
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:52:31  阅读 18 次 评论 0 条



  • -
  • 我侧耳倾听
  • [I have to listen to]
  • 听我听不到的你
  • [I can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t hear you]
  • 重温旧梦
  • Renewolddream
  • 清风湿润
  • Coolbreeze
  • 茶烟轻扬
  • Smoketeadrfting
  • 故人已去
  • Oldfriendlater
  • I did so much
  • 我做了那么多
  • Does not want to say
  • 无非就是想说
  • The big ye like you
  • 本大爷喜欢你
  • Strangers.
  • Very dumb.
  • Really care.
  • Very stupid.
  • Very happy.
  • Is very important.
  • Unfinished.
  • The very friends.
  • Them.
  • ───────┼
  • To be continued.
  • You, my future.
  •  ( ⒉o12)
  • Take a life to love you.
  • ---------------------
  • Thank you 
  • for friendship!
  • ┏┳┳∞┓
  • ┃ ● ● ┃
  • ┗┳ ̄┳┛
  • 谢谢你的友谊!
  • 不语却懂心 Believe
  • 不言却懂情 Believe
  • 不说却懂爱 Believe
  • 不问却懂情 Believe
  • 不痛却懂美 Believe
  • 不知却懂忘 Believe
  • 不觉却懂等 Believe
  • 不笑却懂暖 Believe
  • 不爱却懂梦 Believe
  • 不疯却懂离 Believe
  • 不抵却懂空 Believe
  • 不念却懂夏 Believe
  • 不恋却懂惜 Believe
  • 不滥却懂挽 Believe
  • 不闹却懂哭 Believe
  • 北城荒凉
  • [ Beicheng desolate ]
  • 故人难忘
  • [ With unforgettable ]
  • 岁月安好
  • [ Who lived deep ]
  • [If the]
  • [如果]
  • [Do you still love me]
  • [你还爱我]
  • [Come back to me]
  • [就回来找我]
  • [I still love you]
  • [我还是爱你的]
  •  烟花 虽 美
  •   Although therefore
  •   故、有残缺
  •   the fireworks Amer
  •   爱情 虽 甜
  •   the incomplete lov
  •   却、伤入心脏
  •   wound enters the h
  • ┏╮/╱℡
  • ╰★ ╮
  • ╱/╰┛
  • ? spring
  • ? summer
  • ? autumn
  • ? winter
  • Go back in time
  • 回到以前
  • The sky is still blue
  • 天空还是蓝的
  • The stars still liight
  • 星星还是亮的
  • Are you still mine
  • 你还是我的
  • Sometimes 
  • 有时候
  • it is better to be alone. 
  • 孤单一个人反而更好
  • Nobody can hurt you.
  • 没人伤害得了你

好听的英文qq分组名称 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • ? A love you
  • 一句爱你?
  • ? A simple
  • 简简单单?
  • ? But don know
  • 却若不知?
  • ? Where export
  • 从何出口?
  • 你是我的太阳
  • 是我遥不可及的光
  • You are sunshine
  • Is my distantlight
  • After you left
  • - 你走以后
  • I still stand in situ
  • - 我还站在原地
  • silly fantasy 
  • - 傻傻的幻想
  • you will come back
  • - 你还会回来
  •  再见 °
  •  goodbye.
  •  再贱 °
  •  Base again.
  •  你特么 °
  •  Are you special.
  •  真不要脸 °
  •  Really shameless.
  • [I′m Patient  ]
  • (我痛苦)
  • [I′m Enjoy   ]
  • ( 我享受)
  • [I′m Abjection ]
  • (我落魄)
  • [I′m Sink into ]
  • (我沉沦)
  • [I\\\\\\\\\\'m tired ]
  • (我累了)
  • [ Heart disease ]
  •  心软是病。
  • [ But you are life ]
  •  可你是命。
  • The sea is not blue
  • - 海不会不蓝
  • I would not be.
  • - 我不会不在
  • ╪──────
  • ?happiness.
  • ▁▁▁小幸福°
  • ?Simple.
  • ▁▁▁小单纯°
  • ?Affectation.
  • ▁▁▁小做作°
  • ?emotion.
  • ▁▁▁小情绪°
  • ╪──────
  • I am so sorry
  • but I Love you
  • [ 都是谎言 ]
  • [ 何必沉溺 ]
  • why still here
  • [ 浮生若梦罢了 ]
  • he just gave you a lie
  • your stare was holding
  • 你的目光充满引力
  • Ripped jea
  • [ 破牛仔裤 ]
  • Skin was showing
  • [ 袒露的胸膛 ]
  • Hot night
  • [ 炎炎夏日 ]
  • Wind was biowing
  • [ 凉风吹过 ]
  • 伤口不见好、 
  • The wound is not ? 
  • 印痕不会掉、 
  • Prints can\\\\\\'t off ? 
  • 岁月不曾老、 
  • Time never old ? 
  • 你是否还好、 
  • Are you okay ? 

好听的英文qq分组名称 QQ英文分组 第2张


  •      L o v e
  •      (「「)
  •  ╭⌒╮  ◥◤
  • 喜欢你De微笑
  • 模仿你De举动
  • 关心你De生活
  • 喜欢你De名字
  • 〣.*Ιcàň'τ
  • sàγγoù
  • sんàмёιёss,
  • Ιмёàň
  • sんàмёιёss
  • àгёιīκёγoù.﹖
  • history站着唱
  • mama跪着唱
  • wolf蹲着唱
  • Growl趴着唱
  • overdose叠着唱
  • 下回飞起来唱i
  • 长发与眸
  • Long hair and eyes
  • 森林与鹿
  • Forests and the deer
  • 故事与酒
  • Stories and win
  • 现在我学会了
  • Now I have learned
  • 顺其自然
  • Go with the flow
  • 不想再挽留什么
  • Do not want to retain what
  • 我相信
  • I believe that
  • 该在的不会走
  • In this will not go
  • 人生就像蒲公英
  • Life is like a dandelio
  • 看似自由
  • Seemingly free
  • 却身不由己
  • But involuntarily
  •  ——
  • I love you
  • 我爱你
  • you love her
  • 你爱她
  • her love you
  • 她爱你
  • You don\\'t love me
  • 你不爱我了
  • You only love her
  • 你只爱她
  • Youareunique
  • 你是唯一的<↗
  • andoneofakind
  • 无可取代<↗
  • [前些天]
  • [The other day]
  • [我拿你的真心]
  • [I take your heart]
  • [去喂狗了]
  • [To feed the dog]
  • [结果第二天]
  • [The next day]
  • [狗死了]
  • [The dog is dead]
  • Iwasinyoursight
  • 当我深陷爱河
  • WhenIfellhard
  • 而你离我而去
  • Youtookasteliback
  • Christmas。
  • [- 圣诞节。]
  • Company my ok?
  • [- 陪我过好么?]
  • I love him
  • He loves her
  • What the fuck
  • you really blind

好听的英文qq分组名称 QQ英文分组 第3张


版权声明:本文来源于网络,如有侵权请E-mail联系 QQ分组 站长 ufidawhy@vip.qq.com!

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