
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:56:10  阅读 3 次 评论 0 条



  • \\\\\\ sorry \\\\\\
  • You are my only love
  • bably , can you see
  • -
  •  天真岁月不忍欺
  •  青春荒唐我不负你
  • 想找你说说话
  • Want to seek you to talk
  • 却找不到话题
  • But can't find the topi
  • 挺难受的
  • Very uncomfortable
  • 长发与眸
  • Long hair and eyes.
  • 森林与鹿
  • Forests and the deer.
  • 故事与酒
  • Stories and wine.
  • AFriendInNeed
  • 难之交患
  • IsAFriendIndeed
  • 才是真的朋友
  • -Forgive other
  • -原谅别人
  • -At the same time
  • -同时
  • -also let yourself
  • -也放过自己
  • 柠檬不萌
  • Lemon is not primary
  • 柚子不诱
  • Pomelo is not induced
  • 榴莲不恋
  • Durian is not love
  • 蓝莓不美
  • Blueberry is not beautif
  • 樱桃不淘
  • Cherry is not new
  • 龙眼不艳
  • Longan is not bright
  • Tell yourself
  • [告诉自己]
  • You good
  • [其实你很乖]
  • How impudent
  • [懂得放肆之后]
  • after not overdo sth
  • [适可而止]
  • I smile,  
  •      ﹏﹏。
  • but it doesn’tこ
  •      meanっ
  • everything╮   
  •   ゜is OK.
  •  □■□■□
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~∝。
  • ﹏。此生 ╮
  • I miss you
  • I love you
  • ﹏。此世 ╮
  •  Autism 
  •   孤獨癥
  •  Insomnia 
  •   失瞑癥
  •  Depression 
  •   憂郁癥
  • One kiss one love
  • 今生只吻你
  • one love one life 
  • 今生只爱你
  • You are my light
  • 你是我的生命之光
  •  -
  •  I have many dream
  •  [我有很多梦想]
  •  - one of them is
  •  about you
  • [有一个是
  •  关于你的]

女生qq英文分组翻译 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • 能登上我号的人
  • To reach my number one
  • 那就是我最爱的人
  • That is the one I love most
  • ▇▇ ???
  • ミ?love is you
  • ▄▄︻︻▄
  • love is me? ミ
  • ▄▄︻︻▄
  • ???
  • love is? forever
  • ???▇▇
  • No one like you
  • (无人像你)
  • No one and you
  • (无人及你)
  • Have you is enough
  • (有你足矣)
  • 、闓詩 ★ ┛
  •  Happinessミ
  • ─━◇灬`示言ゞ
  •  Heartthrobミ
  • ─━◇灬`誓言ゞ
  •  Despairミ
  • ─━◇灬`逝言ゞ
  •  ◆ 纯属失言。
  • The heart is mine.
  • 心虽是我的.
  • But it is full of you.
  • 可里面装的全是你.
  • I believe you.
  • [我相信你.]
  • You have to hurt me.
  • [你却伤害我.]
  • [只要你在]
  • As long as you are
  • [什么都好]
  • What all good
  • [花开很好]
  • Flowers is very good
  • [风吹很好]
  • The wind is very good
  • But everything is 
  • worth a try.
  • 记住,
  • 不是所有事情都能
  • 如愿以偿
  • Tell yourself
  • [告诉自己]
  • You Good
  • [其实你很乖]
  • After the wanton
  • [放肆之后]
  • not overdo sth.
  • [适可而止]
  • 若爱请深爱
  • If love please deep love
  • 可我不在你的
  • But I am not in your
  • 未来 
  • futur
  • 我爱的人
  •  A loving person
  • 他身上有烟草味
  •  Tobacco smoke
  • 他喜欢喝酒
  •  drinking
  • 他在心目中是超人
  •  superman
  • 他是我的大树
  •  The tree
  • 我是他的一切
  •  All of him
  • 他是我爸爸
  •  dad
  • 你想歪了哄?
  • 爱情
  • Beginning is difficult
  • 【开始是艰辛的】
  • Process is perfect
  • 【过程是完美的】
  • Outcome is sad reminder
  • 【结局是悲催的】

女生qq英文分组翻译 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • ゛Forever ⒈ 
  • ℡▁▁▁▁
  • ゛Forever ⒉ 
  • ?▁▁▁▁
  • ゛Forever ⒊ 
  • っ▁▁▁▁
  • ゛Forever ⒋ 
  •  ? the end,
  • [why]
  • 在我最难过的时候
  • [In my most sad]
  • 你还笑的那么开心
  • [You laugh so happy]
  •  dear good close frie
  • I will remember you
  • 我会想念你
  • forever
  • 直到永远
  • I love you.
  • I see you.
  • I miss you.
  • I believe you.
  • I wait you.
  • I follow you.
  • I want you.
  • I carry you
  • I need you.
  • I choose you
  • I know you.
  • I bless you
  • I care you.
  • I protect you
  • I marry you.
  • Do not try the heart
  • 别去试人心
  • You not only to be disa
  • 你不止会失望
  • Even despair
  • 甚至会绝望
  • 这一群 不解释゜
  •  ───── L ↗
  • 这些人 很现实゜
  •  ───── O ↗
  • 这些人 很陌生゜
  •  ───── V ↗
  • 这几个 永远滴゜
  •  ───── E ↗
  • 这个人 永不变゜
  • You and sunshine丶
  • Every day morning丶
  • -love what I love 丶
  • -hate what I hate丶
  • ╭LOVE╮°
  • 償若妳真愛她
  • 就請懂得擔當
  • 償若她已有伴
  • 請將情意深藏
  • I would cry- 
  • [我会哭] 
  • But I will not lose 
  • [但我不会输] 
  •  If you cry sad
  •  [你若哭的凄凉]
  •  I laugh rampant
  •  [我定笑的猖狂]
  • ——不困于情
  • Not trapped in the love
  • ——不乱于心
  • Do not mess in the heart
  • ——不畏将来
  • Not fear in the future
  • ——不念过往
  • Do not read in the past
  • [视她如空气]
  • [As if her air]
  • [却忘了]
  • [But forget]
  • [空气就是命]
  • [Air is the life]
  • I want to see you.
  • 我想要两个西柚。

女生qq英文分组翻译 QQ英文分组 第3张


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