
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:46:23  阅读 2 次 评论 0 条



  • Say wait for you
  • - 说好了等你
  • I would not leave.
  • - 我就不会离开
  • I heard
  • 听说ヽ
  • Each one will be lonely
  • 每颗星都会寂寞
  • I heard
  • 听说ヽ
  • Every tear is the diamo
  • 每滴泪都是钻石
  • ?
  • 闺蜜手拉手?
  • Best friend hand in hand
  • 一生一起走?
  • A lifetime together
  • ?? ?
  • Though no to love,
  • - 虽未爱对
  • but I do not regret. 
  • - 但我不悔
  • 争气
  • The cu
  • 永远比
  • Than ever
  • 生气漂亮
  • Angry beautiful
  • Dear
  •      メ
  • I say,
  •      メ
  • i love you
  •      メ
  • You say,
  •      メ
  • I\\'m sorry
  •      メ
  • ▁▁▁▁▁▼▼
  • You\\'re my love.
  •   生死契阔
  •   与子成说
  • [你可以倒下]
  • [you can fall]
  • [但是要记得站起]
  • [but remember to
  •  stand up]
  • [你可以流泪]
  • [you can shed tears]
  • [但是要记得长大]
  • [but] remember grew up
  • ━??━━━━━
  •   ╭-━━╮
  •    ┃_﹂﹄_┃
  •    ╰┳^┳╯
  • No matter』
  • how much I am bad.
  •        ?
  • In this world﹏、
  •    only one me.
  • 我演的很棒
  • Me a good actor
  • 没人看见我哭
  • No one can see me cry
  • 没人看见我难过
  • No one saw me sad
  • 也没人看见我受伤
  • Nobody saw me hurt
  • 话不投机
  • Mistime one\\'s remarks
  • 聊尼吗比
  • F2ck of yo
  • Will Alle
  •  I like you°
  • All the time
  •  I look for you
  • but you alway
  •  taking to your friend
  • I will like you forever
  •  Do you like me?
  •  I not sure
  • He is adream
  • [他是梦]
  • Is not life
  • [不是命]
  • Forgive other
  • [原谅别人]
  • At the same time
  • [也放过自己]

带英文的qq分组 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • [只剩下钢琴]
  • Only the piano
  • [陪我弹了一天]
  • Accompany me to play day
  • [睡着的大提琴]
  • The sleeping cel
  • [安静的旧旧的]
  • Quiet old
  •    、 ,
  •   - ● -
  •   ′ˋ
  • Your smile
  • is my sunshine°
  • 你的微笑
  • 是我的阳光°
  • 我们最坏的习惯
  • Our worst habit
  • 是偷乐与当下生
  • In the present life
  •  ╭╮ ╭╮
  •  ˊ(●﹏●)ˊ
  •  の∞の
  • When the trousers
  • head lost the belt
  • 当裤头失去了腰带
  • know what is
  • called dependence
  • 才知道什么叫依赖
  • ━…
  •   ▼▼
  •  ∩∩
  • 〔﹁﹁〕
  •  ぃべ 
  • Don't need your charity
  • Your so called love 
  •  ? face.
  • I take you as life
  • 我把你当命
  • Never want to give u
  • 从未想要放弃
  • -
  • Time is not cruelty.
  • 时光并不残忍。
  • Just for it we are too
  • fragile.
  • 只是对于它来说
  • 我们太脆弱。
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮
  •     ╱/╰┛
  • `I just want to be
  • `free in my world
  • ▼▼▼。
  • 我只想在我世界里
  •   自由自在
  • Had to leave
  • please ?
  • wait for me ?
  • When?
  • I come back?
  • I will marry you
  • Because ?
  • I can't stop love you
  • 我藏在你的背后
  • I hide behind you
  • 你从没在意过我
  • You never care about me
  • 你快乐我就足够
  • I see you happy enough
  • 到最后还没开口
  • To finally didn't speak
  • [ 把手给我 ]
  • Give me your hand
  • [ 我带你走 ]
  • Can I take you go
  •  、 、
  •  - ● -
  •  ′ ′
  • If you ca
  • 如果可以,
  • ?
  •  ?
  • I′m willing for you
  • 我情愿为你,
  •  ?
  • ?
  • Own Priso
  •  画地为牢 !
  • ╰ー ー ー ー ?

带英文的qq分组 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • If you do
  • 假如你愿意...
  • The better me
  • 最好の我...
  • For you Better love.
  • 给你.最好の爱
  • love
  • 【爱情】
  • Is like a cup of medicine
  • 【就像是一杯药】
  • May be good medicine
  • 【可以是良药】
  • Can also be poison
  • 【也可以是毒药】
  • The drunk was blowing
  • - 喝醉了就吹风
  • Hungry is lying
  • - 饿了就躺着
  • Sleepy just close your eyes
    - 困了就闭眼
  • Lonely to sleep
  • - 孤独了就入眠
  • You only one person anyway
  • - 反正你是一个人
  •  如果你能陪伴我
  • if you can accompany me
  •  如果你能看懂我
  • if you can understand me
  •  如果你能深爱我
  • if you can love me
  •  如果你能不离弃
  • if you can not leave
  • Family
  • Darling
  • Colleague
  • Female friend
  • Male friend
  • Stranger
  • Me a good actor
  • 我演的很棒
  • No one can see me cry
  • 没人看见我哭
  • No one saw me sad
  • 没人看见我难过
  • Nobody saw me hurt
  • 也没人看见我受伤
  •  一些场景,
  •  {Some scene
  •  一些事物,
  •  {Some thing
  •  一些记忆,
  •  {Some memory
  •  始终无法忘记。
  • {Still can not forget
  • 北城荒凉
  • [Beichengdesolate]
  • 故人难忘
  • [Withunforgettable]
  • 岁月安好
  • [Wholiveddeeli]
  • 静待彷徨
  • [Waitingforstray]
  • -EXO-
  • You are the only one
  •  你们
  •  是唯一
  • Our love is only love
  •  我的爱
  •  是唯爱
  •  I hope you will be
  •  Happine
  •  希望你们要
  •  快乐幸福
  •  fighting
  • -EXO-
  • I miss you,
  • I love you、
  • I kiss you。
  • 、﹏ C k 。
  • ══════(り
  • 封印思念
  • 我拿什么拯救
  • [为何你还来]
  • Why are you still come
  • [拨动我心跳]
  • Touch my heart beat
  • 你是我穷极一生
  • You are my poor life.
  • 也做不完的一场梦
  • Do not over of a dream.
  • 而我是你
  • And I am you.

带英文的qq分组 QQ英文分组 第3张


版权声明:本文来源于网络,如有侵权请E-mail联系 QQ分组 站长 ufidawhy@vip.qq.com!

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