
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:18:01  阅读 5 次 评论 0 条



  • *────── 
  • ╭ ╭⌒╮ 
  • ╰~╭⌒╮
  • ︶︶︶︶﹌ 
  • i love you * 
  • i miss you * 
  • i wait you * 
  • i want you * 
  • i need you * 
  • i carry you * 
  • i follow you * 
  • *──────
  • You say you love me
  • [你说你爱我]
  • not say only love me
  • [又没说只爱我]
  • Ishould see clearly
  • [我该看清了]
  • love
  • I love
  • 我爱
  • I love you
  • 我爱你
  • I love you very much
  • 我很爱你
  • I really love you
  • 我真的爱你
  • A person live
  • 一个人?住
  • A person walking
  • 一个人?行走
  • A man running
  • 一个人?跑
  • A person in the rain
  • 一个人?淋着雨
  • Looking at the sky smile
  • 看着天空?笑
  • ╭ ───── ╮
  • │懂得那份感觉│
  • ╰ ───── ╯
  • Know that feeling
  • 【她们的泪】
  • 林萧
  • Tears are weakness.
  • 顾里
  • Tears are salty water.
  • 南湘
  • Tears are memories.
  • 唐宛如
  • Tears are empathy.
  • Kitty
  • Tears are insecurity
  • In your side
  • Never leave
  • 在你身边
  • 不曾离开.
  • This is the end
  • 结局就这样
  • How can I
  • 我还能怎样
  • I heard
  • 听说ヽ
  • Each one will be lonely
  • 每颗星都会寂寞
  • I heard
  • 听说ヽ
  • Every tear is the diamo
  • 每滴泪都是钻石
  •   ▼▼
  •  ∩∩
  • 〔﹁﹁〕
  •  ぃべ 
  • Don't need your charity
  • Your so called love 
  •  ? face.
  • Once upon a time
  • 很久很久之前
  • I was in your sight
  • 我就在你眼前
  • When I fell hard
  • 当我深陷爱河
  • You took a step back
  • 而你离我而去
  • Life is a flower
  • 人生如花
  • love is the honey
  • 爱如蜜甜

qq分组英文六行 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • Sea and city 。
  • [海与城]
  •  You and me 。
  • [你和我]
  • Time does not dye
  • [时光不染]
  • Memories do not light
  • [回忆不淡]
  • 98%的女人
  • 98% of wome
  • 在气头上说的话
  • In a huff said
  • 都是假的
  • All is false
  • 而99%的男人
  • While 99% of me
  • 却相信了
  • But believe
  • lihsten to your heart
  •   [傾聽妳の心]
  • read to your heart
  •   [讀懂妳の心]
  • Recognize to your heart
  •   [認清妳の心]
  • Choose the right perso
  •   [選擇對の人]
  • [你在我安]
  • You are in my
  • [你拥我暖]
  • You hold me warm
  • [你离我泣]
  • You leave me to cry
  • [你走我亡]
  • You leave me to dead
  • To see a world in a grain of sand, 
  • [一粒沙里阅世界]
  • And a heaven in a wild flower, 
  • [一朵花中觅天堂]
  • Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
  • [无穷尽在掌心中]
  • And eternity in an hour.
  • [永恒不过一刻钟]
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • This year
  • Independence is the king
  • true love
  • Gray trajectory 
  • [ 何必沉溺 ]
  • why still here
  • [ 浮生若梦罢了 ]
  • he just gave you a lie
  • Love is a chord in life
  • - 爱是生命的和弦
  • not a solo. 
  • - 而不是独奏
  • Goodnight lover
  • [晚安爱人]
  • forever lover
  • [永恒爱人]
  • Dream lover
  • [亡梦爱人]
  • Island lover
  • [孤岛爱人]
  • Defective lover
  • [瑕疵爱人]
  • I Believe 2014 *
  •  ╱╲
  •  ╱天╱
  • ╱長╱ ╱╲
  • ╲╱ ╱地╱
  •  ╱久╱
  •  ╲╱
  • ,‐ 、,ˊˋ
  • `.    ,′
  • ˋ .ˊ
  •  ∩_∞, ∩_ ∩,
  • (●﹏●) (●﹏●)
  •  /▓\\   /█\\
  •  ||    ||
  • - 北有麋鹿
  • - North of Elk
  • - 南有暖树
  • - The South warm tree
  • - 夏有乔木
  • - There are trees in su
  • I'm not without feelings
  • [我不是没有感情]
  • just not so perceptual
  • [只是不那么感性]

qq分组英文六行 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • [梦太美]
  • [Dream is beautiful]
  • [想一遍]
  • [Think again]
  • [爱上他]
  • [Fall in love with him]
  • [当回忆]
  • [When memories]
  • Every day morning丶
  •   when I get up丶
  • ╰ゝ每天早晨起来
  • -----------------------
  • You and sunshine丶
  • are both here丶
  • ╰ゝ你和阳光都在
  • -----------------------
  • his is I want丶
  • future丶
  • ╰ゝ这就是我想要的
  • 未来
  • ______________ ◇
  • じ☆ve丶
  • 北城荒凉
  • [ Beicheng desolate ]
  • 故人难忘
  • [ With unforgettable ]
  • 岁月安好
  • [ Who lived deep ]
  • 静待彷徨
  • [ Waiting for stray ]
  • I just love you
  • 我就是喜欢你
  • Have you walked away
  • 有本事你走开啊
  • You let go
  • 有本事你松手啊
  • I'm going to disappear
  • 我一定会消失的
  • No you are the my
  • 不可以你是我的
  • -
  • [这世间]
  • In this world
  • [最残忍的爱]
  • The most cruel love
  • [不是得不到]
  • Not not
  • [而是已失去]
  • But has been lost
  •  ―﹏-&brvbar
  • - I love you so much
  •  Baby boy
  •  1s, my 1ove丶
  • I love you ...
  • is longlong very youne
  • - Do you love me a littl
  •  ending...
  • I wanna be with you.
  • 我想要和你在一起
  • Don't you let me drive
  • 你不让我送
  • I will not give
  • 我便不送
  • You make me wait
  • 你让我等待
  • I will wait
  • 我会等待
  • You are not me
  • - 你不是我
  • you do not know 
  • - 你不用懂得
  • my loneliness
  • - 我的寂寞
  • [why]
  • 在我最难过的时候
  • [In my most sad]
  • 你还笑的那么开心
  • [You laugh so happy]
  •  dear good close frie
  • I am incapable of actio
  • [我无能为力]
  • I always loved you
  • [我深爱着你]
  • You don't know me
  • [你还不知道我]
  • I will love you in sile
  • [我默默爱着你]
  • You call——***
  • [你叫──***]
  • 【我知道】
  •  I know
  • 【你会走】
  • You will go
  • 【所以我】
  •  So I
  • 【没挽留】
  • Did not stay

qq分组英文六行 QQ英文分组 第3张


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