
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:26:12  阅读 7 次 评论 0 条



  • Love is a joke]
  • 爱情是一个笑话
  • Laugh off my head other
  • 笑死了别人
  • Smile hurt yourself
  • 笑疼了自己
  • -你把我宠成女王
  • You ’re the queen
  • -结果你告诉我
  • And you tell me
  • -你喜欢灰姑娘
  • You like Cinderella
  • 很久很久
  • For a long time
  • 很旧很旧
  • Very old, very old
  •  想我吗?
  •  Think of me?
  •  疼我吗?
  •  Hurt me?
  •  念我吗?
  •  Miss me?
  •  爱我吗?
  •  Love me?
  •  呵呵。
  •  Ha-ha.
  •  这一切已经过去
  •  All this is over
  • ╱╲ ゛ 
  • ╲╱ ◆ 
  • Only_________ 
  • 〃Angel Do not Cry、≈ 
  • Exclusive taste 
  • 〃You let me know、≈ 
  • Tenderness memory 
  • 〃Take you back、≈ 
  • Goodbye 
  • 〃I once said、≈ 
  • say you love me、★ 
  • [ 幸福开始守望 ]
  • [ Happiness began to
  • watch ]
  • [ 承诺浮现假象 ]
  • [ Commitment to emerge
  • illusion ]
  • [ 悲哀的去游荡 ]
  • [ Sad to wander ]
  •      ミ?ミ
  • You are
  •    in my life
  • 从爱你的刹那
  • ╪───────
  • 就知道你会变心
  • the most warm℡
  •      ゛moved
  • ───────╪
  • [只要你在]
  • As long as you are
  • [什么都好]
  • What all good
  • [花开很好]
  • Flowers is very good
  • [风吹很好]
  • The wind is very good
  • White flower
  • [白色椛开]
  • The dream of flower
  • [梦里椛落]
  • 青梅枯萎丶
  • Greengage wither丶
  • 竹马老去丶
  • The old zhu Ma丶
  • 你是否依然爱我丶
  • Will you still love me
  • ―﹏-¦
  • - I love you so much
  • Baby boy
  • 1s,my1ove丶
  • Iloveyou...
  • islonglong very youne
  • - Do you love me a littl
  • ending...
  • [Want to be with you]
  • 多想和你
  • [Walking side by side]
  • 并肩散步

qq好听的英文分组 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • 我不是笑话
  • I am not a joke
  • 我是废话
  • I was cra
  • 请少说废话
  • Please talk nonsense
  • In your world-
  • 我是过客-
  • In my world-
  • 你是全部-
  • □■ kinsfolk
  • □■ close friend
  • ◆◇━━━━━◆◇
  • An unexpected result
  •  意料的结果?
  • Not say too much
  •  没有说太多?
  • The snow across the
  •  风雪划过的?
  • I was too weak
  •  是我的懦落?
  • Luxuriant silence
  •  华丽的沉默?
  • Maybe a release
  •  也许是解脱?
  • Warm and tender
  •  温热的温柔?
  • [不属于你的]
  • Does not belong to you
  • [握得再紧也没用]
  • Hold tight agai
  •   — also usele
  • ┏╮/╱
  • ╰ 缘╮
  • ╱/ ╰┛
  • ╔══╗
  • ║ I ║
  • ║love║
  • ║γòǔ║
  • ╚══╝
  •  ╲\\╭┓
  •  ╭缘 ╯
  • ┗╯\\╲
  • You said
  • -你说
  • I do not want you
  • -哪天我不要你了
  • you must not marry
  • -你一定终身不嫁
  • let my life-long guilt
  • -让我内疚一生
  • - 不像朋友
  • Unlike friend
  • - 不如不做朋友
  • Do not to make friend
  • - 不像爱人
  • Do not like lover
  • - 不如坦白放手
  • Not to let it go
  • ▏Kite has the wind▕
  • 风筝有风
  • ▏Dolphins have the sea▕
  • 海豚有海
  • ▏You still have me▕
  • 你还有我
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮ 
  •     ╱/╰┛ 
  •    ? spring.
  •    ? summer.
  •    ? autumn.
  •    ? winter.
  • ︶︸﹊︸ ̄︶︸ ̄
  • ●╰涐们旳故事
  • ● 正在进行中…
  • ● 
  • ┌┄┄┄┄┄┄┄
  • ┆㈠specia1 、
  • ┆㈡happine
  • ┆㈢friends 。
  • └┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
  • ● 涐们旳回忆╯
  • ● 正等待更新…
  • I miss you,
  • ____此生 ╮
  • I love you、
  • ╱ ̄╲╱ ̄╲
  • 今生、伱若
  • ╲卜 、离 ╱
  •  ╲╱
  • ╱ ̄╲╱ ̄╲
  • 今世、我則
  • ╲ 卜、弃 ╱
  •  ╲╱
  •  ╭棋子专属╮
  •  ╰禁止盗版╯

qq好听的英文分组 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • - L -
  • 十指相扣-°Love
  • - O -
  • 天长地久-°Friendsh
  • - V -
  • 流年往事-°Memory
  • - E -
  • 人世冷暖-°Internet
  • - Be -
  • 温暖人心-°Home
  • -Forver
  • - 扰人清梦づ
  • -
  • -I don't love you
  • I don't want to separate
  • 不像朋友
  • Unlike friend
  • 不如不做朋友
  • Do not make friend
  • 不像爱人
  • Unlike the lover
  • 不如坦白放手
  • Not to let go
  • 你 死 心 了 没
  • Did you lose heart
  • 你 念 够 了 没
  • Did you read enough
  • 你 忘 掉 了 没
  • Did you forget to off
  • ? ben dan ?
  • ?我
  • ?想
  • ?你
  • ?了
  • Long may you still
  • - 岁月漫长
  • do not move really
  • - 愿你始终真心
  • A dream of three year
  • [一梦三年]
  • is full of him
  • [全是他颜]
  • じ☆ve═╬闺蜜
  • じ☆ve═╬园丁
  • じ☆ve═╬童真
  • じ☆ve═╬单纯
  • じ☆ve═╬暧昧
  • じ☆ve═╬背叛
  • じ☆ve═╬欺骗
  • じ☆ve═╬做作
  • じ☆ve═╬淑女
  • じ☆ve═╬狂野
  • じ☆ve═╬死党
  • じ☆ve═╬敌人
  • じ☆ve═╬同学
  • ??????
  • The worlr is too vast
  • [世界太闹]
  • you laughing and crying
  • [你的哭笑]
  • is not for me
  • [不只为我]
  •  [我不是颓废]
  • I am not a decadent
  •  [而是重生]
  • Instead rebirth
  • South wnd blows.
  • 【南风吹。】
  • Old friend backs.
  • 【故人归。】
  • Be yourself.
  • - 做你自己
  • That’s when
  • - 那才是你
  • you’re beautiful. 
  • - 美丽时刻

qq好听的英文分组 QQ英文分组 第3张


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