
原创 QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:49:26  阅读 36 次 评论 0 条



  • (If not I)
  •  如果不是我
  • (If again)
  •  如果重来过
  • (If you still love me)
  •  如果你仍然爱我
  • Unfortunately)
  •  可惜
  • (There\\'s No If)
  •  没有如果
  • [ 你毁我清白 。]
  • You destroyed my innoce
  • [ 却不能给我未来]
  • But can\\'t give me
  • [ 我爱你如命。]
  • I love you like life
  • [ 你似当我有病。]
  • Do you like when I am si
  • Memory is the dog
  • ( 回忆是条狗 )
  • Bite after it goe
  • ( 咬完它就走 )
  • ╭love╮ " ╭︽╮
  • │miss│ " ┊俄┊
  • │love│ " ┊知┊
  • │miss│ " ┊道┊
  • │love│ " ┊俄┊
  • │miss│ " ┊不┊
  • │love│ " ┊懂┊
  • │miss│ " ┊爱┊
  • │love│ " ┊╰┊
  • │miss│ " ┊对┊
  • │love│ " ┊不┊
  • │miss│ " ┊起┊
  • ╰love╯ " ╰︾╯
  • Empty one hollow
  • [空人空心]
  • Cold cold heart
  • [凉人凉心]
  • No not intentional
  • [无人无心]
  • Abandon people
  • abandoned
  • [弃人弃心]
  •    ?A lifetime
  • For one person
  •    一生为一人
  •    ?A heart 
  • belongs to a person
  •    一心属一人
  • [带上老友]
  • With old friends
  • [说着故事]
  • Tell story
  • [吹吹冷风]
  • The cold wind blow
  • [喝杯烈酒]
  • Drink a cup of wine
  • -Your dream is not dream
  • -[你还梦不梦]
  • -Are you still hurt。
  • -[你还痛不痛]
  • -Memories so heavy。
  • -[回忆那么重]
  • -How do you move
  • back。
  • -[你怎么背的动]
  • ? ————
  • No matter what happen
  • 不管发生什么事
  • do not let go of my hand
  • 都不要离开我
  • Because you are
  • 因为你是
  • my only one
  • 我的唯一
  • ――――?
  • As long as you love me
  •   只要你一句话
  • I would like to
  •     我愿意
  • Let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s get married
  •    咱们结婚吧
  • 很久很久之前
  • Once ulion a time
  • 我就在你眼前
  • I was in your sight
  • 当我深陷爱河
  • When I fell hard
  • 而你离我而去
  • You took a steli back
  • ????????
  • 最后一次的亲吻?
  • ゛──────┼
  • ?你现在还记得吗
  • ━━━━??━
  • Forever丶
  • Do not abandon
  • 我说我还爱着你■
  • ?゛__love___ ゛?
  • ?゛ 你相信吗


  • [    把手给我 ]
  • Give me your hand
  • [    我带你走 ]
  • Can I take you go
  • -Trust is like a paper.
  • - Once it’s crumpled
  • -it can't be perfect.
  • [深海爱人=
  •          Deep]
  • [森暮情人=
  •          Forest]
  •  相信我
  • Believe me
  •  靠近我
  • Close to me
  •  放心吧
  • Rest assured
  •  足够暖
  • Warm enough
  • [你在我安]
  • You are in my
  • [你拥我暖]
  • You hold me warm
  • [你离我泣]
  • You leave me to cry
  • [你走我亡]
  • You leave me to dead
  • Happy
  • would you lide
  •      to terlaw
  • what your life
  • sgould be。。。
  • . ╭⌒⌒のˊ
  • . ( . .)ˋ
  • 、、、、-、=0
  • 亲爱的。
  • 亲爱
  • 永远
  •   ╭╮╭╮
  • ˋ \\ ⌒ / ˊ
  • ˊ(●﹏●)ˋ
  •    /▓█┙
  •     ┛┕ ...
  • ladies and gentlemen
  • 迩不懂俄
  • 所以迩才会离俄而
  • ╔------------------╗
  •    我对你的心如今
  •    还是那么德相信
  • ╚------------------╝
  • 我们最坏的习惯
  • Our worst habit
  • 是偷乐与当下生
  • In the present life
  • Lonely people
  •   [孤独的人]
  •  Need more optimistic
  •     [更需要乐观]
  • 情绪病
  • 孤独患者
  • Don't bitchy
  • Youth without regret
  • To do what you want
  • 你不是我
  • 你永远不会爱上我
  • I hite I like you
  • ━━━━━━━
  • -      ?
  • [Fireworks swamp.]
  • [The city lights]
  • [Take half a song.]
  • [Looking back at
  • first.]
  • -┈┈━═☆
  • 姑娘
  • Girl
  • 你可以无坚不摧
  • you can carry allbefore one
  • 你可以百毒不侵
  • you can from the
  • 你必须要赢
  • You have to win
  • 因为你必须
  • because you have to
  • 笑到最后
  • have the last laugh
  •              ╰☆╮


  • 你搂着她的肩
  • [ You hugged her shoulder ]
  • 对我视而不见
  • [ To pay no heed to me ]
  • ╓─────☆★
  • ┄就算
  • 全世界忘了你
  • ┄别怕
  • 爱情
  • LOVE
  • 就像一杯药
  • Is like a cup of medicine
  • 可以是良药
  • May be good medicine
  • 也可以是毒药
  • Can also be poison
  • [ 我深知 ]
  • 我的心不会退缩
  • [ I know ]
  • that my heart will go o
  • I heard the beast
  • 听说禽兽
  • The most weak place
  • 最软弱的地方
  • Is the heart of love
  • 是爱人的心脏
  • Smile is my love
  • ? for you
  • smile
  • sneer
  • smirk
  • smilingly
  • [    You are really ]
  •        你真的。
  • [    very important ]
  •        很重要。
  • [    not just words ]
  •     不是说说而已
  • ═══
  • ╭══════╮
  • 〉 伤心   〈
  • ╰══════╯
  • ╭══════╮
  • 〉难过     〈
  • ╰══════╯
  • ╭══════╮
  • 〉失望      〈
  • ╰══════╯
  • ╭══════╮
  • 〉放弃       〈
  • ╰══════╯
  • ═══
  • [ 牵手]
  • Hand in hand
  • [ 相守]
  • Be together
  • [ 白首]
  • white head
  • One sentence in a light.
  •  [一人一句一光年]
  • People will be sad.
  •     [人会难过]
  • The heart will die.
  •             [心会死]
  •           可歌可泣.
  • Into the heart.
  •         [入了心]
  • Move  feeling.
  •              [动了情]
  •          [???]
  • The sea is not blue
  • - 海不会不蓝
  • I would not be.
  • - 我不会不在
  • 剪切
  • shear
  • 复制
  • copy
  • 粘贴
  • paste
  • 删除
  • delete
  • Like the sun shining
  • 像太阳那样耀眼!
  • Like the star
  • 像星星那样繁多!


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