
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:25:58  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • World that love you
  • [全世界宣布爱你]
  • Where can you have
  • [可你却在哪里]
  • I would rather
  • [我情愿]
  • be single
  • [孤身一人]
  • than choose
  • [也不愿]
  • a wrong person.
  • [错爱今生]
  • 如果你注定要离去
  • If you were to leave
  • 你怎么会给我希望
  • How do you give me hope
  • I am so sorry 
  • 我很抱歉
  • but i love you.
  • 但是我爱你...
  • The most qmainful
  • distance,
  • 最痛的距离,
  • you are not with me but
  • in my heart.
  • 是你不在我身边
  • 却在我心里。
  • 「谢谢你的离开」
  • Thank you for leaving
  • 「让我学会坚强」
  • Let me learn to be stro
  • 「谢谢你的背叛」
  • Thank you for your betra
  • 「让我看清世界」
  • Let me see the world
  •     someoneっ
  • who can╮
  •  ゜chat with me
  • --> > ╭ love╮
  • --> > ╲╳╱
  • 》: 
  •  一 = 放'
  •  次 = 不'
  •  一 = 下'
  •  次 = 你'
  • ﹏ “TCC”
  • ____________
  • 【就算我卑微】
  • Even if I am humble
  • 【也有资格沉醉】
  • also drunk
  •  ぐ ?
  •  The deepest pain,
  •  最深的伤痛,
  •  how long it takes time,
  •  需要多久的时间
  •  to heal recovery。
  •  才能痊愈康复。
  • Love is not hard to find
  • - 难找的不是爱
  • trust is.
  • - 是信任
  • [带上老友]
  • With old friends.
  • [说着故事]
  • Tell story.
  • [吹吹冷风]
  • The cold wind blow.
  • [喝杯烈酒]
  • Drink a
  • cup of wine

qq管理分组英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • [我浑身是刺
  • I am full of thor
  • 满身是伤 ]
  • Is covered with wounds.
  • [ 我全身是伤
  • My body is hurt
  • 蛇蝎心肠 ]
  • have a Bad heart
  • 爱情
  • Is a cup of wine
  • The bitter
  • Astringent
  • 我还是愿意?
  • 去冒险??
  • Your one and only
  • -
  • -Break our happine
  • 翻译:破碎了我们
  • hey you let me go
  • 白衣飘飘的年代
  • hey you let s have fun
  • 隔壁班的那个女孩
  • hey you my best friend
  • 我们总是相信爱
  • 用力爱 不分开
  •  In the best of time
  •  To do what you want to
  •  To see see.
  •  Youth without regret
  •  青春不留遗憾
  • 一眼之念 
  • [A thought] 
  • 一念执着 
  • [A liersistent] 
  • 最好不见 
  • [Best not to see]
  •  一个人,
  • A person,
  • 独自走,
  • Walkover,
  • 莫回首,
  • Mo back,
  • 看尽天荒地老。
  • See everything forever.
  • -
  • 深知
  • know very well
  • 你是梦
  • You are the dream
  • 却咬牙不放手
  • But teeth do not let go
  • ——丶 Remember
  • 记得、那一年仲夏
  • 记得、那一次毕业
  • 记得、那一天我们
  • Remember丶 ——
  • I always remember
  • Will always remember
  • Our youth
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰ ★╮
  •    ╱/╰ ┛
  • 幸好爱情不是一切
  • Fortunately,
  • love is not everything
  • 幸好一切不是爱情
  • But all is not love
  • 再美好经不住遗忘
  • Another beautiful classis
  • do not live of forgeting
  • 再悲伤抵不过时间
  • Again sad
  • but arrivedin time
  •  ||我熬夜|
  • [I stayed up late]
  •  ||我心疼|
  • [I love dearly]
  •  ||我流泪|
  • [I shed tears]
  •  ||我喊累|
  • [I shout tired]
  •  ||我想你|
  • [I miss you]
  •  ||也就只有|
  • [Only]
  •  ||我一个人知道|
  • [I know a person]
  •  旧城旧梦
  •  旧心旧爱
  •  只给旧人留
  • The old city old dream
  • old love to old heart
  •  only for old people。

qq管理分组英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • true love
  • Gray trajectory 
  • [ 何必沉溺 ]
  • why still here
  • [ 浮生若梦罢了 ]
  • he just gave you a lie
  •  我总是
  •  I always
  • 因为一点儿情绪
  • Because mood
  •  而想念你
  • And I miss you
  • 丿Forever╭简爱╮
  • 丿Forever╭快樂╮
  • 丿Forever╭錵残╮
  • 丿Forever╭獨爱╮
  • 丿Forever╭摯愛╮
  • 丿Forever╭专属╮
  • 丿Forever╭曾经╮
  • 丿Forever╭任性╮
  • 丿Forever╭儍苽╮
  • 丿Forever╭回憶╮
  • 丿Forever╭笨蛋╮
  •  Mr. __?
  •  Miss. __?
  • ◆◇ヽLove、永远
  • Ever?
  • But not forever
  • Like?
  • But not love
  • Lose?
  • But not lost
  • Alive?
  • But not live
  • Forget●
  • But not get
  • Family??
  • But not fam
  • ︶︸ ̄︸ ̄︶
  • Brazil
  • France
  • Germany
  • Holland
  • England
  • Mexico
  • Cameroon
  • A Genyan
  • Portugal
  • Australia
  • Croatia
  • Columbia
  • I will always
  • love you
  • until the
  • end of time.
  • 我将永远喜欢你
  • 直到时间停止。
  • I am waiting for a hug
  • 我在等一个拥抱
  • hug all my uneasine
  • 拥抱我所有不安
  • ╭⌒╮¤
  • ╭╭ ⌒╮ ●╭○
  • ╰ ----╯/█∨█\\
  • ~~~~~~~~~~∏~~∏~~~~~~
  • [影子爱人@]
  • >>>------I love you!
  • [心尖爱人@]
  • >>>------I need you!
  •  [刺青爱人@]
  • >>>------I miss you!
  • [亡命爱人@]
  • >>>------I want you!
  •  ? ?
  • - [I\\\\\\'m queen]
  • - [I\\\\\\'m a superwoman]
  • - [I\\\\\\'m a goddess]
  • i love you
  •  我爱你
  • i miss you
  •  我想你
  • i wait you
  •  我等你
  • i carry you
  •  我陪你
  • I want to be
  • [ 我想成为 ]
  • his favorite meet
  • [ 他动心的相遇 ]
  • [I am a human]
  • 我是人
  • `
  • [I am not God]
  • 我不是神
  • `
  • [I also have a mood]
  • 我也有情绪
  • ·
  • [I am not that great]
  • 我没那么伟大`

qq管理分组英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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