
原创QQ分组大全  2019-12-04 00:59:16  阅读 4 次 评论 0 条



  • You just say you love me
  • 你刚刚说爱我
  • Forget after the turn.
  • 在转身后就忘了
  • His mouth whisper
  • 嘴里呢喃着
  • Hello baby naive
  • 宝贝你好天真
  • ╪──────
  • A For Angle
  • B For Boy
  • C For Classmate
  • D For Dear
  • E For Especially
  • F For Family
  • Love U For Ever
  • If you love
  • 如果·爱
  • Please deep love
  • 请深·爱
  • Do not love
  • 如·不爱
  • Please leave
  • 请·离开
  • While I was still
  • [ 趁我还在 ]
  • While I still love
  • [ 趁我还爱 ]
  • The girl
  • [ 姑娘 ]
  • But will come back
  • [ 可不可以回来]
    While I was still
  • [ 趁我还在 ]
  • While I still love
  • [ 趁我还爱 ]
  • Juve
  • [ 少年 ]
  • But will come back
  • [ 可不可以回来]
  • I’ll use you
  • 我可以把你
  • as a warning sign
  • 当做警告信号
  • That you talk enough
  • 你越理直气壮
  • sense then you\\'ll
  • 你越会
  • lose you mind
  • 理智全无
  • -光与暗
  • -the light and the dark
  • -大与小
  • -the big and the small
  • -记住
  • -just keep in mind
  • -没有人能得到全部
  • -you need no more at all
  • I don\\\\\\'t understand
  • 我很不明白
  • Why so soo
  • 为什么这么快
  • Youth so buried
  • 青春就这样被掩埋
  • Flowers bloom and fade.
  • [花开花落]
  • you and me
  •  ━━━
  • [我溺水深海]
  • [你却遥不可及]
  • you are my spring
  •  ?
  •  ﹉﹡
  • who will not ??‥
  • understand ﹔
  • this world  ﹔
  • Take tmventory ??
  •        ≈
  •     ★
  •  To me
  •  you are my world
  •  ?
  •  ●-─---@●
  •  │● .●│
  •  ╰──-─╯
  • ╭⌒ゝ [我想要他]
  • ╰゛I want him
  • ╭⌒ゝ [他是那么简单]
  • ╰゛He is so simple
  • ◇ 少年
  • The young
  • 我为了你而活
  • I live for you
  • 能不能为我准备婚纱
  • Marry me just fine

五个字英文单词qq分组 QQ英文分组 第1张


  • Too many helple
  • [太多无奈]
  • Don\\'t want to say
  • [不想说出口]
  • Afraid of her sad
  • [怕她难过]
  • Love ME.
  • Feed ME.
  • And never Leave ME.
  • Do you understand
  • _________________
  • ┼───────
  • │ 、生
  • │ 、生
  • │ 、世
  • │ 、世
  • ───────┼
  • ,‐ 、,ˊˋ、
  • `.    ,′
  •  ˋ . ˊ
  • _我愿意
  • Love you forever
  • Already the letting go
  • 早已该放手
  • Restless conspiracy
  • 无休的阴谋
  • Joke has more than half
  • 玩笑已过半
  • Not shouldn't
  • 不由不该
  • I Love the boy
  •  我爱的少年
  • I had a dream
  •  我做了一个梦
  • Are you in love witr
  •  是你爱上了我
  •  Time lover
  •  — ?
  •  WooCall
  • 这人怎么那么傻
  •  I gra
  • 这人怎么那么呆
  •  paralysis
  • 这人怎么那么贱
  •  Whatsite
  •  物是人非啊
  • ●-------@●
  • │● .●│
  • ╰──-─╯
  • My best じòぴé
  • I love myself
  • [我爱自己]
  • There is no rival in love
  • [没有情敌]
  • I don’t love their words
  • [我爱自己不言语]
  • ヮ In Summer 。*
  •  " L o v é 
  •   ≈  VIP
  • I don't need a dream.
  • 我不需要梦想。
  • Dreams are for 
  • poor people.
  • 梦想是为——
  • ——穷人准备的。
  • 一抹阳光
  • 向着太阳
  • 、A
  • 、B
  • 、C
  • 、D
  • 1s,my 1ove丶
  • 妲己再美,
  • 终究是妃。
  •  -------
  •  You are my sunshine@
  •  -------
  •  You are my life@
  •  -------
  •  You are mine@
  •  -------
  •  You are my season@
  •  -------
  •  And Do you love me@
  •  -------
  •   *
  •  i want $omeOne `
  •  Afra1d of losIng *

五个字英文单词qq分组 QQ英文分组 第2张


  • □■□■□
  • □■□■□
  • Previous ↘
  • |▍I have°
  • No words don't say ╮
  • Now the ↘
  • Have nothing to say ╮
  • if you really love.
  • 如果你真的爱.
  • So you don't miss.
  • 那么你就别错过.
  • Please cherish me.
  • 请你珍惜我.
  • Don't miss me.
  • 别错过我.
  • ╯﹏╰
  •  有种痛,叫做懂
  • /───────
  • There is a pain,
  • called the understand.
  • -你知不知道
  • You know not to know
  • -每一夜
  • Every night
  • -我都在
  • I have bee
  • -等你说
  • I have bee
  • -晚安
  • Good night
  • Once upon a time
  • there was a bed ,
  •  从前有张床
  • Lazy a lot of
  • people were killed.
  •  懒死了很多人
  • you are mine﹏
  • I don\\\\\\'t
  • love anyone,
  • Except you.
  • I love you.
  • 你是我°
  • You are my
  • 此生最爱的一首诗
  • This life favorite poem
  • 曾耗尽温柔地
  • Had run out gently
  • 想读懂你
  • Want to understand you
  • 却徒劳无功
  • But in vain
  • 没结果的花
  • No results of flowers
  • 未完成的牵挂
  • Not completed
  • 我们学会许多说法
  • We learn to many
  • 来掩饰不碰的伤疤
  • To hide do not
  •  touch the scar
  • You are the sky
  • - 妳是天空
  • You are white cloud
  • - 妳是白雲
  • You are the sea
  • - 妳是大海
  • You are a high mountai
  • - 妳是高山
  • Knowing you is a dream.
  • 深知你是梦。
  • Know that you are life.
  • 深知你是命。
  • Know that you are light.
  • 深知你是光。
  • I\\'m not touch.
  • 我触及不到。
  • Happy
  • would you lide
  •  to terlaw
  • what your life
  • sgould be。。。
  • . ╭⌒⌒のˊ
  • . ( . .)ˋ
  • 、、、、-、=0
  • 亲爱的。
  • 亲爱
  • 永远
  • ?伊
  • Iraq
  • 覆我之唇
  • Cover my li
  • 祛我前世流离
  • Remove my past life of w
  • ????????
  • 与子成说
  • To our wives we pledged
  • 死生契阔
  • For life or for death, h
  • 执子之手
  • We held their hand
  • 与子携老
  • And the son of Xie Lao

五个字英文单词qq分组 QQ英文分组 第3张


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