
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:17:51  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • - An empty city -
  • (一座空城)
  • - Life of pain -
  • (一生心痛)
  • ONLY
  • 一半浮生
  • 二两清酒
  • 三生有幸
  • 四季与你
  • 爱情
  • Is a cup of wine
  • The bitter
  • Astringent
  • 我还是愿意?
  • 去冒险??
  • Your one and only
  • If.
  • [如果]
  • There is no light.
  • [没有光]
  • They do the sun.
  • [便做自己的太阳]
  • Once ulion a time
  • 【很久很久之前】
  • I was in your sight
  • 【我就在你眼前】
  • When I fell hard
  • 【当我深陷爱河】
  • You took a steli back
  • 【而你离我而去】
  • [美好的曾经] 
  • {Good once} 
  • [心痛的回忆] 
  • {heartache memories} 
  • [浮夸的誓言] 
  • {grandiose oath} 
  • [难忘的少年] 
  • {young to remember}
  • 心脏. music 一
  • 失梦人°Triste
  • &am
  • Dislike 滥情°
  • i belive~~
  • Sunshinee
  • Rwanda丶Ace
  • I could be the one
  • -
  • What other people think
  • of you is none of your
  • business.
  • 别人爱怎么想
  • 那是她们的事,
  • 你就是你
  • 梦遇旧她
  • In a finished
  • 一梦七年
  • In her old dream
  • 总有一天
  • One day
  • 我也会变老
  • I will grow old
  • 时间掩盖了
  • Mask the time
  • 我的热情
  • My passion
  • Аs long as you want
  • 只要你想要
  • Аs long as I have
  • 只要我有
  • When you need me
  • 当你需要我时
  • I will behind you
  • 我就在你身后
  • You think I'm too stron
  •  你想我太坚强
  • Forget I will be sad
  •  忘了我会悲伤

qq分组英文兩個 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • 她是我爱人
  • She is my lover
  • 她是我太阳
  • She is my su
  • 她是我女神
  • She is my God
  • It all comes to the end 
  • 关于过去
  • about the past and you.
  • 关于你,告一段落
  • For the future
  • 关于未来
  • about me
  • 关于我
  • to be continued...
  • 敬请期待...
  • The old empty city
  • [空城旧人]
  • Old streetold lane
  • [旧街古巷]
  • One empty keep a city
  • [一人空守一座城]
  • Just waiting for him
  • [为的只是等他]
  •   *
  •  i want $omeOne `
  •  Afra1d of losIng *
  • 下一个夏天
  • The next summer
  • 教室里又坐满了人
  • Sit in the classroom i
  • full of people
  • 可惜不再是我们
  • It\\'s a pity that is no
  • longer we
  • Like the city
  • -好像这个城市
  • Always there is a lot of
  • -总是风很大
  • The lonely person is alw
  • -孤独的人总是晚归
  • ?原谅这世上 
  • [Forgive the world]. 
  • -没有童话 
  • [No fairy tale].
  • [时光虽美]
  • Although days beauty
  • [却是恶人]
  • But the wicked
  • [他将你我]
  • He will be you and me
  • [无情拆散]
  • Heartless raider
  • You just say you love me
  • 你刚刚说爱
  • Forget after the turn
  • 在转身后就忘了
  • His mouth whisper
  • 嘴里呢喃着
  • Hello baby naive
  • 宝贝你好天真
  •  ̄ Say:
  • 独1无2 的你
  • Dear 宝贝
  • 你的承诺我记得
  • ╰︶︸ ̄︸ ̄︶
  • hey,boy
  • 我没她好
  • 你不想要
  • say goodbye
  • ????????
  • You are unique 
  • 你是唯一的
  • and one of a kind.
  • 无可替代
  • To strive
  • 去奋斗
  • to seek
  • 去追求
  • to find
  • 去发现
  • and not to yield
  • 但不要放弃

qq分组英文兩個 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • I love you now
  • My memory he
  • I believe in magic
  • Shall we go now
  •  # 庸人
  •  # 自扰
  •  、 、
  • - ● -
  •  、 、
  • I want someone\\"
  • afraid of losing me\\"
  • 傻子在付出.
  • 骗子在享受.
  •  ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆
  •  ☆ ┆ ┆ ┆
  •    ☆ ┆ ┆
  •      ☆ ┆
  • 〃十年
  • 〃ten year
  • [How many people]
  • 有多少人
  • [ClearlyVery painful]
  • 明明狠疼
  • [But biting his lips]
  • 却咬着嘴
  • [Say no pain]
  • 说不痛
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • You are warm
  •  andbacklighting
  • (你是温暖
  •  逆光而来)
  • Heart here
  • [心在这里]
  • Advance and retreat from
  • [进退由你]
  • Women don\\\\\\'t poiso
  • [女人不毒]
  • Why is based
  • [何以立足]
  • 「The girl」
  • .姑娘.
  • 「Study bad mody」
  • .还在伤心么.
  • 「Study aching mody」
  • .还在心痛么.
  • 「Don 't be silly」
  • .别傻了.
  • 「He didn 't love me」
  • .他依然不爱你.
  • 不知道明天方向
  • Do not konw
  • tomorrow directio
  • I believe you.
  • [我相信你.]
  • You have to hurt me.
  • [你却伤害我.]
  • [风筝有风]
  • Kite has the wind
  • [海豚有海]
  • The dolphins have the sea
  • 与日俱增的
  • The growing 
  • 除了年龄
  • In addition to age
  • 还有演技
  • And acting
  • Mightaswellfaceit
  • -面对现实吧
  • YouandIareonourown.
  • -我们要靠自己

qq分组英文兩個 QQ英文分组 第3张


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