
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:15:38  阅读 4 次 评论 0 条



  • Love is like the wind
  • ?爱就像风一样
  • you can not see it
  • ?你看不到
  • but you can feel it
  • ?但却能感觉到!
  • You said you love me
  • 你说的爱我
  • will not stop
  • 会不会就此停止
  • 我心之所恋 
  • my heart the love 
  • 未知往何方 
  • unknown where
  • 〣.*Ιcàň'τ
  • sàγγoù
  • sんàмёιёss,
  • Ιмёàň
  • sんàмёιёss
  • àгёιīκёγoù.﹖
  • White flower
  • 白色椛开,
  • The dream of flower
  • 梦里椛落,
  • 人生最怕的9件事
  • ﹣谎言[ lie ]
  • ﹣欺骗 [deceive]
  • ﹣虚伪 [false]
  • ﹣借口 [excuse]
  • ﹣背叛 [betrayal]
  • ﹣离开[leave]
  • ﹣敷衍 [Perfunctory]
  • ﹣迷失 [lost]
  • ﹣揭穿 [expose]
  •  ,‐ 、,ˊˋ、
  •  `.     ,′
  •  ˋ . ˊ
  • 我不会安慰ゃ
  • 不会挽留ゃ
  • ╭⌒ゝ
  • 所以千万别难过
  • ╰゛千万别离开
  • Don't ask the wind rain
  • -清风不问烟雨
  • drunk only when love
  • -醉酒只候情深
  • The wind is very good
  • [风吹很好]
  • Flowers is very good
  • [花开很好]
  • As long as you are
  • [只要你在]
  • What all good
  • [什么都好]
  • 书读得再好
  • Read better
  • 背景再牛逼
  • Background to cow force
  • 长得再好看
  • Grow to look good
  • 不会做人你也只是
  • Don’t you are just bei
  • 个人渣
  • A scum
  • Don't be
  • 别 为,
  • Not for the people
  • 不 该 为 的 人, 
  • Hurt
  • 伤 了,
  • Don't hurt the heart.
  • 不 该 伤 的 心.
  • You think I'm too stron
  •  你想我太坚强
  • Forget I will be sad
  •  忘了我会悲伤

qq分组英文简单三个 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • 不爱你的人
  • To be with someone who
  • doesn\\'t love you
  • 总有理由离开你
  • There is always a reaso
  • n to leave you
  • Forget yesterday
  • 忘却昨天
  • Cherish today
  • 珍惜今天
  • Shock tomorrow
  • 震撼明天
  • 长发与眸
  • Long hair and eyes.
  • 森林与鹿
  • Forests and the deer.
  • 故事与酒
  • Stories and wine.
  • share style
  • share the music
  • share the dream
  • share the good time
  • share the one day
  • share the world
  • I still try to be brave
  • -我还在逞强
  • No ability to block
  • -没能力阻挡
  • The direction you go
  • -你去的方向
  • A person is also very go
  • -一个人也很好
  • It's so good to go
  •  or you're always
  • afraid you'regoing. 
  • 你走了真好
  • 不然总担心你要走
  • [纵然喜欢清澈]
  • If love is clear
  • [却身处一片浑浊]
  • But in a muddy
  • [害怕你冰冷的眼]
  • afraid of you cold eye
  • [盯着我透明的心]
  • see transparent heart
  • I hear of you like her
  • 听说你喜欢她了
  • i hope you happy
  • 我希望你幸福
  • 我爱的少年
  • [I love the boy]
  •  笑起来很好看
  • [Smile is very
  •   good-look]
  • 但总不是为我
  • [But not for me]
  •  人心易冷
  • [People easy cold]
  •  切动真情
  • [Cut the truth]
  •  若是动情
  • [If the passionate]
  •  祝你安好
  •  、 ,
  • - ● -
  •  ′ ˋ
  • ╭⌒╮╮
  • ╰﹀╭⌒╮╮
  •   ╰﹀﹀╯
  • 太阳说
  • The sun said
  • 有你
  • sunshine
  • 不 孤 单
  • It is warm
  • ︶︶▔
  • I am waiting for a hug
  • [我在等一个拥抱]
  • hug all my uneasine
  • [拥抱我所有不安]

qq分组英文简单三个 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • my oxyge
  • 各自安好ゝ
  • 互不相扰ゝ
  • Time to retire to rest
  • ●-—---@●
  • │● .● | 
  • ╰——-—╯
  • ╭⌒ゝ 既然
  • ╭⌒ゝ 已经开始
  • 我会好好爱你
  •      WSN
  • I can love you well
  • until end of the world
  • 直到世界末日
  • 笑着说我爱你
  • Dream lost heart
  • 梦里失了心
  • Lost his way in the forest
  • 森林迷了路
  • -┈┈━═☆
  • 姑娘
  • Girl
  • 你可以无坚不摧
  • you can carry allbefore one
  • 你可以百毒不侵
  • you can from the
  • 你必须要赢
  • You have to win
  • 因为你必须
  • because you have to
  • 笑到最后
  • have the last laugh
  •  ╰☆╮
  • ミ?ミ
  •      ╭╮╮
  •      ╰╭╯
  • ╱  ╱
  •  ?″ ?″
  • Only at your side to
  • 毕竟深情不及久伴
  • Only Ever fall in love
  • 毕竟曾相爱过
  •  ╰つ
  •  ∩∩
  •  〔﹁﹁〕
  •  ぃべ < heavy >
  • < Best loss friend >
  • < Can not give up >
  •   < Not so simple >
  • < Like two personal >
  • < Previously, later >
  • - ︶▔﹋︶
  • You said
  • -你说
  • I do not want you
  • -哪天我不要你了
  • you must not marry
  • -你一定终身不嫁
  • let my life-long guilt
  • -让我内疚一生
  • ? Say a tomorrow
  • ?说好明天
  • ? You take me aly
  • ?你带我走
  • ? You say let go
  • ?你说放手
  • ? How can let
  • ?我怎么肯
  • This is the end
  • 结局就这样
  • How can I
  • 我还能怎样
  • Love me little
  • - 爱不贵亲密
  • love me long.
  • - 而贵长久
  • Love
  • me
  • like
  • you
  • do
  • 一样
  •  ℡╮
  • Just
  • breathe
  • you can see
  • the miracle
  • 只要用力呼吸つ
  • 就能见到奇迹。
  •  ℡╮

qq分组英文简单三个 QQ英文分组 第3张


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