
原创 QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:09:32  阅读 4 次 评论 0 条



  • Each pair of old eye
  • 每一双苍老de眼睛
  • There lived a affectiona
  • 住着一个深情爱人
  • Everything i do
  • [我做的一切]
  • i do it for you,
  • [都是为了你]
  • You and me
  • 你和我
  • At dawn, the future
  • 看着天亮说着未来
  • umbrella wear a sweater
  • 打着雨伞穿着毛衣
  • Listen to the piano eat
  • 听着钢琴笑着吃饭
  • Naozhuo parted cry to wr
  • 闹着分手哭着写信
  • In the past all eye
  • 过去都在眼睛里
  • instantly pause
  • 瞬间暂停
  • Tell me why
  • 总是失去后才明白
  • Please don't cry
  • 至少我还存在
  • Tell me why
  • 不情愿又不得不
  • 放开
  • Say goodbye
  • 等待我再回来
  •    ╭-━━╮
  •    ┃_﹂﹄_┃
  •    ╰┳^┳╯
  • No matter』 
  • how much I am bad.
  •        ?
  • In this world﹏、
  •    only one me.
  • [纵然喜欢清澈]
  • If love is clear
  • [却身处一片浑浊]
  • But in a muddy
  • [害怕你冰冷的眼]
  • afraid of you cold eye
  • [盯着我透明的心]
  • see transparent heart
  • I want to be
  • ●-------@●
  • │● . ●│
  • ╰──-─╯
  • a college
  • student ▁??
  • ○★★★★★
  • [ Ten Dream ]
  • ? 十个梦 ?
  • [ Nine you ]
  • ? 九个你 ?
  • [ An ending ]
  • ? 一个结局 ?
  • ミ? lf love.
  • please deep love.
  •    Foreverヾ
  • Rememberゝ
  • I love you not
  • because I need you
  • I need you because
  • I love you
  • 不是因为
  • 需要你所以爱你
  • 是因为
  • 爱你所以需要你
  • 【I help you】
  • 给你想要的一切
  • 【Give you】
  • 最深厚的灵魂
  • 【Tell you】
  • 我最想要的是你
  • 【Thank you】
  • 我的一切
  • ℡↘baby━━━━━━━━
  •    安靜的、離開了
  •    離開的、陌生了
  • ━━━━━━━━
  • __________、maybe
  •   陌生是爲了避開
  •   觸摸不到旳釋懷


  • Ever tried
  • 一次次尝试
  • Ever failed
  • 一次次失败
  • No matter
  • Try again
  • 屡试屡败
  • Fail again
  • Fail better
  • 但即使失败
  • 败得更出彩!
  • If you get tired
  • 如果累了
  • learn to rest
  • 学会休息
  • not to quit.
  • 不要放弃
  • Countless choices
  • define our fate,
  • each choice,
  • each moment,
  • a ripple in a river
  • of time. Enough
  • ripples and you
  • change the tide,
  • for the future is
  • never truly set. 
  • 我们的命运
  • 每一次选择
  • 每一个时刻
  • 都是时间河流中的
  • 一个涟漪
  • 足够多的涟漪就
  • 可以改变河流的流向
  • 因为未来从来
  • 不是一个定数。
  • ○и!神经范er゜
  • ○и!矜持范er゜
  • ○и!另类范er゜
  • ○и!霸气范er゜
  • ○и!温柔范er゜
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮
  •     ╱/╰┛
  • Sometimes,
  •       ﹏﹏。
  •      so once,
  • You,
  •        ?
  • ゜listen to the song
  •   ?、think of me
  • ═════
  • [ Heart disease ]
  • 心软是病。
  • [ But you are life ]
  • 可你是命。
  •    ╭-━━╮
  •    ┃_≥≤_┃
  •    ╰┳○┳╯
  • Your heartっ
  •  is too crowded
  • 。﹏。
  • but isっ
  • no more room for me
  • 刺与玫瑰
  • Thorn and roses
  • 情与血液
  • Sentiment and blood
  • 泪与感情
  • Tears and emotions
  • ╭-━━-╮
  • ┃_o o_ ┃
  • ╰┳^┳╯
  • [我不是女神]
  • I am not a goddess.
  • [我不是女王]
  • I\\'m not the queen.
  • [我不是萌妹]
  • I\\'m not so adorable.
  • [可我就是我]
  • But I'm me
  • [独一无二]
  • The one and only
  • The older I get, 
  • 越长大
  • the less people I trust.
  • 能信任的人越少
  • my oxyge
  • 各自安好ゝ
  • 互不相扰ゝ
  • Time to retire to rest
  • [纵然喜欢清澈]
  • If love is clear
  • [却身处一片浑浊]
  • But in a muddy
  • [害怕你冰冷的眼]
  • afraid of you cold eye
  • [盯着我透明的心]
  • see transparent heart


  • [How many people]
  • 有多少人
  • [ClearlyVery painful]
  • 明明狠疼
  • [But biting his lips]
  • 却咬着嘴
  • [Say no pain]
  • 说不痛
  • Strangers.
  • Very dumb.
  • Really care.
  • Very stupid.
  • Very happy.
  • Is very important.
  • Unfinished.
  • The very friends.
  • Them.
  • ───────┼
  • To be continued.
  • You, my future.
  •               ( ⒉o12)
  • Take a life to love you.
  • ---------------------
  •  ╰つ
  •     ∩∩
  •   〔﹁﹁〕
  •     ぃべ    < heavy >
  • < Best loss friend >
  •   < Can not give up >
  •   < Not so simple >
  • < Like two personal >
  • < Previously, later >
  • -           ︶▔﹋︶
  • Goodnight lover
  • [晚安爱人]
  • forever lover
  • [永恒爱人]
  • Dream lover
  • [亡梦爱人]
  • Island lover
  • [孤岛爱人]
  • Defective lover
  • [瑕疵爱人]
  • Then the selfish hurt
  • 那么自私的伤害
  • but only in order 
  • 只是为了
  • not to leave.
  • 不离开
  • The plot of a fairy t
  • [童话故事的情节]
  • No regret and defect
  • [没有遗憾和缺陷]
  • Silent painted in the e
  • [沉默画上了 句点]
  • Want to say goodbye to
  • [好想告别从前]
  • |.мīss.чou
  • 、我想你
  • じò ぴé 、чou
  • 、我愛你
  • yesterday
  • i  love   you
  • today
  • i  leave  you
  • tomorrow
  • i  miss  you
  • (●`?(?)?′●
  • ━━━━━(#`li
  •   ,‐ 、,ˊˋ、
  •   `.     ,′
  •      ˋ.ˊ
  • 你说爱我
  • [You say you love me]
  • 会天长地久
  • [Could last forever]
  • 学会了沉默
  •       silence
  • 学会了安静
  •       quiet
  • 学会了假装
  •   Pretend to be
  • 学会了坚强
  •       strong
  • 成长中不计后果的
  • 那段
  • 叫做青春  youth
  • 〔我的责任是〕
  • My responsibility is to
  • 〔宠着你〕
  • Familiar with you;
  • 〔哄着你〕
  • Coaxed you;
  • 〔惯着你〕
  • Accustomed to with you
  • [ 十一月 ]
  • [ November ]
  • [ 请对我好点 ]
  • [ please good to me ]


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