
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:12:52  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • 我心之所恋 
  • my heart the love 
  • 未知往何方 
  • unknown where 
  • 此途无穷尽 
  • the way of endless 
  • 惟知逢时终 
  • but to know the end 
  • Love so crazy
  • 爱得那么痴狂°
  • The pain was so ridiculo
  • 疼得那么可笑°
  • 烟 花 虽 美
  • Although therefore
  • 故 有 残 缺
  • the fireworks Amer
  • 爱 情 虽 甜
  • the incomplete lov
  • 却 伤入心脏
  • wound enters the h
  • A Friend In Need
  • - 患难之交
  • Is A Friend Indeed
  • - 才是真正的朋友
  • I just love you
  • 我就是喜欢你
  • Have you walked away
  • 有本事你走开啊
  • You let go
  • 有本事你松手啊
  • I’m going to disappear
  • 我一定会消失的
  • I never told you
  • 我从未告诉你
  • I wanna hold you
  • 我想拥抱你
  •     ???
  • [走了就是走了]
  • Go is gone
  • [何必苦苦留恋]
  • Why is it hard to mi
  •      、
  •     、_/ 
  • ︶  微笑.
  • Ith1NkWe end3d′
  • -寒冷的冬季。
  • -有你在我身边。
  • 阳光明媚旳午后⌒
  • y1个人走.
  • Look,eventually,
  • [终有一天]
  • you 'll learn to do 
  • [你会学着]
  • that on the inside.
  • [眼泪往心里流]
  • 我没有华丽的外貌
  • I have no
  •  gorgeous appearance
  • 我没有高贵的身份
  • I am not noble status
  • 我只有一颗爱你的心
  • I only have one
  •  to love your heart
  • 你爱要不要
  • You should love
  • -Forgive other
  • -原谅别人
  • -At the same time
  • -同时
  • -also let yourself
  • -也放过自己
  • ?饿了(?吃东西
  • ?困了(?去睡觉
  • ?生病(?看医生
  • ?疼了(?你忍着
  • ?路途(?自己走
  • ?眼泪(?自己擦

qq分组英文分组两句话 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • 亻亻亻亻亻亻亻
  • 执狗只手▁
  •  将狗拐走▂
  • ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
  • 若狗不走▃
  •  将狗拖走▄
  • ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
  • 仰望天空的爱?¬
  •  you're my only one
  • bably , can you see
  •  I just love you
  • 520 Miss you
  •  一遍一遍
  • nothing 能阻挡
  • 亻亻亻亻亻亻亻
  • [ I'm afraid ]
  •  我也害怕
  • [ My inner desolation ]
  •  我内心的荒芜
  • Do not leave me to leave
  • 留不住我要留的人
  • -光与暗
  • -the light and the dark
  • -大与小
  • -the big and the small
  • -记住
  • -just keep in mind
  • -没有人能得到全部
  • -you need no more at all
  • beceuse
  • I love you ?
  • I want you 卐
  •  ?娶我
  • -------------
  • Husband
  • Stranger
  • Family
  • Female friend
  • Male friend
  • ----------
  • ◇◆"▁▁▁▁▁
  • ?他是太阳
  •  怎会为我发光
  • ★他是信仰
  •  怎会给我独享
  • In my heart,
  •  久居不走
  • Goodbay old friend.
  • ▁▁▁▁▁"◆
  • 多年以后
  • Many years later
  • 我变软弱
  • I become weak
  • 你变强大
  • You become strong
  • The heart
  • will be painful
  • {心会痛}
  • Because of you
  • {因为迩}
  • Tears is sweet
  • {泪是甜的}
  • Because of you
  • {因为有迩}
  • I am very pleased
  • {我很欣慰}
  • You better than me
  • {迩过的比我好}
  • You are the sky
  • - 妳是天空
  • You are white cloud
  • - 妳是白雲
  • You are the sea
  • - 妳是大海
  • You are a high mountai
  • - 妳是高山
  • ,‐ 、,ˊˋ、
  • `. love ,′
  •  ˋ .ˊ
  • Strangers.
  • Very dumb.
  • Really care.
  • Very stupid.
  • Very happy.
  • Is very important.
  • Unfinished.
  • The very friends.
  • Them.
  • ───────┼
  • To be continued.
  • You, my future.
  •  ( ⒉o12)
  • Take a life to love you.
  • ---------------------
  • \丨/
  • - ¤ -
  • /丨\
  • Soldier 1 6
  • 兵长一米六
  • Alan little angel
  • 艾伦小天使
  • To advance the giant
  • 进击的巨人

qq分组英文分组两句话 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • Emptyonehollow
  • [空人空心]
  • Coldcoldheart
  • [凉人凉心]
  • Nonotintentional
  • [无人无心]
  • Abandonpeopleabandoned
  • [弃人弃心]
  • I want to be
  • [ 我想成为 ]
  • his favorite meet
  • [ 他动心的相遇 ]
  • I love you now
  • My memory he
  • I believe in magic
  • Shall we go now
  •  # 庸人
  •  # 自扰
  • How do I only dare
  • to hold you in the dream
  • 怎么我只有在梦里
  • 才敢去抱你
  • Say wait for you
  • - 说好了等你
  • I would not leave.
  • - 我就不会离开
  • Fairy tale has ended
  • 童话已经结束
  • Forgetting is happiness
  • 遗忘就是幸福
  • -        ?
  • Sometimes o
  • I just need
  • Someone
  • Who can 、
  • Remember灬me
  •      。??
  •  感情是用来浏览
  •  还是用来珍藏
  •  ╭-━━╮
  •  ┃_o o_┃
  •  ╰┳^┳╯
  • ─??──??─
  • I would like to i
  •  [ 我愿深陷 ]
  • Also want to get
  •  [ 也要得到 ]
  • Though no to love,
  • - 虽未爱对
  • but I do not regret. 
  • - 但我不悔
  • He is adream
  • [他是梦]
  • Is not life
  • [不是命]
  • Forgive other
  • [原谅别人]
  • At the same time
  • [也放过自己]
  • you think Huaiyuan
  • 蓦然间眸首
  • Suddenly the Mou first
  • 曾经熟悉的身影
  • Once familiar figure
  • 如今已成为背影¢
  • Now it has become a figure -
  • ?
  • You are my
  • 你是我的
  • Apicallover.
  • 心尖爱人. ?

qq分组英文分组两句话 QQ英文分组 第3张


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