
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:54:25  阅读 4 次 评论 0 条



  • 【得不到的永远在骚动】
  •  Can\\\\\\'t get forever
  • in the commotion
  • 【被偏爱的有恃无恐】
  • Be preferred to hide 
  • [Love is a joke]
  • -爱情是一个笑话
  • [ laugh off my head othe
  • -笑死了别人
  • [ smile hurt yourself.]
  • -笑疼了自己
  • 要让我低头
  • [ Let me down ]
  • 请你跪下
  • [ Please kneel ]
  • because
  • ? I love you
  • 卍 I want you
  •  ?嫁我
  • You and me
  • [心死他身够不够]
  • I love you
  • [遍体鳞伤美不美]
  • say me love
  • [一枪崩你狠不狠]
  • 1314
  • [久溺深海冷不冷]
  • You are me summer
  • [地狱再见行不行]
  • The human face
  • ╭love╮ "我
  • │love│ "爱
  • │love│ "你
  • │love│ "与
  • │love│ "你
  • │love│ "无
  • ╰love╯ "关
  • 也永远不会在一起
  • 什么都好
  • What all good
  • 花开很好
  • Flowers is very good
  • 风吹也好
  • The wind is very good
  • Time does not dye.
  • Memories do not light.
  •  时光不染
  •  回忆不淡
  • Dream lover
  • Bad person
  • Classmats
  • Ctric acid
  • You appear inadvertentl
  • [你出现在无意中]
  • Shake me deeply
  • [却深深撼动我]
  • love is beautiful
  • so beautiful
  • 【 l love you 】
  • 【 you love me 】
  •  for life ~
  • In the overexert mouth
  •  嘴在逞强 -
  • In the heart of surrende
  •  心在投降 -
  • With but not abando
  •  伴而不弃 -
  • Love is not greasy
  •  深爱不腻 -

老师的QQ分组英文 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • Windy outside
  • 外面风很大
  • Go home with me
  • 跟我回家吧
  • Good morning
  •  good night
  •  早安晚安」
  • do not forget
  •  peace of mind
  •  勿忘心安」
  • 北城荒凉
  • [ Beicheng desolate ]
  • 故人难忘
  • [ With unforgettable ]
  • 岁月安好
  • [ Who lived deeli ]
  • 静待彷徨
  • [ Waiting for stray ]
  •  ?′`)
  • ,?′ ?,?′`)
  • (?,?′ ?
  • ?  ?
  • [你是执念]
  • You are the obsessio
  • [哪怕万丈深渊]
  • Even if the aby
  • [我也奋不顾身]
  • ?
  • Start,
  •  我喜欢你
  •  我喜欢过你
  •  End.
  • 既然初相遇
  • [since I first saw]
  • 何以陌相离
  • [why devoted to stay]
  • 既然心不甘
  • [since heart unwilling]
  • 何以轻言弃
  • [how light give up]
  • 既然路尚远
  • [since the road is stil]
  • 何以南北极
  • [why polar]
  • 【姑娘眼睛】
  • The girl eyes.
  • 【多美】
  • How beautiful.
  • 【不太适合流泪】
  • Not suitable for tear. 
  • Others don't understand
  • 别人可不理解。
  • To convergence。
  • 要收敛。
  •     ┏╮/╱℡
  •     ╰★ ╮ 
  •     ╱/╰┛ 
  • I pretend;  
  • I don't care you
  • but still I feel
  •   ら゛the pain
  • すすす、
  • 我假装不在乎你」 
  • ※但痛的是我自己
  • -True Friendship
  • - isn't about being inseparable
  • - it's being separated
  • - and nothing changes. 
  • Let everything go away
  • 就让一切走远
  • We did not cry
  • 我们却都没有哭泣
  • Let it go to
  • 让它好好的去
  • Forget yesterday
  • 忘却昨天
  • Cherish today
  • 珍惜今天
  • Shock tomorrow
  • 震撼明天

老师的QQ分组英文 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • ◇ 少年
  • The young
  • 我为了你而活
  • I live for you
  • 能不能为我准备婚纱
  • Marry me just fine
    ◆ 姑娘
  • The girl
  • 我为了你而梦
  • I dream for you
  • 能不能为我准备西装
  • Marry me just fine
  • 我不坚强。
  • -I am not strong
  • 没人会替我坚强。
  • -No one will be
  •  strong for me
  • Dear丶 ︶ε╰
  • ◢████◣
  • █ ≥ ≤ █
  •  ╰ ε ╯
  •  /██┙
  •  ┛┕
  • I want you、
  •  for ever....
  • --I said 
  • -I will wait 
  • -for you
  • -Wait wait
  • -
  • -我说我等你-
  • 一直等一直等
  •   、 ,
  •   - ● -
  •    ′ ˋ
  • ╭⌒⌒╮╮
  • ╰﹀﹀╭⌒╮╮
  •    ╰﹀﹀╯
  • 我愿用整个生命。
  • I can to spend my life
  • 替你找到幸福。
  • find happiness to you。
  • 倾听我心つ
  • Listen to my heart
  • Listen for your dream
  • 究竟还有走多久
  • _________
  • 才能相逢丶
  • 才能满足丶
  • _________
  • 才能变得温柔?
  • ︶﹋︶﹋︶﹋︶
  • A tiny seeds in the hand,
  • - 一颗小小的种子
  • but in his heart he has
  • - 握在手心里
  • a warm feeling.
  • - 却有温暖的感觉
  •  Sometimes,
  • I want to
  •  disappear once
  • and then see
  •  if anyone was miss me
  •  Miss you
  • But I don't love you.
  • I look not beautiful
  • 我长得不美
  • but I have to do my own.
  • 但我一直做我自己
  • Sea and city
  • [海与城]
  • You and me
  • [你与我]
  • Time does not dye
  • [时光不染]
  • Memories do not light
  • [回忆不淡]
  • ?
  • Plaid shirt young
  •  [格子衫少年]
  • Mini skirt girl
  •  [迷你裙姑娘]
  • Remember my good
  • 记住我的好
  • Or remember me
  • 或记住我就好

老师的QQ分组英文 QQ英文分组 第3张


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