
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:53:43  阅读 4 次 评论 0 条



  • 柠檬不萌
  • Lemon is not primary
  • 柚子不诱
  • Pomelo is not induced
  • 樱桃不淘
  • Cherries is not wash
  • When I call your name
  • 每次想喊你的名字
  • but you are not in.
  • 但你却不在
  • Promise,
  • 承诺
  • sometimes,
  • 有时候
  • is what a cheater 
  • 就是一个骗子
  • said to a fool
  • 说给一个傻子听的
  • Love is 
  • about timing. 
  • 始于相遇
  • 止于被动.
  • 将军身战死 
  • The general body 
  • 美人琉璃杯 
  • The beauty of glass culi 
  • 犹记少年事 
  • Remember the young things 
  • 竹马弄青梅 
  • Ma Nong lilum
  • 若是你会迷路
  • Ifyougetlost
  • 那么我当你的眼
  • SoIwhenyoureye
  • -Never forget
  • -
  • -
  • - 随遇而安゜
  • 所有原创的短句分组
  • 都是写诗的人
  • 把自己的感情写了进去
  • 尽管没人看
  • 但是有人懂就够了
  • To strive
  • 去奋斗
  • to seek
  • 去追求
  • to find
  • 去发现
  • and not to yield
  • 但不要放弃
  • -
  • -I can't..
  • -I can't..
  • -I can't..
  • -Without you.
  • ﹣谎言[ lie ]
  • ﹣迷失 [lost]
  • ﹣借口 [excuse]
  • ﹣欺骗 [deceive]
  • ﹣背叛 [betrayal]
  • ﹣揭穿 [expose]
  • ﹣敷衍 [Perfunctory]
  • ╬ ╬ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═
  • 〖 I ove you 〗
  • ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ╬ ╬
  • 【 I need you 】
  • ╬ ╬ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═
  • 〖 I want you 〗
  • ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ╬ ╬
  • 【 I f u c k you 】
  • ╬ ╬ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═

简约qq英文分组 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • ╰’◆◇
  • Sunflower blooming
  • Summer,╮
  • I met you。
  • ________________________
  • - ◇◆丶
  • Actually, some thing
  •  Sometimes,
  • I want to
  •  disappear once
  • and then see
  •  if anyone was miss me
  •  Miss you
  • But I don't love you.
  • For all the things﹔ 
  •      you do, 
  •        ◎
  • and 1s not worth╮
  •       。╯
  • who also don′t 
  • [ understand ] 
  • I love you so much,
  • 我那么爱你
  • but are you as a game
  • 却被你视为游戏
  •       、 、
  •      - ● -
  •       ′ ˋ
  •  Only you.
  •  You are my sunshine .
  •  ︶︶ ̄︶︶ ̄︶
  •  - To Name
  • 我是变形金刚;
  •    "百毒不侵
  •    "面面俱到
  •    "不知疲倦
  • [世界太闹]
  • The worlr is too vast
  • [你的苦笑]
  • you laughing and crying
  • [不只为我]
  • is not for me
  • 书读得再好
  • Read better
  • 背景再牛逼
  • Background to cow force
  • 长得再好看
  • Grow to look good
  • 不会做人你也只是
  • 个人渣
  • Don't you are just bein
  • A scum
  • -
  • He gave up only one city
  • 只为他放弃一座
  • 城池,
  • day shone,
  • 在天光大亮的时候
  • went to a life or death
  • unknown.
  • 奔赴一场或生或死
  • 的未知。
  •  -----------
  • 【 I love you 】
  • 【 I like you 】
  • 【 I miss you 】
  • 【 I nead you 】
  • -祝你长安无泪
  •  祝我孤独百岁
  • -We used to love
  •  Think of sad
  • ╪——————
  • Happiness is out of stoc
  • 幸福那么缺货
  • please do not profligacy
  • 请别肆意挥霍
  • ╪———————
  • ▄▄▄▄▄︻︻▄
  • ▇▇▇▇▇◣◢▇
  • 现在我学会了
  • Now I have learned
  • 顺其自然
  • Go with the flow
  • 不想再挽留什么
  • Do not want to retain what
  • 我相信
  • I believe that
  • 该在的不会走
  • In this will not go

简约qq英文分组 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • who cares deep inside
  •  谁管你情深似海
  • who care you live or die
  •  谁管你是死是活
  • 将军身战死
  • The general body
  • 美人琉璃杯
  • The beauty of glass cup
  • 犹记少年事
  • Remember the young things
  • 竹马弄青梅
  • Ma Nong plum
  • There is always a perso
  • [你将永驻我心]
  • In my heart
  • [至死不离]
  • You cry and I cry
  • [你哭我哭]
  • You smile I smile
  • [你笑我笑]
  • You treat me good
  • 【你待我好】
  • I When you is an angel
  • 【我待你如天使】
  • You do not treat me we
  • 【你待我不好】
  • I When you are shit
  • 【我待你如狗屎】
  • ζ 发丝随着心情
  • dandelion°
  • ζ 鞋尖踏着舞步
  • dandelion°
  • ζ 思念伴着音乐
  • sunflower°
  • -
  • [要百毒不侵]
  • To iro
  • [要蛇蝎心肠]
  • To be cruel
  • [要刀枪不入]
  • To invulnerability
  • [这才叫坚强]
  • This is a strong
  • 你搂着她的肩
  • [ You hugged her shoulder ]
  • 对我视而不见
  • [ To pay no heed to me ]
  • ╓─────☆★
  • ┄就算
  • 全世界忘了你
  • ┄别怕
  • 【i hope one day】
  • 希望有一天
  • 【i love you】
  • 我爱你
  • 【become you love me】
  • 变成你爱我
  •  ???
  •  From are input
  •  {正在输入}
  • Stealth offline
  •  {隐身离线}
  • Unable to reply
  •  {无法回复}
  • [ What time ]
  • - 什么时候
  • [ You will notice ]
  • - 你才会注意到
  • [ I am behind ]
  • - 身后の我
  • `Sun.
  • [只是好友]
  • `Moon.
  • [只是家人]
  • `earth.
  • [只是朋友]
  • `Sunshine
  • [只是死党]
  • `Sunshine.
  • [他会致命]
  • Love so crazy
  • 爱得那么痴狂°
  • he pain was so ridiculous
  • 疼得那么可笑°

简约qq英文分组 QQ英文分组 第3张


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