
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:34:19  阅读 4 次 评论 0 条



  • Who says you less
  • is not happy
  • 谁说少了迩 ゆ
  • 就不会幸福 ゆ
  • ————————
  • 我们最坏的习惯
  • Our worst habit
  • 是偷乐与当下生
  • In the present life
  • 不知道明天方向
  • Do not konw
  • tomorrow directio
  • And passing say goodbye
  • - 和过客说句再见
  • Only with yourself
  • - 只不过还剩自己
  • Swing under the maple.
  • - 枫下的秋千.
  • Summer has a crush on.
  • - 盛夏的暗恋.
  • The rest of the summer.
  • - 剩下的盛夏.
  • I will be at his side.
  • - 我会陪在他身边.
  • I always miss you
  • [我总是逃避你]
  • So i Miss you
  • [因此错过了你]
  • So i Miss you
  • [最后失去了你]
  • so i miss you so much
  • [现在我很想你]
  • you think Huaiyua
  • 蓦然间眸首
  • Suddenly the Mou first
  • 曾经熟悉的身影
  • Once familiar figure
  • 如今已成为背影¢
  • Now it has become a figu
  • [ 闭上眼看见的 ]
  • shut our eye
  • [ 是你的样子 ]
  • to see is you.
  • [ 与呼吸共存 ]
  • and breath coexist
  • [ 捂住耳听到的 ]
  • cover ears hear
  • [ 是你的声音 ]
  • your voice.
  • [ 与阳光同在 ]
  • and sunshine
  • 长发与眸
  • Long hair and eyes
  • 森林与鹿
  • Forests and the deer
  • 故事与酒
  • Stories and win
  • Would rather lonely
  • [ 宁愿孤独 ]
  • Also don\\'t want to let
  • [ 也不愿让 ]
  • Anyone to elaborate me
  • [ 任何人敷衍我 ]
  • What makes me away
  • 我凭什么拱手相让
  • What do I bring a romanc
  • 我凭什么成人之美
  • I want you to be my boy
  • 我想你是我的少年
  • 真诚_Give_to_好友
  • 欢笑_Give_to_朋友
  • 成绩_Give_to_老师
  • 礼貌_Give_to_长辈
  • 狡黠_Give_to_同学
  • 豪放_Give_to_闺蜜
  • 真爱_Give_to_恋人
  • -
  • -Will love you
  • -[我会永远的爱你]
  • -Until days of old
  • -[直到天荒地老]
  • -As well abandon
  • -[也不离不弃]

qq社会英文分组大全 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • じò ぴé
  • Dear.Ryan
  • 我祝你
  • ┢┦aΡpy
  • 我会告诉你
  • Sòrγy
  • 还有
  • |.мīss.чou
  • 我Meǐ yōu!
  • 骗你。
  • 我爱你。
  • This is the end.
  • - 结局就这样
  • How can I.
  • - 我还能怎样
  • 。。。丿。。?
  • Lx﹏丶
  • $orRy-。
  •  ⒉ο⒈⒊ゝ
  • 剩下的
  • 是我想好好守护的
  • (り﹏
  •  ForeverLov3°
  • 要 放肆 旳 薇笑。
  • 原来
  • i want to/
  • Tell youっ
  • ゛L
  • [多少个借口]
  • How many excuse
  • [多少次欺骗]
  • How many times to cheat
  • [多少次伤害]
  • How many times I hurt
  • [对不起]
  • sorry
  • [我累了]
  • I\\'m tired
  • Do you still love me?
  • {你还爱我吗?}
  • If do not love me
  • {如果不爱我}
  • Would you please roll
  • {那么就请你滚}
  • Because
  • {因为}
  • You don\\'t deserve
  • {你不配}
  • My love
  • {我的爱}!!
  • [独占你]
  • [Exclusive you]
  • [以为]
  • [Think]
  • [你不会走]
  • [You will not go]
  • [但是]
  • [But]
  • [我错了]
  • [I was wrong]
  • qs1丶
  •      lose you
  • my world is dark
  •       ﹊﹊
  • I don\\'t want to
  •  continue like t
  • my world is dark
  •  oh ~~~~
  •  goodbay ~~~~
  •  mylove ~~~~
  •  哦 、
  •  再见、
  •  我的爱!
  • If you didn\\'t blindeye
  • 如果你眼睛没瞎掉
  • Don\\'t know me frommy
  • 就不要从耳朵了解
  • ╫─心疼额
  • 1smy1ove丶
  • -小时侯
  • -幸福
  • 是件很简单的事
  • -长大后
  • -简单
  • 是件很幸福的事
  • 再黑的路。
  • Then the black road
  • 也要自己一人走。
  • To own a person walking
  • Thank you to let me 
  • - 谢谢你让我
  • live in your heart.
  • - 住在你心里

qq社会英文分组大全 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • Swallow their tear
  • 咽自己的泪
  • Taste my blood
  • 尝自己的血
  • Carry your dream
  • 扛自己的梦
  • Love is like
  •  a layer of sand
  • 感情就像一层沙
  • The wind blows
  •  on the loose
  • 风一吹就散了
  • He walked into my world
  • [他走进我的世界]
  • take my heart away.
  • [把我的心带走了]
  • You say ?
  • ?伴君天涯终不悔
  • Later ?
  • ?浓浓相思曲空赋
  • You say ?
  • ?从此无心赋他人
  • Later ?
  • [心中有座坟]
  • There is a grave heart
  • [葬着未亡人]
  • Buried the survivor
  • [脚下虽无坟]
  • At the foot of no grave
  • [却似丢了魂]
  • But like a lost soul
  • Had to leave
  • please ?
  • wait for me ?
  • When?
  • I come back?
  • I will marry you
  • Because ?
  • I can't stop love you
  • Deep slee.
  • [深海未眠]
  • Civet cats fall.
  • [狸猫深巷]
  • Banned in his heart.
  • [禁他于心]
    The stars in the sky.
  • [漫天繁星]
  • Dead fish in shallow wat
  • [亡鱼浅海]
  • At her in the city.
  • [囚她于城]
  • ―﹏-¦
  • - I love you so much
  • Baby boy
  • 1s,my1ove丶
  • Iloveyou...
  • islonglong very youne
  • - Do you love me a littl
  • ending...
  • 感谢时间的磨难
  • Thanks to the hardship
  • of time
  • 让我知道谁真谁假
  • Let me know who really
  • who fake.
  • A tiny seeds in the hand,
  • - 一颗小小的种子
  • but in his heart he has 
  • - 握在手心里
  • a warm feeling.
  • - 却有温暖的感觉
  • ????
  • [ 我最深爱的他]
  • I love him
  • [ 但愿无期]
  • I wish no period
  • [你若是海
  • 我愿沉溺而亡]
  • _________________゛
  • 我爱你
  • I love you
  • 不是说说而已
  • Not just saying that
  • 你爱我
  • You love me
  • 只是说说而已
  • Just saying that
  • 爱你不是说说而已
  • Love you not saying that
  • _________________゛

qq社会英文分组大全 QQ英文分组 第3张


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