
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:22:17  阅读 4 次 评论 0 条



  •  偏执
  • [Paranoid]
  •  错爱
  • [Indulgence]
  •  溺爱
  • [Spoil]
  •  放手
  • [letting go]
  •  绝望
  • [Despair]
  • ------------
  • -
  • -
  • -I'll find
  • -someone like you
  • -Nevermind.
  • -------------
  • You are my dream of scum
  • 你是我梦里的人渣
  • The real rascal
  • 现实中的流氓。
  •  ???? ″
  • I'm about to lose
  •  my mind ≈
  • You've been gone
  • for so long
  • [不属于你的]
  • Does not belong to you
  • [握得再紧也没用]
  • Hold tight agai
  • Don\\'t fish without tear
  • 别说鱼没有眼泪
  • Even if the flow into th
  • 就算流成整个大海
  • You also know
  • 你也毫不知情
  • ■□—
  • I 'm used to
  •  a person。
  •  a person。
  •       .︵o○
  • You leave,
  •  I will not be lonely
  •       ?。
  • But, the heart
  •  &a
  • Not Necessary
  •  [何必
  • Obsessivene
  •  [执念
  • In The Final Analysi
  •  [毕竟
  • Deep Love
  •  [深爱
  • You do not have
  • ╰-much good-╯
  •  你不用多好
  •  I like it
  •  我喜欢就好
  • Waste material
  • [ 是废物 ]
  • We must learn to
  •  push away
  • [就应该用力扔掉]
  •  感情是用来浏览
  •  还是用来珍藏
  •  ╭-━━╮
  •  ┃_o o_┃
  •  ╰┳^┳╯
  • ─??──??─
  • I would like to i
  •  [ 我愿深陷 ]
  • Also want to get
  •  [ 也要得到 ]
  • [独占你]
  • [Exclusive you]
  • [以为]
  • [Think]
  • [你不会走]
  • [You will not go]
  • [但是]
  • [But]
  • [我错了]
  • [I was wrong]

qq分组英文有人生理想的 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • The heart is mine.
  • 心虽是我的.
  • But it is full of you.
  • 可里面装的全是你.
  • ╭━━━╮
  • ┃_o o_ ┃
  • ╰┳^┳╯
  • 我的世界my world
  • 只有你 Only you
  • 我的灵魂My soul
  • 只有你 Only you
  • 宝贝 我爱你
  • Baby I love you
  • 在一起的那些日子
  • Those days when we were
  • [你是那么完美]
  • You are so perfect
  • [即使有细微缺陷]
  • Even subtle defect
  • [也被我用爱的笔]
  • Also I love pe
  • [填满……]
  • fill.
  •      ミ?ミ
  • You are
  •    in my life
  • 从爱你的刹那
  • ╪───────
  • 就知道你会变心
  • the most warm℡
  •      ゛moved
  • ───────╪
  • Be yourself
  • _做你自己
  • That\\'s whe
  • -那才是你"
  • Three years of time
  • [三年的时光]
  • Let me fall in love with
  • [让我爱上了你]
  • You deny me
  • [你拒绝了我]
  • I left the tears
  • [我流下了眼泪]
  • After we met
  • [以后我们相遇]
  • I will prove you
  • [我会证明没你}
  • I will be very well
  • [我也会过得很好]
  • I just love you
  • 我就是喜欢你
  • Have you walked away
  • 有本事你走开啊
  • 【梦该醒了】
  • 【人该散了】
  • 【你该走了】
  • 【我该一个人了】
  • 物事人已非
  • Wu Shi have Africa
  • 人去楼已空
  • People to buildings, wa
  • empty.
  • He is a dream
  • [他是梦]
  • Is not life
  • [不是命]
  • Forgive other
  • [原谅别人]
  • At the same time
  • [同时]
  • also let yourself
  • [也放过自己]
  • [I am a human]
  • A perso
  • [一个人]
  • A dream
  • [一场梦]
  • An empty city
  • [一座空城]
  • Life of pai
  • [一生心痛]
  • ?‐ 、,ˊˋ 
  • `. LOVE ,′ 
  • ˋ? 
  • My——朋友1℡
  • My——朋友2℡
  • My——朋友3℡
  • My——发小℡
  • My——兄弟℡
  • My——亲情℡
  • My——社会℡
  • My——死党℡
  • My——唯一℡

qq分组英文有人生理想的 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • To see a world in a grain of sand, 
  • [一粒沙里阅世界]
  • And a heaven in a wild flower, 
  • [一朵花中觅天堂]
  • Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
  • [无穷尽在掌心中]
  • And eternity in an hour.
  • [永恒不过一刻钟]
  • Give me the last time
  •  能给我最后一次
  •  拥抱吗?
  •  Embrace it?
  •  ︻︻
  •  ◣◢
  • 如果你注定要离去
  • If you were to leave
  • 你怎么会给我希望
  • How do you give me hope
  • [乱情 /9 Demon。]
  • [乱世 /9 Demon。]
  • [纷乱 /9 Demon。]
  • [乱心 /9 Demon。]
  • [繁乱 /9 Demon。]
  • [情迷 /9 Demon。]
  • [沉醉 /9 Demon。]
  • [红颜 /9 Demon。]
  • [染尘 /9 Demon。]
  • 明明动了情
  • Clearly to move feeling
  • 还装作不在乎
  • As he didn\\'t care
  • 明明动了心
  • Clearly moved heart
  • 却不能靠近
  • But not near
  • ═══LOVE══
  • Have you been
  • 你一直在
  • I am like a scorpion 
  • 是我避如毒蝎
  • There is grave
  • [心里有座坟]
  • Buried the survivor
  • [葬着未亡人]
  •    —??
  • 爱情是个笑话
  • 【Love is a joke】
  • 让我沉迷
  • 【Let me indulge】
  • 让你放纵
  • 【Let you indulge】
  • 结局
  • 【The ending】
  • 却是她
  • 【Is she】
  • 爱,是毒
  • 【Love is poison】
  • = = =
  • 少年
  • [ juvenile ]
  • 对不起
  • [ Im sorry ]
  • 原谅我的自私
  • [ Forgive my selfish ]
  • 我把我们的爱情
  • [ I will leave love ]
  • 遗忘在了旧时光里
  • [ in the time ]
  • Let the time 
  • - 任由时间
  • tell the truth.
  • - 说真话
  • You said,
  • 你说
  • I do not want you, 
  • 哪天我不要你了
  • you must not marry, 
  • 你一定终身不嫁
  • let my life-long guilt.
  • 让我内疚一生
  • -
  • 就算你不要我了
  • Even if you don't want
  • 我也会像
  • I would also like
  • 你追我那样
  • You are chasing me
  • 把你追回来
  • You come back

qq分组英文有人生理想的 QQ英文分组 第3张


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