
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:12:40  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • 朋友不甘
  • 恋人不敢
  • 有关于你
  • 绝口不提
  • I LOVE U
  • Some people.
  • [ 有些人 ]
  • Leave and leave.
  • [留与不留]
  • Will leave.
  • [都会离开]
  • 我要发光
  • [I want to shine]
  • 我要发热
  • [I want to be hot]
  • 我要爆炸
  • [I want to bang]
  • 借着下雨]
  • -Through the rain,
  • [我在雨中]
  • -I'm in the rain,
  • [为他哭泣]
  • - I weeli for him,
  • [眼泪狂飙]
  • -Tears surge。
  • ? Say a tomorrow
  • ?说好明天
  • ? You take me aly
  • ?你带我走
  • ? You say let go
  • ?你说放手
  • ? How can let
  • ?我怎么肯
  • 拿着权杖 i
  • Scepter
  • 搂着爱妃 i
  • Hug love Prince
  • 掌着天下 i
  • Holding the world
  •  我便是王 i
  • I am the king
  • You are the only つ
  • Always the only つ
  • It is only a I love you つ
  • 〆、I am looking for
  • 〆、  my missing
  • 〆、  glass-shoes
  • 〆、   who has
  • 〆、  picked it up
  •    ????ヽ
  • Memory is the dog
  • ( 回忆是条狗 )
  • Bite after it goe
  • ( 咬完它就走 )
  • Please stay in my heart
  • -[请留在我心里]
  • Let me love you
  • -[让我爱你]
  • Even without the future
  • -[就算没有以后]
  • I am also willing
  • -[我也愿意]
  • Just because
  • -[只因为]
  • I love you
  • -[我爱你]
  • ╪━━━━═══
  • can be controlled
  • my heart would ache
  • lf the situatio
  • -情若能自控
  • -我怎会心痛
  • You my╄→
  • He said she was beautiful
  • ═════━━━
  • This is myself
  • Afraid of people sto
  • I love my relatives
  • Understand my buddy
  • Warm heart ladybro
  • Continue to like you

qq分组英文非主流 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • Life is tiring.
  • -人生总是很累
  • If you are not tired now,
  • -你现在不累
  • you will get 
  • more tired later. 
  • -以后就会更累
  • You are unique 
  • 你是唯一の
  • and one of a kind.
  • 无可取代
  • ヮ In Summer 。*
  •  " L o v é 
  •   ≈  VIP
  • 柠檬不萌
  • Lemon is not primary
  • 柚子不诱
  • Pomelo is not induced
  • 樱桃不淘
  • Cherries is not wash
  • While there is life
  • 【一息若存】
  • There is hope.
  • 【希望不灭】
  • Don't need your charity
  • 不需要你的怜悯
  • Your so called love
  •  你所谓的爱
  • @
  • -我能作茧自缚
  • -就能破茧成蝶
  • I can in a cocoo
  • around oneself
  • can become
  • ------a butterfly.
  • 我的女孩,
  • my girl,
  • 祝你一生平安喜乐
  • I wish you a life
  •  of joy and peace
  •  ╪?────不笑
  •  [don't laugh]
  •  ╪?────不语
  •  [not language]
  •  ╪?────不哭
  •  [don't cry]
  •  ╪?────不闹
  •  [don't make]
  •  ゅ———终于??
  •  [finally]
  •  ?学会安静了···
  •  [learn to quiet]
  •  (。。开始、、
  •  じò ぴé ┈┾
  • ""爱破一轮琉璃月
  • 你的笑、是我的期待
  •  I miss you、
  • 原地、、
  •  等你、、
  •  I love you、
  • 我的泪、是你的无奈
  • 恋碎一株紫丁香""
  • ∝╬══→babyぴ
  •  。。剧终、、)
  • - In fect.
  • 我爱的人°
  • 不是我的爱人-
  • Because.
  • 他已有他爱的。
  • - In spite of this the
  • 〝他还是我打不开的锁。
  • You just say you love me
  • 你刚刚说爱
  • Forget after the turn
  • 在转身后就忘了
  • His mouth whisper
  • 嘴里呢喃着
  • Hello baby naive
  • 宝贝你好天真
  •  ̄ Say:
  • 独1无2 的你
  • Dear 宝贝
  • 你的承诺我记得

qq分组英文非主流 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • 孩紙們
  • [ The boys ]
  • 我们要记得
  • [ We should remember ]
  • 伴我们一生的
  • [ With our lives ]
  • 只有影子
  • [Only the shadow ]
  • that acconliany me
  • 那个说陪我的
  • have left
  • 已经离开了
  • and that love 么
  • 那个说爱我的
  • already hold some\\\\\\'one
  • 已经牵着别人的手
  • 【就算我卑微】
  • Even if I am humble
  • 【也有资格沉醉】
  • also drunk
  • I am so sorry 
  • 我很抱歉
  • but i love you.
  • 但是我爱你...
  • 一眼之念 
  • [A thought] 
  • 一念执着 
  • [A liersistent] 
  • 最好不见 
  • [Best not to see]
  • ┢┦aΡpy│??
  • ┢┦aΡpy│?学
  • ┢┦aΡpy│恋囚
  • ┢┦aΡpy│爱囚
  • ┢┦aΡpy│镓囚
  • ┢┦aΡpy│姐妹
  •  ∩∩
  •  (﹁﹁).
  •  我的世界 ●
  •  不需要太多人懂 ●
  •  Only You ●
  • yesterday
  • i love you
  • today
  • i leave you
  • tomorrow
  • i miss you
  • (●`?(?)?′●
  • ━━━━━(#`li
  • at least
  • I have my ow
  • he ever said
  • he love me
  • until he leave me
  • I still believe
  • he will get back
  • 。倾城 じ☆ひê
  • 。北城 じ☆ひê
  • 。魔城 じ☆ひê
  • 。旧城 じ☆ひê
  • 。凉城 じ☆ひê
  • 。空城 じ☆ひê
  • I know no end
  • 我知道没有结局
  • But I still want to keep
  • 但我还是要坚持
  • He came a cry
  • [他走了别哭]
  • He went
  • [他走了别闹]
  • He went not to read
  • [他走了别念]

qq分组英文非主流 QQ英文分组 第3张


版权声明:本文来源于网络,如有侵权请E-mail联系 QQ分组 站长 ufidawhy@vip.qq.com!

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