
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:30:08  阅读 5 次 评论 0 条



  •  【因为你】
  • because of you
  •  【我堕入深海】
  • I fall into the sea
  •  【 然后】
  •  the
  •  【你走了】
  • You go
  • EXO°
  •  驯鹿一生推、
  •  灿白一生推、
  •  初心不改°
  • We Are One°
  •  Exoplanet 〃
  • 心跳多久爱多久丶
  • ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
  • ? King °
  • ? King °
  • 跌跌撞撞到绝望
  • ? King °
  • ? King °
  • ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
  • [带上老友]
  • With old friends
  • [说着故事]
  • Tell story
  • [吹吹冷风]
  • The cold wind blow
  • [喝杯烈酒]
  • Drink a cup of wine
  • You do not have
  • ╰-much good-╯
  • - 你不用多好
  •  I like it 
  • - 我喜欢就好
  • ◥◢  ◥◢
  • ◤◣  ◤◣
  • 上一秒   ╰'
  • "爱旳轰轰烈烈
  • 下一秒   ╰'
  • "恨旳刻骨铭心
  • ◣◤
  • ◢◥
  • If never loved you
  • 如果不曾爱过你
  • So my heart not painful
  • 那么我的心不会痛
  •  ? Only U ?
  • 不求有结果
  • Not to have the result
  • 不求曾经拥有
  • Not once have
  • ━━━━━━━━
  •  ?
  •  只求在我
  •  But in my
  •  最美的年华里
  •  Most beautiful year
  •  遇到你
  •  Met you
  • If you can accompany me
  • [如果你能陪伴我]
  • If you can understand me
  • [如果你能看懂我]
    If you love me
  • [如果你能深爱我]
  • If you can not escape
  • [如果你能不逃脱]
  • [I hear the old]
  • [我听见地老了]
  • [But not to the end]
  • [但是等不来天荒]
  • __The men is also
  • __女汉子是也。
  • __The crazy is also
  • __女神经是也。
  • __The girl is also
  • __软妹子是也。
  • Then try
  •  再逞强
  • Another crazy
  •  再疯狂
  • Also because of a heart
  • 也会因为某人心碎

qq男生英文分组2018 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • [Love never dies]
  • 【爱情℡】永不死
  • You can not spell now
  • [你现在不拼]
  • What can bet on the future
  • [拿什么赌将来]
  • ?Yes
  • you are my
  • baby
  • baby
  • baby
  • baby?
  • ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█
  • ◤那一点 只一点◥
  •  我灵魂的焦点
  •  在耳边我耳边
  • ◣只留你的视线◢
  • ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█
  • Many years later
  • ﹝许多年以后﹞
  • You and I walking stick
  • ﹝你我手扶拐棍﹞
  • Laugh at each other
  • ﹝互相嘲笑对方﹞
  • Long deciduous tooth
  • ﹝早已脱落的牙﹞
  • I take you as life
  • 我把你当命
  • Never want to give u
  • 从未想要放弃
  •  开始很美°
  • ┈━═☆
  • Start beautiful
  •  过程很累°
  • ┈━═☆
  • The process is very tire
  •  结局很悲°
  • ┈━═☆
  • The end is very sad
  •  清醒很难°
  • ┈━═☆
  • Awake is difficult to
  • Anterior alone
  •  前路孤独
  • I am not afraid
  •  我不害怕
  • Forever 1ov3"
  • 、_/
  • 〆 n1 、狠重要
  • ┼──────
  • 如 今 ,
  • 我们只剩下沉默。
  • 证明我们变得陌生了
  • This is love*
  • ?‐ 、,ˊˋ 
  • `. LOVE ,′ 
  • ˋ? 
  • - 我本孤独成性 
  • I am the lonelyby nature 
  • - 却念你好深 
  • But read Hellodee
  • ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • △-Sea and city
  • ??━━━━━━
  • 时光深巷少女与猫
  • ??━━━━━━
  • △-You and me
  • ??━━━━━━
  • 蓝鲸小镇少年与海
  • ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • ?
  • If you do not love
  • 如果不爱
  • Then, let go
  • 那就放开
  • Never abandon
  • 不离不弃
  • For I was full of false
  • 对我全是假句

qq男生英文分组2018 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • You hurt me.
  • 伤我の你。
  • I want to forget.
  • 我想忘掉。
  • [带上老友]
  • With old friends
  • [说着故事]
  • Tell story
  • [吹吹冷风]
  • The cold wind blow
  • [喝杯烈酒]
  • Drink a cup of wine
  • If you are willing to
  • 妳要是願意
  • I will love you forever
  • 我就永遠愛妳
  • If you don 't willing to
  • 妳要不願意
  • I will forever lovesick
  • 我就永遠相思
  • 人生最怕的9件事
  • ﹣谎言[ lie ]
  • ﹣欺骗 [deceive]
  • ﹣虚伪 [false]
  • ﹣借口 [excuse]
  • ﹣背叛 [betrayal]
  • ﹣离开[leave]
  • ﹣敷衍 [Perfunctory]
  • ﹣迷失 [lost]
  • ﹣揭穿 [expose]
  • ◆ ◇ _____________
  • You are my life
  • Unforgettable memories
  • Your song
  • ┏━┅━┅━┅┓
  •  Have lunch
  • ┗━┅━┅━┅┛
  • Feel beautiful
  • ◆ ◇ _____________
  • While I was still
  • [ 趁我还在 ] 
  • While I still love
  • [ 趁我还爱 ] 
  • I don't need a dream.
  • 我不需要梦想。
  • Dreams are for 
  • poor people.
  • 梦想是为——
  • ——穷人准备的。
  • 烟 花 虽 美
  • Although therefore
  • 故 有 残 缺
  • the fireworks Amer
  • 爱 情 虽 甜
  • the incomplete lov
  • 却 伤入心脏
  • wound enters the h
  • -The island is
  • empty or the tide
  • [岛空了还是潮落了]
  • -The fish away
  • or the sea cry
  • [鱼走了还是海哭了]
  • Coffee and wine.
  • The old man and the sea.
  •  ----End
    Coffee and wine.
  • The old man and the sea.
  •  ----End
  • `Sun.
  • [只是好友]
  • `Moon.
  • [只是家人]
  • `earth.
  • [只是朋友]
  • `Sunshine
  • [只是死党]
  • `Sunshine.
  • [他会致命]
  • 想要哭泣时
  • Want to cry
  • 记得眼睛向上看
  • Remember to look up
  • 不要让眼泪流下来
  • Do not let the tears
  •  streaming down
  • 一个人要学会坚强
  • One must learn to strong

qq男生英文分组2018 QQ英文分组 第3张


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