
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:16:45  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • Be yourself.
  • 做自己
  • That’s when 
  • 那才是
  • you’re beautiful.
  • 你的美丽时刻
  • [一张试卷]
  • A piece of paper
  • [散了青春]
  • For youth
  • [一场考试]
  • A test
  • [散了三年]
  • For three year
  • ㄍ﹎ Sir,
  • take away your hypocriti
  •  get out
  • =------——
  • ㄍ﹎先生,
  • -——拿走你虚伪
  • 给我滚
  •  ︶︶︶
  •  The sea is not blue
  •  海不会不蓝
  •  Sen not gree
  •  森不会不绿
  •  You can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t not i
  •  你不会不在
  •  - 命
  • 待我强大 
  • With my strong 
  • 我把地球买下 
  • I liut the earth to buy 
  • Many years later
  • ﹝许多年以后﹞
  • You and I walking stick
  • ﹝你我手扶拐棍﹞
  • Laugh at each other
  • ﹝互相嘲笑对方﹞
  • Long deciduous tooth
  • ﹝早已脱落的牙﹞
  • [recall]
  •  回忆
  • [exorbitant]
  •  你好嚣张
  •  -
  • ┼———————
  •  I'm Sorry
  •  是珴太执着
  •  让迩受伤了
  • Goodbye Lov3
  • ———————┼
  • Heartless
  • 没心没肺
  • Alive not tired
  • 活着不累
  • [汉子]
  • Man
  • [女神]
  • goddess
  • [逗比]
  • Funny than
  • ╪━━━━════
  • If the situation
  • can be controlled
  • my heart would ache
  • ═════━━━━╪
  • -情若能自控
  • -我怎会心痛
  • -?
  • three years of pain
  • 三年之痛
  • Love you not say
  • 说不爱你
    the seven-year itch
  • 七年之痒
  • I still love you
  • 我依然爱你

qq分组英文简约家人 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • L是的少年我爱你
  • YES the young Ilove you
  • O是的少年我宠你
  • YES the young Ispoil you
  • V是的少年我心疼
  • YES the young Ideary you
  • E是的少年你是我
  • YES the young you are my
  •  ——挚爱
  • Pure will loss 
  • 清纯即将流失
  • Youth fades
  • 青春逐渐消失
  • In the days of rain 
  • 天在下雨 
  • Hard rain and tear 
  • 分不清雨和泪 
  • He is in my heart 
  • 他在我心里 
  •  Miss too much pain 
  •  思念太多会痛 
  • I dream to destroy 
  • 我梦终毁 
  • Strangers.
  • Very dumb.
  • Really care.
  • Very stupid.
  • Very happy.
  • Is very important.
  • Unfinished.
  • The very friends.
  • Them.
  • ───────┼
  • To be continued.
  • You, my future.
  •  ( ⒉o12)
  • Take a life to love you.
  • ---------------------
  • Love like a gust of wind
  • 爱像一阵风
  • After blowing it away
  • 吹完它就走
  • This rhythm
  • 这样的节奏
  • Who feel helpless
  • 谁都无可奈何
  • You left me
  • 你留给我的.
  • alone and memories
  • 除了孤单与回忆.
  • what the hell is left
  • 到底还剩下什么.
  • ……?☆ Α︰MeToo
  • ┅…☆ Β︰Α
  • …?☆ С︰В
  • ‥☆ D︰АandВandC
  • ▁▁???▁▁
  • 故城荒凉
  • Gucheng a desolatio
  • 旧巷无人
  • The old lane unmanned
  • 你拥佳人
  • You hold the wind
  • 我仍痴等
  • I am still waiting
  • 少时诺言
  • Little promise
  • 今日无言
  • Today without word
  • 丶First
  • 倾心 -
  • 丶Next
  • 痴心 -
  • 丶Then
  • 失心 -
  • 丶Finally
  • 虐心 -
  • I want to strong
  • [我朩想哭泣]
  • I think optimistic
  • [我朩想孤髑]
  • I want to warm
  • [我朩想寂寞]
  • I want to live
  • [僦筭朩久]
  • It is also very good
  • [彵狠亓杺].oО
  • 我一直以为最糟糕
  • 的情况是你离开我
  • I always thought the wor
  • Are you leave me
  • 其实最令我难过的
  • In fact, the most made
  • me sad
  • 是你不快乐
  • Are you not haliliy
  • 我不喜体育
  • I don\\'t like sport
  • 我讨厌足球
  • I hate football
  • 我为你看世界杯
  • Watching the world cu
  • 你喜欢我好不好
  • You love me well

qq分组英文简约家人 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • 一次就好
  • Once is good
  • 带你去看天荒地老
  • Take you to see the end
  • To strive
  • 去奋斗
  • to seek
  • 去追求
  • to find
  • 去发现
  • and not to yield
  • 但不要放弃
  • ??·菇凉
  • ??·你可以哭
  • ??·但是
  • ??·绝不可以
  • ??·输
  • I cried
  • but 
  • I do not lose
  • ?·我哭了
  • 但是
  • 我不输
  • I finally lost you
  • 我终于失去了你
  • In the crowded crowd
  • 在拥挤的人群中
  • Many years later
  • - 愿多年以后
  • You and I walking stick
  • - 你我手扶拐棍
  • Laugh at each other
  • - 互相嘲笑对方
  • Long deciduous tooth
  • - 早已脱落的牙
  • true love
  • Gray trajectory 
  • [ 何必沉溺 ]
  • why still here
  • [ 浮生若梦罢了 ]
  • he just gave you a lie
  • Play
  •  hey
  •  Can you feel my world .
  •  ╯з︶:
  • Sorry 'I can't
  • Game over
  • 夏目迷心
  • Xia mu fan heart
  • 梦遇旧她
  • In her old dream
  • 患者多心
  • Patients with multiple
  • 复而得失
  • After the gain and loss
  • 旧人九事
  • The old nine things
  • 一梦七年
  • In a finished
  • [给我一场车祸]
  • [Give me a car accident]
  • [然后抢救无效]
  • [Then the rescue invalid
  • single is simple
  • 一个人是孤单
  • double is trouble.
  • 两个人是麻烦
  • ●-—---@●
  • │● .● | 
  • ╰——-—╯
  • ╭⌒ゝ 既然
  • ╭⌒ゝ 已经开始
  • 我会好好爱你
  •      WSN
  • I can love you well
  • until end of the world
  • 直到世界末日
  • 笑着说我爱你
  • ?
  • I love you
  • not because of
  • who are you
  • but because of
  • who I a
  • mwhen I am wuith yuo

qq分组英文简约家人 QQ英文分组 第3张


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