
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:36:14  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • -________
  • -校长是混蛋
  • -老师是坏蛋
  • -作业快滚蛋
  • -同学是怪蛋
  • -________
  • I am a good child
  • I am a bad student
  • You left me
  • [你留给我的.]
  • alone and memories
  • [除了孤单与回忆.]
  • what the hell is left
  • [到底还剩下什么.]
  • 有些话适合
  • If for some
  • 烂在心里,
  • Rotten in the heart.
  • 有些痛适合
  • Some pain.
  • 无声无息的忘记。
  • The silent forget.
  •  ̄︶ ̄゜
  • ㄗs: ■ ■『you』……
  • ㄗs: ■ ■『are』……
  • ㄗs: ■ ■『my』……
  • ㄗs: ■ ■『best』……
  • ㄗs: ■ ■『love』……
  • ◇ 少年
  • The young
  • 我为了你而活
  • I live for you
  • 能不能为我准备婚纱
  • Marry me just fine
  • If you love me.
  • [如果喜欢我]
  • Please help me
  •  with homework.
  • [请帮我写作业]
  • If you love me.
  • [如果爱我]
  • Please put the 
  •  school bomb.
  • [请把学校炸了]
  • Memory is the dog
  • ( 回忆是条狗 )
  • Bite after it goes
  • ( 咬完它就走 )
  • You are a liar
  • [你根本不爱我]
  • I was a fool
  • [还这么相信你]
  • Is I deserved it
  • [不能怪谁]
  • Only can blame myself
  • [爱错了人]
  • -      ?
  • [Fireworks swamp.]
  • [The city lights]
  • [Take half a song.]
  • [Looking back at
  • first.]
  • M y ,
  • 我。
  • one fine day
  • [总有一天]
  • Impenetrable
  • [百毒不侵]
  • Imperviou
  • [刀枪不入]
  • Never give up
  • On you.
  • 永远不会
  • 放弃你.
  • ————————
  • - I love you ma
  • - How willing you
  • - I am sad
  • - I need the most
  • - When you
  • - Did not say a word
  • - Left.

qq音乐个性英文分组大全2015 QQ英文分组 第1张


  •  相信我
  • Believe me
  •  靠近我
  • Close to me
  •  放心吧
  • Rest assured
  •  足够暖
  • Warm enough
  • I like you
  • 喜欢你
  • without any reason
  • 没有什么理由
  • If I dislike you
  • 不喜欢你
  • everything is a reason
  • 什么都是理由
  • -他
  • ?i love you
  • -梦
  • ?I did a long time
  • -戏
  • ?I play for a long time
  • -愿
  • ?I made a long time
  • -爱
  • ?I keep for a long time
  • -人
  • I love a long time
  •  Dear ?°
  • ?﹏。人潮拥挤
  • The crowded?﹏。
  • 你为她哭红眼睛?
  • ?Cry red eye
  • 你猜我什么心情?
  • ?What mood
  • ?﹏。I need you
  • 我需要你?﹏。
  • -祝你长安无泪
  •  祝我孤独百岁
  • -We used to love
  •  Think of sad
  • I can to send my life
  • - 我愿用整个生命
  • you laughing and crying
  • - 替你找到幸福
  •      、、
  •     - ● -
  •      ′ˋ
  • If one day≈
  •    you lost me.
  •       ら゛
  • I'll never%
  •   let you find me
  • In order not to lose eac
  • 为了不失去对方
  • Not indulge is accommoda
  • 不是纵容就是迁就
  • 晚安
  • Good night
  • I'm awake
  • 我很清醒
  • Sober look at
  • 清醒的看着
  • Their destructio
  • 自己沉沦
  • To strive
  • - 去奋斗
  • to seek
  • - 去追求
  • to find
  • - 去发现
  • and not to yield. 
  • - 但不要放弃
  •  I know, 
  • you don't love me
  •  now
  • Can also
  • Feel I still love you?
  •  once

qq音乐个性英文分组大全2015 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • 梦遇旧她
  • In a finished
  • 一梦七年
  • In her old dream
  •   ╭-━━╮
  •   ┃_﹂﹄_┃
  •   ╰┳^┳╯
  • I Miss You
  • 你遗留の记忆 ?
  • 留着长长の尾巴
  • 怎么擦也擦不去
  • 那片遗留的痕迹
  • [闭上眼看见的]
  • shut our eye
  • [ 是你的样子 ]
  • to see is you
  • [ 与呼吸共存 ]
  • and breath coexist
  • 答应我这辈子除了
  • In addition to promise
  •  me my life
  • 吻我再不低头
  • Kiss me don't bend]
  • The heart is mine.
  • 心虽是我的.
  • But it is full of you.
  • 可里面装的全是你.
  • ------ Oh Boy
  • ─── I cry cry
  • ==== Yo My all
  • 把鞋带系得紧紧的
  • Tie shoelaces tightly
  • 把衣服洗得很干净
  • Wash clothes very clea
  • 把头发梳得高高的
  • Comb your hair high
  • 每次抬头都是微笑
  • Every time look up is sm
  • 每次都是笑着哭的
  • Every time is crying wit
  • 因为我是个女汉子
  • Because I\\'m a female ma
  • 我要百毒不侵
  • I\\'m going to the poison
  • 我们最坏的习惯
  • Our worst habit
  • 是偷乐与当下生
  • In the present life
  • 不知道明天方向
  • Do not konw
  • tomorrow directio
  • 秒回不是碰巧而是
  • Seconds instead of
  • happened to back
  • 一直在等待
  • Have been waiting for
  • AFriendInNeed
  • 难之交患
  • IsAFriendIndeed
  • 才是真的朋友
  • ◆ ◇ _____________
  • You are my life
  • Unforgettable memories
  • Your song
  • ┏━┅━┅━┅┓
  •  Have lunch
  • ┗━┅━┅━┅┛
  • Feel beautiful
  • ◆ ◇ _____________
  • Been here all along
  • 始终相伴
  • All this time
  • 从未改变
  • To have been togethe
  • 一直在一起

qq音乐个性英文分组大全2015 QQ英文分组 第3张


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