
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:39:47  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • 我说你是我命
  • I say you are my life
  • 可你却说我有病
  • Can you say that I\\'m
  • Has always been very
  • [向来情深]
  • Alternative edge shallow
  • [奈何缘浅]
  • Just all
  • [只是一切]
  • Know too late
  • [都明白的太迟]
  • Nevermind
  • 没关系
  • I will find
  • 我会找到
  • someone like you
  • 某个像你的他
  • You said you love me
  • - 你说你爱我
  • Until I can not
  • - 爱到可以没有我
  • -Forgive other
  • -原谅别人
  • -At the same time
  • -同时
  • -also let yourself
  • -也放过自己
  • -      ?
  • [Fireworks swamp.]
  • [The city lights]
  • [Take half a song.]
  • [Looking back at
  • first.]
  • 丿Forever╭简爱╮
  • 丿Forever╭快樂╮
  • 丿Forever╭錵残╮
  • 丿Forever╭獨爱╮
  • 丿Forever╭摯愛╮
  • 丿Forever╭专属╮
  • 丿Forever╭曾经╮
  • 丿Forever╭任性╮
  • 丿Forever╭儍苽╮
  • 丿Forever╭回憶╮
  • 丿Forever╭笨蛋╮
  •  Mr. __?
  •  Miss. __?
  • ◆◇ヽLove、永远
  • ζ????? 
  • lover is prattle
  • 吻我好吗
  • 让冲动带走牵挂
  • ζ????? 
  • 不要害怕
  • 潇洒掩饰了虚假
  • ζ????? 
  • 泪如雨下在你的发
  • 妆花了最美的年华
  • ζ?????
  • 最懂的人
  • [Most people know]
  • 最暖的伴
  • [The most warm and]
  • Don't pack 安之若素
  • Don't pack 半度苍凉
  • Don't pack 梦离失她
  • Don't pack 蒲城骚年
  • Don't pack 旧人未履
  • Don't pack 岛屿云烟
  • Don't pack 鹿亡瑰海
  • Promise,
  • 承诺
  • sometimes,
  • 有时候
  • is what a cheater 
  • 就是一个骗子
  • said to a fool
  • 说给一个傻子听的
  •  ? ????、
  •  失去的东西
  •  streets and alleys?
  •  回来了
  • ?love‘s clothes?
  •  还和以前一样么
  • ?wandering around?
  •  别傻了
  • ?Wear?

qq英文分组简单好看5个 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • 爱情就像赌
  • Love is like gambling
  • 老是看别人下注
  • Always look at the other
  • 当然不会输
  • Of course not to lose
  • 但你也赢不了
  • But you also can not win
  • I like to dream
  • - 我喜欢做梦
  • The dream has you
  • - 梦里有你
  • [闭上眼看到的]
  • shut our eye
  • [是你的样子]
  • to see is you
  • [与呼吸共存]
  • and breath coexist
  • [捂住耳听到的]
  • cover ears hear
  • [是你的声音]
  • your voice
  • [与阳光同在]
  • and sunshine
  • -
  • 我爱你
  • -
  • Because I was a little
  • 因为我还小
  • -
  • 我恨你
  • -
  • Because I have grown u
  • 因为我已长大
  • You said
  • -你说
  • I do not want you
  • -哪天我不要你了
  • you must not marry
  • -你一定终身不嫁
  • let my life-long guilt
  • -让我内疚一生
  • You are the sun
  • 你是阳光
  • You are the stars
  • 你是星光
  • And l am just me
  • 我就是我
  • ╪——————
  • Happiness is out of stoc
  • 幸福那么缺货
  • please do not profligacy
  • 请别肆意挥霍
  • ╪———————
  • ▄▄▄▄▄︻︻▄
  • ▇▇▇▇▇◣◢▇
  • l have you. 
  • {我有你}
  • That is all I need.
  • {就够了}
  • He is adream
  • [他是梦]
  • Is not life
  • [不是命]
  • Forgive other
  • [原谅别人]
  • At the same time
  • [也放过自己]
  • 想太多@
  •  不奢望为我停泊
  • ははははは
  •  Into the heart.
  •  ?。?。
  •  猜不透
  • Could not guess
  •  忘不掉
  • Cannot forget
  •  记不起
  • Can't remember
  •  放不下
  • Can't let go
  • ????????
  •  I我I
  •  YOU你YOU
  • ????????

qq英文分组简单好看5个 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • Sometimes.
  •  * chat with me
  • I just need
  •  哼哼 ??
  •  someone っ
  • I miss you so much
  • 我好想你
  • I miss you
  • 好想你
  • But to deceive oneself
  • 却欺骗自己
  • w
  •  其实
  •  LOVE
  •  ME
  • 孩纸们
  • [ The boys ]
  • 我们要记得
  • [ We should remember ]
  • 伴我们一生的
  • [ With our lives ]
  • 只有影子爱人额
  • Only the shadow of love
  • [Ifyoulove]
  • [如果爱]
  • [Pleasedeeplove]
  • [请深爱]
  • [Donotlove]
  • [不爱]
  • [Pleaseleave]
  • [请离开]
  •      。??
  •   madly n love。
  • to the beginning
  •   Forever /ov3"
  • to the beginning
  •  i love you. ゝ
  • To me
  •  you are my world
  •  ?? 。
  • ▄▄▄▄▄︻︻▄
  • ▇▇▇▇▇◣◢▇
  • ? A love you
  • 一句爱你?
  • ? A simple
  • 简简单单?
  • ? But don know
  • 却若不知?
  • ? Where export
  • 从何出口?
  • In life
  • 生命中
  • then boring time
  • 再无聊的时光
  • also are limited edition
  • 也都是限量版
  • On the day of waiting fo
  • -每天对你等待
  • It hurt me
  • -却是对我伤害
  • How are you?
  • 怎么是你?
  • How old are you?
  • 怎么老是你?
  • all or nothing
  • 要么没有要么全部
  • now or never
  • 要么现在要么永不
  • ◢╲
  • ╲◤
  •  - I love you,
  •  - I miss you,
  • ヅ因为你我学会了爱
  • ヅ学会了珍惜
  • ───────┼

qq英文分组简单好看5个 QQ英文分组 第3张


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