
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:52:49  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • 一个人住
  • A person live
  • 一个人行走
  • A person walking
  • 一个人跑
  • A man running
  • 一个人淋着雨
  • A person in the rai
  • 看着天空笑
  • Looking at the sky smile
  • Life is tough
  • - 生活很艰难
  • my darling
  • - 但是宝贝
  • but so are you. 
  • - 你也很坚强
  • -----------------
  • Forever这是些 亲人
  • Forever这是些 闺蜜
  • Forever这是些 爱人
  • Forever这是些 童鞋
  • Forever这是些 蓝颜
  • Forever这是些 挚铁
  • Forever这是些 歪友
  • Forever这是些 路过
  • ----永久黑名单----
  • 喜欢你的容貌
  • [Like your appearance]
  • 喜欢你的脾气
  • [Like your temper]
  • 喜欢你的样子
  • [Like the way you]
  • [I like you]
  • 喜欢你的一切
  • [Like your everything]
  • 喜欢你的性格
  • [Like your character]
  • Just gonna stand there.
  • [你就冷眼旁观]
  • Watch me burn.
  • [看着我五内如焚]
  • But that’s alright.
  • [不过没关系]
  • I like the way it hurts.
  • [我喜欢心痛]
  • 男神i
  • God
  • 我喜欢你的帅气
  • I like your handsome
  • 只是外表
  • Just look
  • 根本就不是真心
  • Not really
  • [Swallow their tear]
  • 咽·自己の泪
  • [Taste my blood]
  • 尝·自己の血
  • [Carry your dream]
  • 扛·自己の梦
  • ◣◤
  • ◢◥
  •    ”谁低吟浅唱
  •    ”谁假寐惆怅
  •  ∩∩
  • 〔﹁﹁)
  •  ぃべ
  • 青春再耀ヽ
  • Youth to yiu
  • 它也不会停留ヽ
  • It won't stay
  • If you look back
  • [如果你回头]
  • You will find
  • [你会发现]
  • I am behind you
  • [我就在你身后]
  • can be controlled
  • my heart would ache
  • lf the situatio
  • -情若能自控
  • -我怎会心痛
  • You my╄→
  • He said
  • she was beautiful
  • [我愿用整个生命,]
  • I can to spend my life
  • [替你找到幸福,]
  • find happiness to you
  • Then try
  • [再逞强]
  • Another crazy
  • [再疯狂]
  • Also because of a heart
  • [也会因为某人心]

简单好看的英文qq分组名称大全2015最新版 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • [不属于我的]
  • Do not belong to me
  • [我会离开]
  • I will leave
  • [What kind of sunshine]
  •  [什么样的阳光]
  • [To warm to the heart]
  •  [能温暖到心脏]
  • [夏ピック忆]
  •   初夏拾忆
  • [Exclusive taste]
  •   专属味道
  • [In those years]
  •   木槿昔年
  •  The End over
  • ╪───────
  • [就算与时间为敌
  • 就算与世界背离]
  • [纵然喜欢清澈]
  • If love is clear
  • [却身处一片浑浊]
  • But in a muddy
  • [害怕你冰冷的眼]
  • afraid of you cold eye
  • [盯着我透明的心]
  • see transparent heart
  • Lies have short legs.
  • 谎言站不长
  • [多少个借口]
  • How many excuse
  • [多少次欺骗]
  • How many times to cheat
  • [多少次伤害]
  • How many times I hurt
  • [对不起]
  • sorry
  • [我累了]
  • I\\'m tired
  • I want to die
  • (我想要死亡)
  • I want to give u
  • (我想要放弃)
  • I want to warm
  • (我想要温暖)
  • I want to free
  • (我想要自由)
  • I want to cry
  • (我想要哭泣)
  • I want to romance
  • (我想要浪漫)
  • [你是我爱人]
  • you are my lover
  • [我是你碍人]
  • I am you are people]
  • [只是一字之差]
  • just one word
  • You like the sun.
  • 你就如同那太阳
  • Shine for me.
  • 一直照耀着我
  • [L]
  •  会一直喜欢你
  • [Will always love you]
  •  直到
  • [Until]
  •  被你伤得没了
  • [You did not hurt to be]
  •  力气
  • [Strength]
  • 不言。
  • Do not say
  • 不语。
  • Do not say
  • 不忘记。
  • DO not forget
  • In your side
  • Never leave
  • 在你身边
  • 不曾离开.

简单好看的英文qq分组名称大全2015最新版 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • Happiness is not
  •  full oflover
  • - 幸福未满的恋人
  • Why is covered
  •  with scar
  • - 为何满身是伤痕
  • hey you let me go
  • 白衣飘飘的年代
  • hey you let s have fun
  • 隔壁班的那个女孩
  • hey you my best friend
  • 我们总是相信爱
  • 用力爱 不分开
  • [ 我深知你是梦 ]
  • [??? ?? ? ]
  • [ 却咬牙不放手 ]
  • [??? ?? ? ]
  • [ 那个被爱的人 ]
  • [??? ??? ]
  • [ 你可知我的疼 ]
  • [??? ??? ]
  • 我不喜体育
  • I don\\\\*t like sport
  • 我讨厌足球
  • I hate football
  • 我为你看世界杯
  • Watching the world cu
  • 你喜欢我好不好
  • You love me well
  • ╱ ̄╲╱ ̄╲
  • じò ぴé ┈┾
  • ╲ 愛、伱 ╱
  •   ╲╱
  • 你说爱我
  • [you love me]
  • 会天长地久
  • [me love you]
  • 真的是这样吗
  • [I miss you]
  • Don't be
  • 别 为,
  • Not for the people
  • 不 该 为 的 人,
  • Hurt
  • 伤 了,
  • Don't hurt the heart.
  • 不 该 伤 的 心.
  • I have changed.
  • [ 我变了 ]
  • Is time changed me
  • [是时间改变了我]
  • Or change you
  • [ 还是改变了你]
  • dear_________。
  • 不要低头
  • Don\\'t look down.
  • 皇冠会掉
  • The crown will fall.
  • 不要哭泣
  • Don\\'t cry.
  • 有人会笑
  • Some people laugh.
  • 爱都不怕,
  • Love all not afraid,
  • 还怕死吗,
  • afraid of it,
  • □■□■□
  • □■□■□
  • Previous ↘
  • |▍I have°
  • No words don't say ╮
  • Now the ↘
  • Have nothing to say ╮
  • ◆ ◇ _____________
  • Wu Yi ◎
  • You are my life
  • Unforgettable memories
  • Your song
  • ┏━┅━┅━┅┓
  • Have lunch
  • ┗━┅━┅━┅┛
  • Feel beautiful
  • ◆ ◇ _____________
  • Fading is true 
  • 凋谢是真实的
  • while flowering is past
  • 盛开只是一种过去

简单好看的英文qq分组名称大全2015最新版 QQ英文分组 第3张


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