • [也会因为某人心]
  • 我没有华丽的外貌
  • I have no
  •  gorgeous appearance
  • 我没有高贵的身份
  • I am not noble status
  • 我只有一颗爱你的心
  • I only have one
  •  to love your heart
  • 你爱要不要
  • You should love

qq分组英文版带翻译4个 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • I am me
  • 我就是我
  • a happy crazy
  • 一开心就疯疯癫癫
  • is not happy 
  • to keep quiet
  • 不开心就安安分分
  • [只要你在]
  • As long as you are
  • [什么都好]
  • What all good
  • [花开很好]
  • Flowers is very good
  • [风吹很好]
  • The wind is very good
  • Heart is fragile dream
  • awake
  •  心 易 碎 梦 易 醒
  • How long can you stand
  • by me, my love
  •  爱 人
  • 你 能 伴 我 多 久
  • The singer.
  • [岁月歌者]
  • Time traveler.
  • [时光旅人]
  • South City South.
  • [南城以南]
  • North City North.
  • [北城以北]
  • Sunshine Orange.
  • [阳光橙子]
  • Frozen summer.
  • [冰冻夏天]
  • He forgot when she
  • [他忘了少时的她]
  • Love
  • me
  • like
  • you
  • do
  • 一样
  • 、、[我不是女王]
  • I am not the quee
  • 、、[不需要宽容]
  • Not need tolerance
  • 、、[我不是天使]
  • I am not the angel
  • 、、[不需要原谅]
  • No need to forgive
  • 、、[我只是自己]
  • I only ow
  • 、、[一个傲娇的]
  • A proud
  •  、、[一个霸道的]
  • An overbearing
  • 、、[自己]
  • Vows of eternal love
  • [ 海枯石烂 ]
  • Also can separate
  • [ 亦会分开 ]
  • 不能忘记那句
  • I will always love you
  • 更无法忘记你说
  • I love you
  • love is so dee
  • think with
  • what you think about me
  • ╭-━━╮
  • ┃﹃ ﹃┃
  • ╰┳ロ┳╯
  •       ▼
  • 我可以装傻、
  • 我会把你当成回忆
  • I'll take you as a memory
  • 我不再为你而伤心
  • No longer sad for you.
  • 12 Moths in a year
  • [一年有12个月]
  • 4 weeks in a month
  • [一个月有4星期]
  • 7 days in a week
  • [一个星期有7天]
  • 24 hrs in a day
  • [一天中有24个小时]
  • But there's only one 
  • you in a life time
  • [但是我一生中当中
  • ——只有一个你]
  • Ten years summer
  • [十年盛夏. ]
  • I keep you worry-free
  • [还我守你无忧. ]
  •  再见 °
  •  goodbye.
  •  再贱 °
  •  Base again.
  •  你特么 °
  •  Are you special.
  •  真不要脸 °
  •  Really shameless.

qq分组英文版带翻译4个 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • [我会捧着]
  • I will hold it
  • [一颗心]
  • A heart
  • [一直等]
  • Have been etc
  • ????
  • [ 我最深爱的他]
  • I love him
  • [ 但愿无期]
  • I wish no period
  • [你若是海
  • 我愿沉溺而亡]
  • 时光移至。
  • Time moved to。
  • What is the miss?
  • 有何怀念?
  •  ╭⌒ˊ
  •    熟悉旳街道
  •   ╭⌒ˊ
  •    熟悉旳城市
  • ︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾
  •   "呓语少年
  •  ′肆无忌惮 .
  • ︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾
  •  ╮你说的幸福.
  • ▽ -慢慢变成回忆
  •  ▼ n1 、狠重要
  •  ╭love╮°马竟
  •  ╰ゝ l miss you
  • Yesterday is history
  • 昨天已是历史
  • Tomorrow is a mystery
  • 明天还是一个谜
  • And today is a gift
  • 而今天是一份礼物
  • You can not spell now
  • [你现在不拼]
  • What can bet on the future
  • [拿什么赌将来]
  • Buried city
  • 埋葬整座城市
  • to shut all lights
  • 熄灭所有的灯
  • 我们这么小
  • We are so small
  • 可是怎么这么累
  • But why do you look so tired
  • 生如夏花之绚烂,
  •  Let life be beautiful
  •  like summer flowers,
  • 死如秋叶之静美。
  •  and death like
  •  autumn leaves.
  • If you leave 
  • - 你若离去
  • never ever meet again
  • - 后会无期
  • -
  • 我爱你
  • I love you
  • 早已深入我心-
  • Deep into my heart
  • - 别理我
  •  leave me alone
  • - 别疼我
  •  do not hurt me
  • - 别爱我
  •  do not love me
  • - 别宠我
  •  do not spoil me
  • - 别惜我
  •  do not cherish me
  • -别懂我
  •  Do not know what I
  • - 不值得
  •  it is not worth

qq分组英文版带翻译4个 QQ英文分组 第3张


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