
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:15:13  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  •      。﹏?
  • To:
  • commemorate.
  • ━━━━━━
  •      ▼▼▼
  • the first╰
  • memories moved
  • The old ma
  • 旧人
  • The new
  • 旧事
  • The old sad
  • 旧心酸
  • I have changed.
  • [ 我变了. ]
  • Is time changed me
  • [ 是时间改变了我 ]
  • Or change you.
  • [ 还是改变了你. ]
  • But i still love you.
  • [ 但我还爱着你. ]
  • I just love to fear.
  • [ 只是爱到怕. ]
  • ----- ????
  • If just like
  • 若只是喜欢
  • why hyperbole into love
  • 何必夸张成爱
  • ┌─────┐
  • Passing time
  • └─────┘
  • stole    〆
  • many    〆
  • memoriec
  • ﹋︶﹋﹋︶︶ ̄
  • 写给你的信
  • Letter to you
  • 被候鸟拦截
  • Blocked by bird
  • 毁了半页红了眼
  • Ruined half red eye
  • [ What time ]
  • - 什么时候
  • [ You will notice ]
  • - 你才会注意到
  • [ I am behind ]
  • - 身后の我
  • 谁愿与我为友
  • who is willing to work
  • with my friend
  • 哪怕我不善言辞
  • Even if I am tongue-tied
  • 不苟言笑无利可图
  • Unsmiling unprofitable
  •      ∩_∞
  •      (●.●)
  • Don’t cryキ    
  •  because it is over
  •      ︶﹀︶?
  • smile      
  •  because it haved
  •       .︵o○
  • 我不会发光
  • 也没有梦想
  • 我爱的不够响亮
  • I love the loud enough
  • 也没她坚强
  • 我不是城墙
  • 亦不是无坚不摧
  • 我是有心脏
  • 但没有百毒不侵
  • time you will kind to me
  • 不論何時
  • Whenever,
  • 你都是我的。
  • you are mine.
  • [别闹了]
  • Stop it
  • [回来好么]
  • Back right
  • [闹够了没]
  • Trouble enough yet
  • [闹够了]
  • Trouble enough
  • [就回来]
  • On the back

qq分组英文简单符号 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • ┏━━━━━━┓
  • I do not follow
  • I live is alway
  • all you want
  • Those troubles
  • ┗━━━━━━┛
  • ━━┅┅┅┅━━
  • always linger
  • Such flocculent
  • 你是太阳
  • You are the su
  • 我要怎么拥抱
  • How l want to hug
  • 毕竟
  • After all
  • 你是那么多人的光
  • You are so much light
  • [ Gay friend ]
  • @基友i
  • [ Old friends ]
  • @老友i
  • [ Brother ]
  • @死友i
  • [ Friendship ]
  • @友尽i 
  • 我还在路上
  • I was still on the road
  • 追赶你的脚步
  • Chase your footsteps
  • 如果累了
  • If you are tired
  • 记得回头
  • Remember back
  • 我一直在
  • I have been in
  • - Some thing
  • 我假装不知道_
  • - Some word
  • 我假装听不到_     
  • - Some people
  • 我假装对你笑_
  • ?   ∩∩
  • ?  〔﹁﹁〕
  • ?   ぃべ
  • ?Loading...
  • ?──────┼
  • ?"Me in the end
  • ?"not your
  • ?"Unfortunately,
  • ?Heart only you
  • ?┼──────
  • BigBang
  • 一天一天
  •  One hundred dream
  •  [一百个梦。]
  •  Ninety-nine you
  •  [九十九个你。]
  • 一句我爱你
  • One sentence I love you
  • 说得很动听
  • Say it beautifully
  • 到最后却不多
  • Last but not much
  • ╪━━━━═══
  • can be controlled
  • my heart would ache
  • lf the situatio
  • -情若能自控
  • -我怎会心痛
  • You my╄→
  • He said she was beautifu
  • ═════━━━
  • Deep blue
  • 深海还蓝.
  • The sun is warm
  • 太阳还暖.
  • Young is not the first
  • 少年却不如初.
  • Flowers bloom and fade.
  • [花开花落]
  • you and me
  •  ━━━
  • [我溺水深海]
  • [你却遥不可及]
  • you are my spring
  • You\\'re the dork!
  • 他笑你是个傻瓜!
  • You are an idiot!
  • 他笑你是个笨蛋!
  •  — 末亡

qq分组英文简单符号 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • ┍━━━┑ 
  • ┕ =ら= ┙ 
  • When in doubt 
  • 坚持不下去的时候 
  • just take the 
  • next small steli 
  • 再坚持一会儿。
  • ?﹏。
  • 爱你?
  • ───────╪
  • 不是说说而已?
  • 铅笔画再美#
  • [ But also is grey
  • 却也只是灰色的
  • ☆    ̄︶
  • [ Say again good
  • 说的话再好
  • [ And that is true
  • 又有那句话是真的
  • The man pulled agai
  •  男人再拽
  •  So lef.
  •  照样甩。
  • Love is 
  • about timing. 
  • 始于相遇
  • 止于被动.
  • ●-------@●
  • │● .●│
  • ╰──-─╯
  • My best じòぴé
  • I love myself
  • [我爱自己]
  • There is no rival in love
  • [没有情敌]
  • I don’t love their words
  • [我爱自己不言语]
  • you think Huaiyuan
  • 蓦然间眸首
  • Suddenly the Mou first
  • 曾经熟悉的身影
  • Once familiar figure
  • 如今已成为背影¢
  • Now it has become a figure -
  • 我不喜体育
  • I don\\'t like sport
  • 我讨厌足球
  • I hate football
  • 我为你看世界杯
  • Watching the world cu
  • 你喜欢我好不好
  • You love me well
  • I want u nothing else
  • 我对什么都无所谓
  • just u.
  • 除了你
  • ? One
  • Two ゛?゛?
  • ??? Three
  •  Go ~
  • ?想你五分钟?
  • 难受两小时 ( -.- )
  • Forever小低调
  • Forever小寂寞
  • Forever小牵挂
  • Forever小颓废
  • Forever小沉沦
  • 对于我的关于你,
  • for me about you,
  • 我还剩下什么了,
  • I have what,
  • ╭︿亦可︿╮
  • ╰﹀﹀﹀﹀╯

qq分组英文简单符号 QQ英文分组 第3张


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