
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:15:39  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • 秒回不是碰巧而是
  • Seconds instead of
  • happened to back
  • 一直在等待
  • Have been waiting for
  • You are unique 
  • 你是唯一の
  • and one of a kind.
  • 无可取代
  •  In the best of time
  •  To do what you want to
  •  To see see.
  •  Youth without regret
  •  青春不留遗憾
  • I smile,  
  •      ﹏﹏。
  • but it doesn’tこ
  •      meanっ
  • everything╮   
  •   ゜is OK.
  •  □■□■□
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~∝。
  •     ★
  • To me
  •  you are my world
  •  ?
  • 〔我的责任是〕
  • My responsibility is to
  • 〔宠着你〕
  • Familiar with you;
  • 〔哄着你〕
  • Coaxed you;
  • 〔惯着你〕
  • Accustomed to with you
  • ━━━━━━━━ 
  • 1s,my 1ove丶 
  • ━━━━━━━━ 
  •    、 ,
  •   - ● -
  •   ′ˋ
  • Your smile
  • is my sunshine°
  • 你的微笑
  • 是我的阳光°
  • I like the boy
  • 我喜欢的少年
  • I in your eyes
  • 我在你眼里
  • Just a joke
  • 只是个笑话吗
  • Since love
  • 既然爱了
  • How to make friend
  • 怎么甘心做朋友
  • ◤◣  ◤◣
  • ┏━━━━━━┓
  • Those troubles
  • ┗━━━━━━┛
  • ━━┅┅┅┅━━
  • ゆalways lingerゆ
  • 那些烦恼,永远挥之不去)
  •  ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • △-Sea and city
  • ??━━━━━━
  • 时光深巷少女与猫
  • ??━━━━━━
  • △-You and me
  • ??━━━━━━
  • 蓝鲸小镇少年与海
  •  ? ? ? ? ? ?

qq分组英文简单唯美带翻译 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • - You and me
  • 鱼是一缕未亡之魂
  • - I love you
  • 海是一座未枯之城
  • - say love me
  • 天是一撮未蓝之花
  • Emotio
  • -
  • Little caprice
  • -
  • Little time
  • -
  • Small day
  • Because love you
  • 【因为爱你】
  • so never mind
  • 【所以没关系】
  • You said forever
  • [ 你说的永久 ]
  • The dog ate it
  • [ 被狗吃了麽 ]
  • You said no separatio
  • [ 你说的不分离 ]
  • Now still count
  • [ 现在还算数麽 ]
  • Once promise
  • [ 曾经的诺言 ]
  • Strange°
  •  一群陌生人
  •  schoolmates 。
  •  那一年仲夏
  •  ╭love╮
  •  dear°
  •  ?Honey °?
  •  ? Dear ° ?
  •  Be familiar with
  •  熟悉的陌生人
  •  Silence、
  • |--------------------|
  •  I
  •  miss
  •  You
  • |--------------------|
  • Must want to me
  • [一定要想我]
  • Must read me
  • [一定要念我]
  • Must love me
  • [一定要爱我]
  • I can not abando
  • [不能抛弃我]
  • I think of you first
  • 想起眾人最初模樣
  • The mottled good time
  • 那些斑駁美好時光
  • Maybe later no intersect
  • 或許以後再無交集
  • But not the memory
  • 但記憶永不會變遷
  • If you can accomliany me
  • [如果你能陪伴我]
  • If you can understand me
  • [如果你能看懂我]
  • If you love me
  • [如果你能深爱我]
  • If you can not escalie
  • [如果你能不逃脱]
  • If you fall in love
  • [如果你们能相爱]
  • share style
  • share the music
  • share the dream
  • share the good time
  • share the one day
  • share the world
  • If you love
  • 如果爱
  • Please deep love
  • 请深爱
  • Do not love
  • 不爱
  • Please leave
  • 请离开
  • [世界太闹]
  • The worlr is too vast
  • [你的苦笑]
  • you laughing and crying
  • [不只为我]
  • is not for me

qq分组英文简单唯美带翻译 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • - Your name.
  • - 你の名字.
  • - My heart.
  • - 我の心事.
  •  ╱ ̄╲╱ ̄╲
  •  ╲ ??? ╱
  •  ╲╱
  • ? ??
  • ? ??
  • ? ??
  •  Almost Lover.
  •  He has had a lover
  • ◆◇ヽ━━━━━
  • ∥在这个世界
  • ∥要明白一个道理
  • ╰つ゛
  • [ 深不过真情 ]
  • [ 凉不过人心 ]
  • ╰つ゛
  • Heart Only For you
  • ︶︶ ̄︶︶ ̄︶︶
  • 有些情比爱还要深
  • 有些爱比情还要浓
  • ╭你来我在╮
  • 我回头你还在
  • ╭人已走远╮
  • 心却从不曾离开
  • It's so good to go
  •  or you're always
  • afraid you'regoing. 
  • 你走了真好
  • 不然总担心你要走
  • ________________
  • The world 
  • is full of 
  • love 
  • .........
  • ? ? ? ?
  • because of 
  • y?u
  • i?u baby!! 
  •  you are all
  • _________________
  • Just hold on to me.
  • [只要你抓紧我]
  • I 'll hold on to you
  • [我也会抓紧你]
  • It 's you and me u
  • against the world
  • [我你与世界为敌]
  • It 's you and me
  • [这是我与你]
  • -
  • If love,
  • 若爱,
  • time and distance,
  • 时间和距离,
  • will not hinder.
  • 都不会是阻碍。
  • Three years of time
  • [三年的时光]
  • Let me fall in love with
  • [让我爱上了你]
  • You deny me
  • [你拒绝了我]
  • I left the tears
  • [我流下了眼泪]
  • After we met
  • [以后我们相遇]
  • I will prove you
  • [我会证明没你}
  • I will be very well
  • [我也会过得很好]
  • [Crazy people]
  • [are not crazy]
  • [if one accepts]
  • [their reasoning]
  • Somethings are
  • can not stop
  • 有些事
  • 是不能阻止的
  • Just like you
  • can not stop I love you
  • 就像你
  • 不能阻止我爱你
  • I can not
  • stop you love her
  • 我也
  • 不能阻止你爱她
  • Many years later
  • - 愿多年以后
  • You and I walking stick
  • - 你我手扶拐棍
  • Laugh at each other
  • - 互相嘲笑对方
  • Long deciduous tooth
  • - 早已脱落的牙

qq分组英文简单唯美带翻译 QQ英文分组 第3张


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